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  1. Tzone

    Flagging system changes, just my 2 cents again.

    If they want to make PvP around towns harshly punished thats ok. As long as you are not punished for PvP out in the middle of no where, hours away from guards with no witnesses. Put guard towers up to symbolize the area some what, add guard camps for each empire sparsely around towns with the...
  2. Tzone

    GameBreaking Glitch New patch

    a common issue for the newer players.
  3. Tzone

    Too Anti-Solo

    Not healthy for your player base to require people to always be in groups. You can make it harder to be solo and thats fine but they do to much to the point they really try to make it impossible to solo or live away from towns.
  4. Tzone

    StarVault throws Pvp players under the bus

    Happens every game, PvPer fund and support the game then get thrown under the buss. PvP is the pillar of this game. The other content is to weak to be a pillar, it cant hold up the rest of the game like how PvP is holding the game up. Someone saying this games pillar is not PvP is kidding them...
  5. Tzone

    make map smaller

    The complaints are more about the anti PvP changes that destroy the pillar of the game with is PvP.
  6. Tzone

    Gather rocks / sticks to make club

    cant do that henrik wants you to live in towns.
  7. Tzone

    Fix Magery after 6 months of doing NOTHING ffs

    the fizzle is bug caused by the server thinking that you are still moving when you are not.
  8. Tzone

    Patch Notes Discussion

    yeah dont see where he said he was killing people at graveyards. Devs absolutely following the trend of killing a game by catering to carebears. You want to tell me that Im some horrible pychopath for PvPing too? I dont live in towns I live in the GK area. A area that used to be lawless but now...
  9. Tzone

    Let red players (5 plus MCs) bounty hunt too.

    Imagine spending your coders time on a system that excludes the people that could and would do it instead of working on TC. Should instead work on maximizing coder hours to impacted players. You had a good hour to impacted player ratio before the anti red change. Adding more systems to punish...
  10. Tzone

    Patch Notes Discussion

    Its average patch looking at the notes. I dont see any worse changes to the game like they usually have but what they did add is pretty idiotic content. Like only refining for keeps which people have been waiting and asking for months. Im sure everyone who was begging for refining tables for...
  11. Tzone

    Let red players (5 plus MCs) bounty hunt too.

    IDK how some one can be so out of touch to think that every player with more then 5 MCs is a criminal player. Its like they never left town and got ran up on multiple players. Many times have the other group initiated the fight but as the victors we are the ones stuck with losing rep and MCs...
  12. Tzone

    Sledgehammer anti house weapon

    yeah thats pretty dumb lol. really need some non zergling on the test team.
  13. Tzone

    Mechanic Explanation of new Features

    players dont place bounties they are randomly generated out of a pool of people with over 5 MCs
  14. Tzone

    Rep system sucks

    Everyone thinks the rep system sucks. SV makes mechanics to make the game less fun to get people to do other things but it doesnt work because for most people only play to PvP. No alternatives to PvP, no alternatives to mo2, so you just get a lot of pissed off PvPers still begrudingly playing...
  15. Tzone

    Let red players (5 plus MCs) bounty hunt too.

    If players would make bounties in the first place then we would not need a system.
  16. Tzone

    PVP community MO1

    You really reaching there but ened up looking foolish.
  17. Tzone

    Let red players (5 plus MCs) bounty hunt too.

    then you are probably either guard zone fighting or not wining open world fights. In open world when you PvP you are getting MCs or you are going to die.
  18. Tzone

    Red priests, reset of murder counts

    I cant see that, seems more out of spite because its always onesided against the PvPers. I would love outlaw content and to be the outlaw but they only keep trying to do things seemingly out of spite.
  19. Tzone

    Let red players (5 plus MCs) bounty hunt too.

    Pressing X to doubt, hope this was sarcasm.
  20. Tzone

    Let red players (5 plus MCs) bounty hunt too.

    yeah kinda agree, I will be using a blue alt to get contracts I like and then just using it to find people or track them for my red. But I think that they are not giving gold though. Just tokens for non gold so its a ok gold sink. The system had issues but you at least it provided content to...