Bounty System Fixes


Aug 22, 2021
Western Merika
Alright so we have a good starting point for the bounty hunting system in place now, but it definitely leaves a lot of room for improvement.

Things I think they did great:
- Bird tracking mechanic is sick
- Not allowing wanted individuals to be bounty hunters (this is obvious to me)
- Attempting to kill a bounty target and failing, does not make your lootbag grey. This is good, since you are not committing a crime.

Before I talk about what needs to change let me just put into a words what I think the BH system needs to actually do in this game (this might not necessarily be what BH is in reality):

At its core, the BH system in Mortal should do a couple of things; give lawful players the ability to enforce the law, remove the feeling of safety in blue towns from unlawful players and have some sort of reward associated with being a successful bounty hunter.

So how do we give lawful players the ability to enforce the law as Bounty Hunters? We allow them to purchase a bounty hunting charge for lets say 50g, which is a soul bound item that is not lost on death. Additionally, for the fee of 1g per name, you can inscribe up to 50 murderer's names on your charge. If a player is on your list, you can attack, kill and loot them indiscriminately. Allowing the bounty hunter to CHOOSE the names they put on their list, gives them the ability to actually police an area and make an impact on that area. Randomly being given a name of a single person 10 km away who may or may not be online when you get there is pointless.

This is pretty obvious, but once you implement my above suggestion, an outlaw who is especially notorious will be on a lot of people's BH charge list, meaning he or she will likely not feel safe strolling through town as they would appear red to any BH who sees them and can be freely attacked.

Now the rewards for a bounty hunter in a game like mortal are difficult to decide on, because the big issue is the potential abuse of the system to give you or your friends perpetual benefit. In a game like Eve, it worked to have a straight pay out to the BH, because you could ensure that the value lost by the target was greater than the value gained by the BH. Such is not the case for Mortal, however.

Instead of gold, what do people value in mortal? PVP! I know it's difficult to let go of the idea of amassing this big fortune by bounty hunting for hours and hours and collecting a gold reward after each successful contract, but that just isn't possible in Mortal without rampant abuse. The rewards for being a bounty hunter are the following:

- Freedom to enforce the law on a list of known murderers of your choosing.
- The option to choose when you attack these individuals, gives you the strategic freedom to potentially make a lot of gold/resources if you plan your strike right.
- Further adding to you strategic resources you have the hunter bird things to use to track down specific targets who are online.
- You can choose when to engage and can engage in greater numbers than your adversary, which should greatly increase your win rate. This means more loot for you.
- Pretty much guaranteed PVP anytime you go out roaming with a group. All of you can just pop some hunter birds and find out where the nearest targets are. Gone are the days of just randomly roaming around a massive map hoping to find targets.

** The hunter birds would need to be changed a little. Disable right clicking them and instead have them only be usable via the BH charge book. Have a button next to each name in your list that when pressed launches a hunter bird in search of that person.

** I think that targets who have hunter birds sent on them, should get a chat notification that "a hunter bird has been spotted to the SW."

I think that is everything, but hit me with any flaws you see and maybe I can provide a solution.
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
So basically you want radar on 50 people of your choosing. Dope.
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Active member
Mar 24, 2021
I especially like the notion of notorious murderers not feeling safe in lawful areas (or perhaps they welcome it and wait nearby to meet whomever comes to collect).


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
I like the concept of being able to have your own list of personal targets. I end up killing a lot of the same people. Would make perfect sense if they made me a target.

BUT it would need to be fair. If you make them your target, you should be able to also attack and loot them no standing loss or going grey.

Also obviously a system liek this cant give rewards. Its just to have beefs between players no guards or shitty standing loss. If someone cant handle not having the guards they cant use the system.

Also obvious 2 it cant have tracking. Would pretty much be its own different system to BH. Just like a personal MO1 wardec.

This is a game, the system needs to be fun and fair. Doesnt matter 'if they are criminal' blues cant just have a personal tracking, ignores standing system.

Has no effect on me because my standing is complete ass anyway so I cant use towns lmao.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Yeaaaa, no.

You’ll never get the choice of whom to track. That would be incredibly broken. People would team up to zerg individuals non stop. Absolutely no chance for the reds.

Already the birds are way too easy to use. It should just tell you the last town they were seen at. Thats it. Not the friken location they are at. Just call it radar hunting at this point. All you need is enough birds and you'll find him with your eyes closed.

Also what happens when all the reds get fed up and re-roll? Does BH become unusable content? Do 100s of BH all fight over the handful of reds left?


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Yeaaaa, no.

You’ll never get the choice of whom to track. That would be incredibly broken. People would team up to zerg individuals non stop. Absolutely no chance for the reds.

Already the birds are way too easy to use. It should just tell you the last town they were seen at. Thats it. Not the friken location they are at. Just call it radar hunting at this point. All you need is enough birds and you'll find him with your eyes closed.

Also what happens when all the reds get fed up and re-roll? Does BH become unusable content? Do 100s of BH all fight over the handful of reds left?
It's not about "no chance to the reds" even. I believe the most of the PvP-active population in this game are reds, and many have blue alts. So with a list of 50 names i can fill it with most important players in rival alliances, their raid leaders etc, and just hunt them down all day long. Maybe it's not SUCH a bad thing if you want to just PvP all day, but it would be an entirely different game. When sieges come, it would be completely game-breaking.
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Deleted member 44

I especially like the notion of notorious murderers not feeling safe in lawful areas (or perhaps they welcome it and wait nearby to meet whomever comes to collect).
You guys are really twisted in the head, I hope you know that.


Active member
Sep 11, 2021
This is by far the worst idea I've ever seen, You pretty much want to put random ppl on your list and be able to kill them when ever, with out going gray? Thats a fucking meme.

Also the BH system how it is currently cant really be exploited. How ever your idea will be the cause of mass exploit.

If you want to pick who to kill in a town for free, Go take/make your own town and wait for TC. You cant just be like "oh theres that fucker, Im put him on my list" and have free rein on them.

Bounty hunting was never ran by the bounty hunters for a reason, Its obvious as fuck. It would of been exploited IRL if you made the system.

How ever I would like to see a bounty board in town once the "news board" gets added. Where it has a list of bounties around 5km of that town that are currently online. So you go hunt them and bring their head, turn it in to the board/npc and get something from that.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Tracking player names is just game breaking and very abused when you can do it. Really just leads to griefing which is the point of the bounty system.

Certainly should give players a choice of how far they want to travel for a bounty. Seeing that the bounty is on the other side of the map is very annoying.

They need to tone down the birds, they are very op. Need to remove names too because people rather not turn in special names so they can continue to grief people instead of actually doing the bounty.


Aug 22, 2021
Western Merika
I like the concept of being able to have your own list of personal targets. I end up killing a lot of the same people. Would make perfect sense if they made me a target.

BUT it would need to be fair. If you make them your target, you should be able to also attack and loot them no standing loss or going grey.

Also obviously a system liek this cant give rewards. Its just to have beefs between players no guards or shitty standing loss. If someone cant handle not having the guards they cant use the system.

Also obvious 2 it cant have tracking. Would pretty much be its own different system to BH. Just like a personal MO1 wardec.

This is a game, the system needs to be fun and fair. Doesnt matter 'if they are criminal' blues cant just have a personal tracking, ignores standing system.

Has no effect on me because my standing is complete ass anyway so I cant use towns lmao.

Yeah for sure take the rewards that SV put in there out. They are worthless anyways.


Aug 22, 2021
Western Merika
Tracking player names is just game breaking and very abused when you can do it. Really just leads to griefing which is the point of the bounty system.

Certainly should give players a choice of how far they want to travel for a bounty. Seeing that the bounty is on the other side of the map is very annoying.

They need to tone down the birds, they are very op. Need to remove names too because people rather not turn in special names so they can continue to grief people instead of actually doing the bounty.

Yeah I would be down for reduced accuracy of the tracking actually. Maybe just "Target is within X meters of you" with no direction given.


Aug 22, 2021
Western Merika
This is by far the worst idea I've ever seen, You pretty much want to put random ppl on your list and be able to kill them when ever, with out going gray? Thats a fucking meme.

Also the BH system how it is currently cant really be exploited. How ever your idea will be the cause of mass exploit.

If you want to pick who to kill in a town for free, Go take/make your own town and wait for TC. You cant just be like "oh theres that fucker, Im put him on my list" and have free rein on them.
View attachment 4388

Bounty hunting was never ran by the bounty hunters for a reason, Its obvious as fuck. It would of been exploited IRL if you made the system.

How ever I would like to see a bounty board in town once the "news board" gets added. Where it has a list of bounties around 5km of that town that are currently online. So you go hunt them and bring their head, turn it in to the board/npc and get something from that.

Well not random people.. wanted murderers. And they can get off people's lists by stopping their murderous ways.

Also this opens up the convo to the current murder system being a bit flawed. Too easy to get MCs when you aren't actually murdering, but just defending yourself or group fighting.


Aug 22, 2021
Western Merika
Lets start small.

1: If you succeed in a contract, you get your 5g back.
2: If the target goes offline, contract cooldown resets and you can turn your contract in for a new one, no charge.

The vast majority of all contracts ends with the guy logging off because it takes so long to travel to him.

I approve of this small change for sure. Also, you should be able to choose the max distance for your target. Maybe give you 3 options:

1. Anywhere
2. Less than 5km
3. Less than 1km


Aug 22, 2021
Western Merika
It's not about "no chance to the reds" even. I believe the most of the PvP-active population in this game are reds, and many have blue alts. So with a list of 50 names i can fill it with most important players in rival alliances, their raid leaders etc, and just hunt them down all day long. Maybe it's not SUCH a bad thing if you want to just PvP all day, but it would be an entirely different game. When sieges come, it would be completely game-breaking.

I agree that the game breaking element of this would be the hunter birds. Maybe they need to be tweaked as someone suggested above. If they didn't give you such specific directions to your target I think it would work.


Aug 22, 2021
Western Merika
Yeaaaa, no.

You’ll never get the choice of whom to track. That would be incredibly broken. People would team up to zerg individuals non stop. Absolutely no chance for the reds.

Already the birds are way too easy to use. It should just tell you the last town they were seen at. Thats it. Not the friken location they are at. Just call it radar hunting at this point. All you need is enough birds and you'll find him with your eyes closed.

Also what happens when all the reds get fed up and re-roll? Does BH become unusable content? Do 100s of BH all fight over the handful of reds left?

All the reds aren't going to give up and re-roll lol. There are more psycho "kill everything that moves" players in this game than in any other game I have seen. That isn't going to change by having predominantly less skilled pvpers chasing after them. It will probably fuel it even more.


Aug 22, 2021
Western Merika
I like the concept of being able to have your own list of personal targets. I end up killing a lot of the same people. Would make perfect sense if they made me a target.

BUT it would need to be fair. If you make them your target, you should be able to also attack and loot them no standing loss or going grey.

Also obviously a system liek this cant give rewards. Its just to have beefs between players no guards or shitty standing loss. If someone cant handle not having the guards they cant use the system.

Also obvious 2 it cant have tracking. Would pretty much be its own different system to BH. Just like a personal MO1 wardec.

This is a game, the system needs to be fun and fair. Doesnt matter 'if they are criminal' blues cant just have a personal tracking, ignores standing system.

Has no effect on me because my standing is complete ass anyway so I cant use towns lmao.

Eh, I don't agree that you should be able to continue murdering the BH just because they have marked you as a bounty target. Maaaybe if they actually swing on you then you can defend yourself with no penalty.


Active member
Apr 14, 2021
The only problem I see is when my target goes offline or afk in a stronghold if you do fulltime bounty.
i really enjoy the system ✌🏻
murders should be able to loot you if bh try to stab them ( would be fair)
maybe we should be able to reroll the bounty of the target is going offline because it’s not fun if you walk like 30 mins away from town, then 30 mins to the next town because your target went offline.

Maybe give us a small group system for bounty’s, everything is more fun if you can do it with a friend.