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  1. Jatix

    Help with bow crafting

    Emalj is also surprisingly decent as 'what we have at home' crepite
  2. Jatix

    Help with bow crafting

    Theres a bow calculator you can find with google. Its on the same site as the one that has a character race builder. You can play around with it and try to find good recipes. Not saying the name in the hopes that the mods dont delete this post. But every new player should know the calcs exist...
  3. Jatix

    Human dex dagger mage viable?

    Keep in mind damage bonus adds up. You're definitely not winning a trade with this build. Also str effects ur max stam, so your max stam is crap compared to any other fighters, and is even crap compared to alv mages who have more dext. Also when I tried daggers in this game I was really...
  4. Jatix

    Taming, Domestication and Mounts

    They said at some point that in MO2 they wanted to make it so you can mount bigger pets. But that doesnt mean its going to happen. But will be cool if it was. You just discovered on of the biggest issues of pet users in MO1. You cant have a good pet and a mount. And now the world is way too big...
  5. Jatix

    Feedback housing system.

    What I mean is a full red on its own cant just start building a house like in a normal survival game. You need to get the deeds. Unless MO2 did it significantly differently. In MO1 this would usually always be blue alts, that are using towns. If you are 1 single character thats negative standing...
  6. Jatix

    Feedback housing system.

    This. I was asking for more survival mechanics a while back. A area MO always lacked is that you need a workbench to do anything. You shouldn't have to have a workbench for most things, it should just help. And adding workbenches isnt really the solution, its just a bandaid that MO does to have...
  7. Jatix

    Feedback housing system.

    Game needs both. I always hated when I would have a house and had to spawn at the nearest priest around and walk my naked ass to my house. And having a Tc priest took way more upkeep. Guilds should need to have a priest, but for solo players who are only spawning 1 character at the house, I...
  8. Jatix

    Can someone explain why Tf Mounts were buffed today?

    Game was doomed when they made the world 4X as big. Yes, it sounds cooler in concept. But bigger world means you need to go faster or travel takes too long. Which it does already. A fake fix to the world being too big is moving faster. But all the big world does is just make it so mounts are...
  9. Jatix

    Invisible weapons

    Bug fixes are everything. Ya new content is important but when theres still bugs that existed in MO1, in the new game that was supposed to be a better engine and fix these issues, gives a really bad look. Expect the negative reviews to roll in. A positive review of "big world cool fun, can tame...
  10. Jatix

    Give us regional servers

    If they wanted multiple servers they would have had to choose that before making the world bigger. Multi servers would need a world the size of MO1's, or smaller (because if it was over crowded just make more servers). With the massive world, especially when theres TC and stuff so everyone isnt...
  11. Jatix

    Why did the game go into early access today on Steam?

    I can assure you guys nubs are going to be getting rolled day 1. Not by everyone but plenty of people will be camping spots for their guilds, etc. And people make it sound like the server being a year ish old is a massive deal. A week or 2 after launch and people will be rolling good gear and...
  12. Jatix

    one character per account .....

    Multi sub is still pay to win, just not in the same sense people normally think. Multi sub doesnt make your fat mage hit 200+ and 1 shot people. But you can res your red fatmage outside town, give him gear with your blue alt, kill nubs with him, trade the loot over to bank/sell, and then repeat...
  13. Jatix

    Will servers be upgraded?

    By dead game I mean to the players playing, as in how dead the world feels. To the devs its the same money but devs usually only see short term $$$. Long term, 200 MO2 is a dead world that will be 100 players down the road. 200 MO1 was popping and people would hear that theres lots of pvp and...
  14. Jatix

    Will servers be upgraded?

    Whats dumb, is that if they had the ability to make more servers if the pop is too high, they should have done that instead of making the world too big. Because now if the pop drops low like MO1 the game wont even be playable. MO2 needs at least 4x the players MO1 needed to survive.
  15. Jatix

    Weapon Equipment Hits

    Yes Please This isnt mordhau, weapon equip hits should be removed. Your helmet doesnt take 0 equip hits, your sword shouldnt either. and unlike your helmet, your sword doesnt have defence stats. If they really want to keep the dumb equip hits they need to give weapons stats like armor so it...
  16. Jatix

    Mage Tutorial in Haven

    SV can also make magic skill progression and lore unlocks make sense. You get some of them from the tutor. But some of them still need book to open. So a nub may talk to the tutor, think he has his skills, and then grind spurt and not be getting his skills. And then think magic completely...
  17. Jatix

    Add Moment of Vulnerability after Parry

    And this my friends is why I say magic is OP. Cant be parried. Same with MA. To actually contribute to the topic. I think a possible solution is make parry damage higher. If you sit there getting hits for 5's over and over its going to add up. And then make big boy weapons that are slow and...
  18. Jatix

    Why did the game go into early access today on Steam?

    You are probobly right. My question is what game did you guys play before MO2, and what makes MO2 superior to those? I feel like technically, the vision of the game, is people like him and his friends. Just going around and enjoying the big world. One could make an argument that MO1 was never...
  19. Jatix

    Why did the game go into early access today on Steam?

    I'm not saying you guys are wrong. The game on this path could do much better. But another option to consider. Is that the current path MO2 is on, loses its PVP players, and the non PVP players that MO is trying to get more of still go play any other game. Theres no shortage of not pvp mmo's...
  20. Jatix

    Why did the game go into early access today on Steam?

    Which is just another bonus problem with MO2. Its mounted or go home. In a game that the combat alpha was all about foot, and foot combat is what more people enjoy. I've never gone outside town and seen mounted having a fun duel.