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  1. Teknique

    Friendly 2v1 PVP in Fabernum

    What am I watching, why are they hitting you for 4
  2. Teknique


    Yeah I really don't think any noob quit because they were making too much gold.
  3. Teknique


    To elaborate, I would kill some wisents skin them, sell the stuff to the vendor. Make 8 or so gold, buy a sator spear off the broker for x amount of gold. Then when I learned I had to drop some fighting skills or butchery ability was when the reality of MO hit. In short I think a combat...
  4. Teknique


    Something interesting Rolufe brought up is you can actually make a combat butcher now if you’re new. You don’t have to drop combat skills for lores
  5. Teknique


    When I was new killing animals was probably the only reason I played.
  6. Teknique

    Poll: Do You Like The New Combat

    I wouldn’t mind if the turn speed is increased to prevent people from just brainlessly running behind you to dodge.
  7. Teknique


    I think it helps noobs if they get useful materials from the creatues they kill instead of super heavy stacks of seemingly useless carcass. How much more exciting would MO 1 have been if you got all these mystery items every time you killed something? The gold and useful materials that will...
  8. Teknique

    Poll: Do You Like The New Combat

    Now that the combat has been out for a little while, how do you all feel? Please leave a written response if you feel the poll doesn't cover your opinions.
  9. Teknique

    How to raise the skill ceiling

    I'm somewhere in between both opinions. You'll never convince Henrik to go back to this. And honestly none of us can really blame him for that. I watched one of my old videos from a couple patches ago and it felt like fighting seizure robots how fast everything looked compared to now...
  10. Teknique

    How to raise the skill ceiling

    It doesn't work super great in that, that swing has to be greatly accelerated to have time for everything to register before you get hit, but still feels good as fuck when you land it.
  11. Teknique

    Thank you, SV.

    I'm with it, it just can't get any slower or any more turn cappy.
  12. Teknique

    How to raise the skill ceiling

    Its not unplayable You can out aim the average player if that's how you want to play. Mix it up with some parries after hit reset, some ballerina spins xd xd and its kinda enjoyable.
  13. Teknique

    Can You Aim Trade Now?

    Its been asked can you aim trade against an opponent? I dueled who was on to find out. I think the answer is yes, the average player that you run into now won't be furry with swing queuing and instant parry recoveries anymore. Will you be able to beat a top 10 duelist with just the left click...
  14. Teknique

    Ridiculous .90 Patch Team Fight

    I'm trying not to paint the patch with a broad brush of "kek not skill based". I personally am not enjoying not being able to close the distance on an opponent after a parry, and I felt like I was getting stickied way too easily in team fights. The turn cap hinders fast twitch aim as well which...
  15. Teknique

    Patch Notes Discussion

    It means the player collision doesn't drain EXTRA stam anymore. You know how they made it take stam instead of swing cancelling, now they just removed it entirely is basically what that is saying.
  16. Teknique

    Sunset and Moon Rise

    A planet with a moon so large that they are both considered planets.
  17. Teknique

    Patch Notes Discussion

    I think it would be a mistake not to tweak both the turn cap and movement speed. The parry after hitting is really cool though I must admit, and honestly the blocked hits were just cancer i'd rather see something else.
  18. Teknique

    Patch Notes Discussion

    Obviously i'm the last person that would ever want turn caps. While its a minor inconvenience at this point I do think some quality of aim is suffering due to the tightening of the turn cap. I would like to see the movement speed adjusted slighty as well. I feel like getting sticky backed is a...
  19. Teknique

    Sunset and Moon Rise

    Really love that moon effect. Your blade glowing orange. Really cool. I really wish they made the moon a binary planet instead, would've been very unique. check out my blade at :04 seconds. Crazy
  20. Teknique

    Is anyone recruiting to their super elite guild

    I'm betting heavily on Sebulba. He always wins!