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  1. MaDeuce

    My business friend. Not that I don't elaborate about my business and social circle networks...

    My business friend. Not that I don't elaborate about my business and social circle networks... why do you ask?
  2. MaDeuce

    Regardless of 2020 circumstances.. Everyone deserves a chance to make friends and be Companions...

    Regardless of 2020 circumstances.. Everyone deserves a chance to make friends and be Companions. No DNA
  3. MaDeuce

    Your Favorite Songs

    Alright Babe.. NOT every minute is PUMP and HUNT 🏹. I vrey much love the seasons and treating my friends well through the Holidays. No worry, you friend NO prey Wishing you Happy & Merry Holidays PM 😻 (Pentatonix)
  4. MaDeuce

    Your Favorite Songs

    Its sick and pretty new 🏹 😻
  5. MaDeuce

    Your Favorite Songs

    Its ONLY seasonal LIFTING music for me KItten... Time for some gains or go Ham 🏹 😻
  6. MaDeuce

    Your Favorite Songs

    Yeah Baby!! Happy Holiday Music Kitten 🎄❄🏹 😻
  7. MaDeuce

    Drawing Contest!

    Wil SV post the winning picture? Or should there be another contest?
  8. MaDeuce

    Testing amazingly with my friends. No offense to anyone on the real. Companions forming😻

    Testing amazingly with my friends. No offense to anyone on the real. Companions forming😻
  9. MaDeuce

    Why don't we all just play MO1 until M02 comes out?

    I will try and address the last of your concerns first and then so on in revese order. Henrik Has explained that there will be new and aggressive AI in game soon. The stage testing is in right now is tightening up those actions the AI will have. the only way to engage this is through testing. I...
  10. MaDeuce

    Why don't we all just play MO1 until M02 comes out?

    I love exploring the tindrem graveyard, you know they added new content where there is a mob in the under world guarding treasure. Also it was one of the best ways to help out guild members while earning your necessary points if you KNOW WHAT IM SAYING :cool:😻
  11. MaDeuce

    A Couple Starting Questions (Mino Dungeon and Torches etc)

    if your rig isn't set to play for DLSS it will need to be optimized for performance. Its nothing new, also everyone that has been testing knows MO2 is persistent with new technology. UE4.25/Nvidia 3000 series etc...
  12. MaDeuce

    Your Favorite Songs

    For you Kitten 🏹 😻
  13. MaDeuce

    Why don't we all just play MO1 until M02 comes out?

    I go back and forth between MO1 & MO2 all the time perfecting recipes as well as archiving information. I really wish MO1's creativity turns into a cross platform mobile game someday.
  14. MaDeuce

    Krampus, when is Ash Wednesday?

    Krampus, when is Ash Wednesday?
  15. MaDeuce

    Your Favorite Songs

  16. MaDeuce

    The Game isn't Ready [Poll]

    -->Review<-- For yourself IS REALLY fair and just.. If it has both sides of the coin, (PvP/Pve) and not just one.. In fairness, these guys optimize almost each day so.. they are paying attention, making those adjustments needed from data collected by Testers. This all equivalates to...
  17. MaDeuce


    I trust you with my coin purse and that we have many grand adventures together across Nave! Cheers!! 😻
  18. MaDeuce

    The Game isn't Ready [Poll]

    Sorry, I will firmly disagree with that statement as this hasn't happened "yet" to MO2.
  19. MaDeuce

    The Game isn't Ready [Poll]

    Gotta rescue those fair maidens on their run away steeds all the while getting ambushed by dwarves... Where are my pants? 😻
  20. MaDeuce

    Testing.. Are you testing recipes and finding bugs? Lets go baby! 😻

    Testing.. Are you testing recipes and finding bugs? Lets go baby! 😻