Recent content by Esproc

  1. E

    Melee combat suggestions and new abilities.

    As we move closer to the possibility of seeing melee specials attacks I'd like to give my suggestion. My concern is how much is it going to take away from the skill ceiling. Disclaimer: I'm not great at dueling and i can't feint for shit, if anything i figure 8 crutch way too hard. Main...
  2. E

    Tindremic Knight Armor looks wired on skinny Avatars.

    Its not just Skinny avatars or Trindemic knight armor. Fat avatars and most armor looks bad ever since they made everyone jacked. Capes also look terrible. Then there is the long standing awfulness of Trindemic knight shoulders on females. They really need a artist to do a second pass on all...
  3. E

    I keep hearing Henrik saying "penalities for murderers".

    This is honestly the best way to fix the system. Blues should not go crim for attacking murderers. Lets the blues police the towns. If that's too punishing, murderers should stay local grey to the people they murdered for 24 hours. This would make things more interesting for sure. Lawless...
  4. E

    dec bans, why are we perm banning for communication policy/gem harassment and ban evasion.

    Rules are rules, you agree before you play the game. Ban 'em all.
  5. E

    Fish encyclopedia

    Legendary Laake in meduli Was in shock when i saw the legendary banner and missed the screenshot.
  6. E

    SV blocks content for red players (xmas event)

    They should block even more content by making murderers Red again. Spoiled kids these days.
  7. E

    Fish encyclopedia

    New Record
  8. E

    I got banned and I don't know why

    Try a support ticket here?
  9. E

    I'm more safe anywhere else in the game than inside guarded cities.

    And this is why murderers should just be red and kos to guards.
  10. E

    I unspecced cooking:

    Yeah its still just useing the most basic ingredients. Like why isnt it like alchemy where herbs and flavor combinations make better food that give you buffs. I wont go as far as to say you don't need to eat, as a foot fighter greybaring sucks.
  11. E

    Removing spinning cause 1 month streamers cant read attacks

    Just a note here, if you attack someone from behind and they would of parried its not a parry it turns into a block. I think its a 180 degree parry arc. This is the reason sometimes you get a block instead of a parry if your moving around lots.
  12. E

    Combine Tool

    Hoping you can combine bandages with aloe for a boost
  13. E

    Removing spinning cause 1 month streamers cant read attacks

    I'm not suggesting they remove spinning I think its reasonable in a fantasy game. I just think its over used. Kicking would only really be easy if your opponent is holding a block, otherwise the skill comes in as a timing it correctly. My suggestions put a heavy penalty on turning your back to...
  14. E

    Removing spinning cause 1 month streamers cant read attacks

    There is a fairly simple fix that would reduce people spinning and give more combat opportunities to break parries. Spinning gives you a debuff to knockdown resistance for 10 seconds Kicking breaks parry/blocks with a stagger and gives a debuff to knockdown Resistance for 4 seconds Shield...
  15. E

    Bron over brains

    Bron in its current state for armor is really heavy and expensive reptile carapace. It would not be so bad if it wasn't so expensive.