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  1. Grasthard

    new crafting animations

    when crafting at a weapon/armor table, smaller characters like huergar and alvarin headbutt inside the table if they are close to it. video example ps: the crickets are a bit overtuned....
  2. Grasthard

    what's up with gorges?

    every "biome" of MO2 map is littered with gorges, most of which you cannot see until you get close. some are just a shallow crevice, while many are a one-way death trap. are they meant to be like an environmental hazard. or to prevent afk running in the world? in many case they are just a mild...
  3. Grasthard

    no mounts in roadmap?

    checking the website, it seems that mounts are quite far in the roadmap, placed even after the persistent release (early access?). I wish SV would reconsider and try to push mounts a bit earlier in the development, even if the system is absolutely primitive like it was in MO1 beta (no taming...
  4. Grasthard

    Tweaking weapon crafting

    I was running some quick tests on few weapon types (2h swords, axes and spears) and I was noticing some weird patterns first, str requirement affects swing speed, and not weight as few people were suggesting in various chats. while it seems the 2 would be connected, str requirement actually...
  5. Grasthard

    a quick fix to both combat and weaponcrafting

    in other threads, I mentioned I wouldn't comment much on combat system, being a noob and playing with very high ping (>250ms). However, by testing more the combat, there are some issues which I feel are quite relevant, if even a noob like me can pick those up. the 2 main issues I have with the...
  6. Grasthard

    MO2 stress test has the potential to break "some" world records

    title now we only need 800+ players, the sausage lake, and an in-game cameraman. come on SV, you wouln't want to be second to your Finnish...
  7. Grasthard

    yay Beta?

    We are now officially in beta, for the best or the worst! #1 Added: Added LOD's to capes and banners. Added dynamic detail scalability to characters and creatures. Body physics, cloth simulation, shadows, motion blur, fur and some animation details are now turned down or off based on...
  8. Grasthard

    Profession skill points, multiple characters and multiple accounts

    Did anyone from SV already mention how many skill points we will have at release for professional skills? is it only 1000? also, right now each account is linked with the steam account (ie you directly login using the steam credentials). In the future will be allowed to have multiple MO2...
  9. Grasthard

    very first impressions of the alpha

    here is a quick feedback based on my very first impression of the alpha: I played just around 2 hours last night, in between several crashes, so it is really based on first impressions - crashes: I just wanted to address this first, in an otherwise very positive first impression. I am...
  10. Grasthard

    Alpha access from Japan

    Hello guys (seeing lots of OGs in the MO2 boards). I wanted to try out MO2 alpha and decided to donate the basic package however, I am currently living in Japan and trying to pay with JCB card. apparently the Paypal thing does not allow payments from Japan. anyone knows a way around it?