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  1. B

    how to know where you are in nave

    so , who , never , ever have been lost in nave ? i think no one can say it never happened to him so , let's see what we have and what can be done ; we have mortal online map ; while it's helpul and better than nothing , it's not up to scale and not that accurate ; since SV will probably never...
  2. B

    please fix taming bugs , and nodeline thing bug

    hello all i'm here because i am grumpy ; but i want to make an intelligent report here , so please don't say i'm yelling without reason taming bug ; when you tame things , Pet point don't refresh themselve if you don't hit the lvl button ( + / - / locked ) ; why ! nodeline (( ppl...
  3. B

    low level fatal error

    LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 671] CommandQueue->Signal(FenceCore->GetFence(), FenceToSignal) failed at C:/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/D3D12RHI/Private/Windows/WindowsD3D12Fence.cpp:22 with error DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED sooo , mo2 worked just fine 2 weeks ago , now it just...
  4. B

    losing weight ...

    why is this so easy to gain weight and so hard to lose it ,? my hunger went near the limit so i took some cooked pig , and gained like 3 kg in the process now i'm overweight and lost my +5 str : i suicided liek 30+ time ; rested , tried to drink water and i lost 2 kg ( it's a very long...
  5. B

    know bugs ( in hope someone who can repair those read this )

    i wanted to do it , so let's do it let's put 2 category here 1 >>> litteral bug , things that glitch / don't work / wtf ? 2 >>> Feature that don't work like they should ( or seem like it at least ) i will update this post day by day to add the thing people notice and write here ; mine will...
  6. B

    bug report and some complain

    just wanna report some bug that probably everyone know but that i didn't saw here yet _ horse pathing is just bad for now ; get away from you so you can't mount ( happen ) ; can't jump over small walls but will walk over 2 meter tall thing when you are not on it ( happen often ) complain...
  7. B

    can't launch , need help ...

    ok , so first , to ease the "work" of my helper , my computer level is at " i know i'm not so great but i'm not dumb" soooo i paid err donated to get my key , dowloaded the game ( 20 h ! yeaha ! ) ; so got the game installed try to lauch , okay don't have w10 , let's try direct x 11 ; then...
  8. B

    profession skill point

    will be in game in a week but am curious i heard for crafting , 70 is the max for efficiency and the rest is more like cosmetic ; but what about taming ??? extraction ? herding and the like ?
  9. B

    cooking system

    very simple one here did it evolve ? will it evolve ?
  10. B

    Can anyone answer all the question i have on mo 2 ?

    Hey , I'm from mo 1 (when there was still a bit of population lol ) ,I have some general question ,if anyone can give me a general feel of how mo2 seem to go compared to mo1 it's good too First thing, I didn't and won't take the beta access , the way they make ppl pay to play and test an...