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  1. Chef

    A tungsteel handel should have much more durability as steel. Only 20 more then steel is a joke, compared how expencive tungsteel is.

    Just because something is more expensive/harder to get doesn't mean it should excel in every way possible. Can tungsteel hold a sharper edge and have a better heft than steel? Sure. but it doesn't mean it should be greatly more durable as well.
  2. Chef

    Can we just agree the game needs more monsters to populate the world?

    Nice strawman argument. I only said there shouldn't be many mobs there, not that there can't be one or two rare resources which may be a mob, or it could be a mineable/gatherable. For instance, in MO1 there was the Tindrem sewers which had a boss and a good number of ratmen. That would be fine...
  3. Chef

    Unemployed thief LF work

    Go play Elder Scrolls if you want thievery. Having it in this game, especially on release, would be too abuseable, chaotic and would likely drive new players away.
  4. Chef

    Can we just agree the game needs more monsters to populate the world?

    Like you said, it's a starting zone. There shouldn't be that many mobs there to begin with.
  5. Chef

    Can we just agree the game needs more monsters to populate the world?

    Having more mobs devalues the encounter with said mobs. If everywhere you went you saw a bandit, a bear, a prower, a troll etc it would not only devalue the materials dropped from said mobs, but trivializes the journey and preparation needed to go out and find them.
  6. Chef

    What's the deal with Bandits now swarming and taking a team to finish a camp? As a gold farm this is terrible because the gold split is too Small

    Because attacking an bandit camp by yourself should not be so easy? Also, the drops you suggest are absurd. It doesn't make sense to find that much gold off of a bandit.
  7. Chef

    Wtf How is the Development progressively getting worse? Broker not working,Guards not working, Stables not working, even Ui problems and Clade Resets?

    No, if they focus too much on bug fixes the game would get delayed time and time again. The focus should be getting towards persistent steam release rather than polishing every nook and cranny of the game.
  8. Chef

    Why your PvP Enthusiast stop playing and wont come back

    Then don't play it. Don't project your negativity onto everyone else.
  9. Chef

    Why your PvP Enthusiast stop playing and wont come back

    Psyche is not entirely RNG based. There are two components to it: one is a flat damage reduction to all incoming magic attacks by a slight amount. This damage reduction begins somewhere north of 50 psyche. The other component is a chance to resist. This is what you are referring to and is RNG...
  10. Chef

    Why your PvP Enthusiast stop playing and wont come back

    Three footies hitting 30s-40s on mages is not the same as three mages hitting ~70 damage flamestrikes. Wrong. I've been hit a few times while casting and I didn't fizzle. That's what the secondary skill concentration is for. Furthermore, since a footfighter is expending a lot of stamina in...
  11. Chef

    Suggestion: Stop notifying about new items added

    That's within the spirit of MO though. The whole point is to look for materials that may or may not be there, not to be hand held through the game. No one knew growth/shrink food existed in MO1. Could you imagine the applause upon its discovery however? That's the way it should be going forward...
  12. Chef

    The big Balance Thread. Pets vs Footfighters. Mounted Players vs Footfighter. Ideas how to balance the combat

    If people cannot take the time to read a thought out post, their opinions do not matter.
  13. Chef

    Criminal flag timer

    If they went blue don't mess with them then? If you went criminal trying to grief the griefers you are no better than they are.
  14. Chef

    Criminal flag timer

    Yes you can.
  15. Chef

    Criminal flag timer

    Blueblocking is one of the quintessential reasons why this setting exists now.
  16. Chef

    Criminal flag timer

    There is a setting in game that prevents you from unintentionally going criminal. Use it.
  17. Chef

    Add a primary to not fizzle on a horse

    Marksmanship is completely optional. Many archers don't have it since it takes a lot of skill to land headshots consistent enough to make marksmanship worth getting. Heavy armor training... shouldn't even count since both MAs, MCs and sometimes MM will have them. Some MAs and MCs may not have...
  18. Chef

    Is cronite no longer worth farming?

    Although cronite is <10% lighter than a steel weapon, it swings 15-20% faster. Yes it is worth farming. Not to mention, the armor is great as well.
  19. Chef

    Old armor crafting is necessary for a stam penalty system like this.

    Next time test things before you jump to conclusions and start a rant.