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  1. Dixie

    Fish encyclopedia

    There is.
  2. Dixie

    Legendary weapons.

    Ya it was introduced and immediately forgotten. Like can we draw on them? no. A predesigned almost invisible miniscule change in appearance for a weapon you cannot repair..... for 600g. Ok?? Sad times. Very cool concepts of having legendary stuff and meaningfulness to max crafting but no follow...
  3. Dixie

    Fish encyclopedia

    I wonder if it is low chance on butcher/skin usage; so split everything into like stacks of 10 and try a thousand times vs 1 time 1 use. It wouldnt surprise me tbh
  4. Dixie

    dynamic spawns

    xD They are dynamic in the sense that your character triggers an invisible proximity sensor in x location (reliably in very specific spots ive noticed) and it instantly spawns 2 razerbacks or 2 bandits etc right on top of you. I just started walking slightly around the trigger spot once you...
  5. Dixie

    Horse Armor

    XD 1300 steel for a horse armor, to get 4-5 shot with arrows that cost pennies. If the arrows were crafted and specialized, sure... it would be added market value as well and can be reasonable when using expensive ammo. But 3 silver can kill a horse through steel armor at max level and...
  6. Dixie

    The obligatory f2p thread

    Fair, but Ya, I have no faith in a company introducing a system like that. Its a slippery slope of dissatisfaction, and as you can see they already had it once and failed to implement reasonably. Paying to unlock aspects of the game already created, and being behind a wall otherwise, is not a...
  7. Dixie

    The obligatory f2p thread

    In my opinion.. That's gross. and the worst way to introduce subscription systems. It becomes pay to win, where the base game without it feels terrible. Creating classes of people inside the game as well. If there is a sub, we pay it to support the game and enjoy future content. Personally I...
  8. Dixie

    Communications rework (whisper,guild chat, help chat ect)

    1000% love this. I could use discord or chat in any game, but the immersion this sets in place would be outstanding. Current in-game proximity voip is nice, and still my go-to, currently. To play devils advocate, Not having the traditional chat and communications people are used to can be a...
  9. Dixie

    Imagine instead we’d simply got catapults in the patch….

    But I have a new NPC to spend gold at, and fly my ravens! Points me in the direction of 30 (insert guild name here) sitting in a lawless town. I love my new vendor compass.
  10. Dixie

    Cancel Your WarDecs before Next patch

    Hopefully the patch gets proofread better than this post did. How would we pay double anyway, unless the patch automatically carries over the current Wardec guilds into both an ally and an active war? Unless in the new patch removing an active Wardec has a cost as well, it would be the same as...
  11. Dixie

    Patch Notes Discussion

    Heh I guess they should change this help tip when logging in right?
  12. Dixie

    Share your pc spec and in-game fps.

    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz 4.00 GHz 32.0 GB GTX 970 1tb SSD Setting render resolution to 60%, all settings on low, I get 35-60 fps but it looks like minecraft. Oh well. <3 the game so i still play. If i set render to 100% its 10-25 fps max lol.
  13. Dixie

    How to raise standing with Khurites when it has gone negative

    Parcels from Outlaw towns of Kranesh to Gaul kor and back. That will be the only way to do it, now that you are below 0 in khurite towns. You can pit stop at Cave Camp on the way, get some extra turn-ins. I had to do the same thing, and figure it out myself lol - its not a bad trip once you do...
  14. Dixie

    Bakti/Mohki Hub Discord for locals

    I figured, but either way someone will mod the server and that will always be terrible right? In any case, be it official or not, I still believe one discord with city channels would be better than a discord for every city. Take the most popular non official server and call it home for our...
  15. Dixie

    Bakti/Mohki Hub Discord for locals

    I think using the official Mortal Online 2 discord, while having 1 server, should have hubs for each main town as text channels. Keep separate discords for each town will get to be a headache when you consider other continents too.
  16. Dixie

    MC: New primary or secondary skill

    So much can be done to balance or polish it up, but instead I vote we embrace a convoluted flagging/bounty system so we feel even less likely to play, therefore not need any balance or coherent combat changes. MC problem solved!
  17. Dixie

    Whats the real incentive to use lightweight armors in this game?

    Personally I dropped heavy armor to fit more points in other skills to try them out. Going 13-15 weight can still get 40-48 in all defenses, and it really comes down to skill and gameplay for the armor to even matter. I dropped even lower to fit taming and magic for my veela high dex foot...
  18. Dixie

    Will this game work on my gaming laptop?

    My 970 with a better cpu, ssd, and 16gb ram barely runs 20-25fps with lowest graphics. I would say no. I play with render scale at 50-60% so it looks like minecraft but gives me 60fps lol. This is also partly due to my TWO 1440p monitors at 144hz running off my gtx 970 im sure.