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  1. CherryKush

    Let Me Change My Face/Hair/Tattoo Already! MY GOD!

    I agree 100%, no one knows why these simple things are never done. My guess is only Farmer Joe does the code work a few hours a week and Mortal Exodus is fighting for his attention as well. 🤷‍♀️
  2. CherryKush

    Let Me Change My Face/Hair/Tattoo Already! MY GOD!

    Magic 8 ball would be making better priority decisions 🎱
  3. CherryKush

    Pets Have Ruined the Game Completely

    I'm gonna lift stuff out of peoples pockets in Tindrem while I'm still in Meduli :cool:
  4. CherryKush

    Pets Have Ruined the Game Completely

    "gotta catch them all..."
  5. CherryKush

    Thymoricals Ban is Concerning

    If you play the bad guy in MO2 it does seem the scales of justice are against you. The Oghmir ban comes to mind not for breaking TOS but for just being crafty with his scam despite scamming being a part of Mortal.
  6. CherryKush

    Game is too Soft

    What?!?!? Who's really in control over there at SV? Has a deranged carebear kidnapped Henrik and holding him at gunpoint or something??!?! 🤣😆🤣
  7. CherryKush

    Answer the question; What is the number 1. reason the Mortal population is declining? A homework assignment for all Mortal enjoyers.

    In a game that prides itself on having large TC battles, guild tabards should have been in, wearable, and customizable on day one. For anyone that watches a fight involving more than 10 people it comes across as a giant WTF is going on here cluster F. How could not being able to recognize friend...
  8. CherryKush

    The Case for a General Chat

    I agree, adding another layer is just a pain.
  9. CherryKush

    Answer the question; What is the number 1. reason the Mortal population is declining? A homework assignment for all Mortal enjoyers.

    Mobs that drop on your head and spawn out of nowhere is the worst. No one wants that. People want to be able to scout an area out and then make the decision to either fight or try and navigate their way though. Mobs just popping out of nowhere is nothing but frustrating for the player. Its a...
  10. CherryKush

    Oh My, Thievery!!! Check This Out! Reign of Guilds

    I watched that video too, that guy only played for like an hour I think, lol... The Video OBEREG posted is a far more truthful representation. But why play a game like MO2? This one has Thievery.. That's what got my attention..
  11. CherryKush

    Oh My, Thievery!!! Check This Out! Reign of Guilds

    I'm really enjoying it, the progression is awesome and there is a lot of solo friendly content. Still on the starter island but have seen MO2 people already here. I've seen a ton of MANA and also Immortals running around. It really feels like these devs were fans of MO2 and took all of the...
  12. CherryKush

    Oh My, Thievery!!! Check This Out! Reign of Guilds

    hahaha they have a spot in town where they put the banned players in cages for all to see (with their names) and they are crying :LOL:
  13. CherryKush

    Oh My, Thievery!!! Check This Out! Reign of Guilds

    I think I have found something to fill that thievery void. Check this out everyone (y)
  14. CherryKush

    Answer the question; What is the number 1. reason the Mortal population is declining? A homework assignment for all Mortal enjoyers.

    Not really much for the solo player to do. Anything of worth is camped by large groups. There has to be named mobs or random nodes a solo can come across that will give them a chance or a hope of finding something rare and worthwhile. Thievery in MO1 was also one of the most fun things I've ever...
  15. CherryKush

    The Case for a General Chat

    If you were a citizen of a city and had your city chat Imagine the organization that would take place to go and attack rival cities, do dungeons, ect.... Would be a lot of fun I think... It's the perfect way to get a bunch of solo players organized by letting them be part of a faction...
  16. CherryKush

    The Case for a General Chat

    I think there should be region chats like jungle/northern/forest/desert/ect to help build a sense of community among solo players that are not in a guild. Keeping chats to a region would aid against world wide alerts. Another idea, I think a better one, is being able to have citizenship in...
  17. CherryKush

    The Rhoast... Feedback/suggestions

    You'd think with "40 developers" stuff like this would not take years to implement.
  18. CherryKush

    The great transition from pvp-asshole-arena to community sandbox mmo

    I hope its an email to an owned account because for the thieves that are not subbed in game because thievery does not exist yet wont get to vote on thievery lol... But really its a core part of MO so voting on it is kinda silly anyways. Just schedule it to be part of an upcoming patch and make...
  19. CherryKush

    Pets Are Too Strong.

    Should be able to throw some scooby snacks on the ground to deter the pet or something for a time, that'd be a nice CC counter, you'd just have to remember to always have them on you.
  20. CherryKush

    Thievery Is Indeed A Big Role For The Game...

    We're still here waiting Henrik, don't forget about us... :cry: