Word of appreciation to the Star Vault team


Aug 28, 2020
I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the efforts of the SV team in creating such a beautiful unique game and express my appreciation for what you have both done and continue to strive for.

I can imagine being a game developer who strives to maintain a close relationship with its player base such as SV does must be a challenging affair, especially when considering how vicious and venomous people can be. Not all communities are built equally and let’s be frank, the Mortal community can be incredibly toxic and discouraging. Downright cunty to be honest.

Star vault much like its player base however are incredibly stubborn. Some of us within the boundaries of the game have maintained decade old grudges and wared in game for literally years. Star Vault have been waging their own war to create arguably the greatest fantasy MMO ever undertaken in this modern age of gaming. They are doing this as a comparatively small developing company, and that takes some serious balls and dedication.

Star Vault have shown an incredible ability to listen and adapt to feedback from the community. They have shown much stronger ownership over their game with what feels like a clearer idea of what they want to do and how they are going to do it. They have shown to learn from their mistakes and been very open about their missteps and improved their communication tremendously.

Thank you Star Vault!

Thank you for not giving up on your vision and dream. Thank you for not giving up on this community which must be a tough fugly ass kid in its tweens to love. Thank you for providing some of the best gaming experiences and opportunity to make lifelong friends <3

A word to the community

It has always been the case that people express negativity at what causes them frustration or displeasure at a much greater rate than they do appreciation, if they even bother to express appreciation at all.

Star Vault is releasing quality patches at a staggering rate with equal parts polish, balance, and expansion. You have an opportunity here to help create the game you want to play. Remember this is a beta, things will change, and they will not always be pretty. Instead of being venomous, be constructive with your criticism. Express your dislike or like in a well thought out way, and you will help shape the game into the best version it can be!

Take the recent changes to weapon half hits and Int on spell casting. Take a moment to ask yourself is it a bad change for you? or the whole game in general? if it is the ladder you should be able to provide a clear reason based in logic and experience as to why. If you feel something is a terrible change, make a thread with a poll and generate some positive constructive criticism to reflect yourself and the communities voice and create change : D

I think this community has actually grown up quite a bit since the MO1 days and it would be great to see it grow and improve as much as Star Vault have!
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