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  1. Floky

    Will this computer run mortal online 2

    I literally dm him that same one already😆
  2. Floky

    Will this computer run mortal online 2

    to be fair man this is like the absolute worst time to buy a new pc global chip shortage
  3. Floky

    Will this computer run mortal online 2

    @Dracoking902 the last one you linked would run game but not at max settings like I have a gtx 1070 bit better than the 1660 and I get 40 ish fps on low
  4. Floky

    Make skilling take longer

    no just...... just no ...plz no
  5. Floky

    Two handed swords

    swords are good at 1v1 or small fights but in big group fights, I feel big boi weapons are better. so I feel weapon choice is down to personal preference if ppl like swords and it is all that is used that is fine. 3 MORE DAYS TILL MOUNTS thank henrik
  6. Floky

    Make skilling take longer

    thank you for taking the words from my brain and putting them to page
  7. Floky

    What Kind of Walls For Non-Keep Guilds?

    if wall are going to be put in for house smake it tier system where if you got a shack you can only put up some poopy fence but if u got a tier 4 or 5 house you can put up some good wood walls
  8. Floky

    Your Favorite Songs

  9. Floky

    Hey could this get fixed before persistent

    ya that is what i was wanting
  10. Floky

    Hey could this get fixed before persistent

    I just don't want ppl to be able to push you all the way to the ocean to drown you
  11. Floky

    Hey could this get fixed before persistent

    so if this does not get fixed you can just kill ppl in tind or something and get no mc
  12. Floky

    Make skilling take longer

    I think there are 2 outcomes for leveling the first is it takes too long the second is leveling is too quick if you are a game developer leveling too quick is better than slow it means you get players to that meat of gameplay that will get them hooked and be paying customers for a long time...
  13. Floky

    The Improved Combat AI Seems Promising

    I would like to see a more drastic change in color and texture for different mats for the armor
  14. Floky

    Tapii wood rework

    So in mo1 tapii was about 100 times the price as sponge wood bows but you only did about 10% more damage. Since tapii is considered to be "magic wood" it would be cool if this time round in mo2 tapii wood did magic damage instead of physical damage. The outcomes of this would be if you are...
  15. Floky

    Hybrid online.

    let's talk about the future development of the game so there are supposed to be 12 schools? (I remember 12 but not, at least I'm sure more than 8 for sure) the melee is supposed to get throwing weapons and a few moves. so from my perspective hybrids look like a good bet so far we have seen ecu...
  16. Floky

    Guild System Feedback

    it is in-game so u just stay logged out till you want to move it
  17. Floky

    Guild System Feedback

    look at it from another side so if u were kicked and u had 20-30k in a bank in a guild keep or something would you be fine with writing that off the 1 hr in-game is a necessity otherwise you don't have time to move out I is about being fair yes the person you banned could troll you or something...
  18. Floky

    most of the rocks in medu u cant mine

    I just trying to make mess in medu and i cant mine any of these rocks man
  19. Floky

    Valheim sell over 4 million copies in just a few weeks.

    crazy man the amount that a game can sell