Patch Feedback


May 22, 2021
  • Changes to clades seem ok-ish. Not a fan of the human Action Skill nerf, since lots of skills is what Human is about, but it could have been worse I suppose.
    • Humans got 15 more action points focused on riding, and the ability to spec another 50 crafting points.
  • Clothos spider introduced are pointless. They have no resources worth killing them for. Nobody really cares about vendor trophies.
    • They add nice variety, not everything is about farming optimization, this is not an industry.
  • Sator spears seem to have something wonky with the hitbox causing an abnormal amount of handle hits.
    • MO2 don't use hitboxes, it uses voxel-based hit detection.
  • Removal of the Saburra from the MK-Toxai valley was a really awful change.
    • It forces players to venture out and take more risk for better gear. Nothing should come easy
  • Nobody cares about zombies, that's what Haven is for.
    • Farming in Haven will be severely limited/removed on release, as you will not be allowed to carry over items as you do in beta.
  • Bandits are not anything interesting. Toxai now has even LESS resources when it needed some resources worth going there to begin with. But more to the point, this has two major impacts to the game.
    • It has everything it needs for new players that will be spawning in the city before venturing out. If you find it lackluster as a veteran player; venture out and found a new city.
  • The entire southern half of the map is more or less forced to live with bone and flakestone for materials worth making anything out of.
    • Completely in line with the lore.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021
  • Humans got 15 more action points focused on riding, and the ability to spec another 50 crafting points.

  • They also lost 25 in Combat Maneuvering and 20 in Anatomy. They lost some action skill points but not a big deal really.
    • They add nice variety, not everything is about farming optimization, this is not an industry.
Not everyone has as much play time as everyone else either. The feedback is valid enough, the spiders are remote and kind of useless. Efficiency matters when you have less time.
  • MO2 don't use hitboxes, it uses voxel-based hit detection.
There's something with the side-prongs at the end of the spear that are being counted as part of the handle instead of part of the head. I think it's a bug.
  • It forces players to venture out and take more risk for better gear. Nothing should come easy
MK-Toxai valley is venturing out and is a dangerous area filled with so many opportunities for ambush. It used to have a lot pvp potential before this change. It was one of the only ways you could get some people that never leave the bank.
  • Farming in Haven will be severely limited/removed on release, as you will not be allowed to carry over items as you do in beta.
That's a good change regarding Haven, still doesn't change that zombies are not much of a resource to write home about. Imo every town should have one, that a couple don't is silly. I guess they are cannibals.
  • It has everything it needs for new players that will be spawning in the city before venturing out. If you find it lackluster as a veteran player; venture out and found a new city.
This is not a unique strength of any city.
  • Completely in line with the lore.
Post proof of the khurite empire never having steel or jade in the lore.


May 28, 2020
They should really stop listening to random kids that doesnt know anything about the fucking game ...
Calm down, the change was not made due to someone complaining, it was a design flaw that came to our attention.
The nodes that were corrected was not supposed to give saburra, that does not mean that there will not be ANY nodes giving Saburra.
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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
Calm down, the change was not made due to someone complaining, it was a design flaw that came to our attention.
The nodes that were corrected was not supposed to give saburra, that does not mean that there will not be ANY nodes giving Saburra.
Its fine not having Saburra in MK, the game should have more regional resources than only tephra to promote trade between regions. Or just cater to the crybabies and give them everything in every town so we can all play deathmatch online


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
It was the whole time unbalanced that MK got Calx, Granum & Saburra. All other towns got only 2 types of ores. So in my opinion this change is fair.

The north has mainly gabor, tephra & granum.
The Meduli area should have mostly Saburra.
All river areas (Fabernum, Bakti, MohKi, Vadda, MK) should contain Calx.
Granum seems to be somewhat equally distributed across the map.

In my opinion regional resources are important. No town should get all.

I'm not against some rare spots, but there shouldn't be many nodes of "non-regional" ores.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
So can anyone logically explain why most cities have at least 2 dif stone resources (aka granum and calx, all thats needed for grain steel)
and MK now ONLY has Granum?
The saburra there was hands down not as valuable as possible calx nodes. You need a tiny amount of saburra for steel...

MK is hands down one of the very worst towns in the game. Worse that literal shit holes like bakthi/vadda/mohki, who i hoped would stay shit holes and where meant to be some.

Bakti/Vadda/MohKi don't even have a furnance. You can't even produce Pig Iron there. Just saying...
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Active member
May 31, 2020
The north has mainly gabor, tephra & granum.
The Meduli area should have mostly Saburra.
All river areas (Fabernum, Bakti, MohKi, Vadda, MK) should contain Calx.
Granum seems to be somewhat equally distributed across the map.

In my opinion regional resources are important. No town should get all.

I'm not against some rare spots, but there shouldn't be many nodes of "non-regional" ores.

I mean there wasnt many nodes was like 8 ... in mo1 ... its crazy how they change everything from the day to the night ... who wants more granum? Granum give away...

What ppl dont get it is that we have two important cities just side by side ... toxai and MK almost distance or a lil longer then farb and kranesh ... if u put some kind of diferent resource between them it will bring pvp ... in this crazy 6x bigger map ... i dont care of region resource bullshit ... its crazy how they force you to move for 2 hours to get a saburrar powder?

Still have tephra hidden spots other places then gk? Like vadda , i think? I mean i hope it does ... like i hope it does other kinda of material all around the globe ... not much but a bit to bring interest to stay in those areas and fight for it.

Like it supose to have sea dew in toxai ... its a beach area ... why not?


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2020
The north has mainly gabor, tephra & granum.
The Meduli area should have mostly Saburra.
All river areas (Fabernum, Bakti, MohKi, Vadda, MK) should contain Calx.
Granum seems to be somewhat equally distributed across the map.

In my opinion regional resources are important. No town should get all.

I'm not against some rare spots, but there shouldn't be many nodes of "non-regional" ores.

The only problem with this logic is breaking each town individually no Saburra in the East makes MK actually the worst town in the game from a refining standpoint point because everywhere else is closer to what would be the only supply of Saburra in the west. While every other town still has access to 2 resources they don’t have to travel across the entire map for the 3rd like MK would. Not even mentioning it’s supposed to be a capital city and we just found out it won’t even be able to be controlled by normal means at launch or soon after. MK needs Saburra because it also gives Mohki toxai and Bakti ONE more option to get Saburra for jadeite/steel.

Regional resources are fine and there is no calx in MK still have to travel for it down a one way death path that anyone can ambush easy as shit.

Saburra doesn’t need to be in only one town it’s not even a powerful resource just a basic one used to be combined with other things.

Don’t make Morin Khur shit.
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Active member
Feb 17, 2021
Calm down, the change was not made due to someone complaining, it was a design flaw that came to our attention.
The nodes that were corrected was not supposed to give saburra, that does not mean that there will not be ANY nodes giving Saburra.
This cannot be the truth

The entire MK/Toxai area has literally sandstone textures (same textures as in Meduli)
so you saying it was a MASSIVE design flaw to make this area look cool and interesting (compared to MO1)?
A flaw that will now be remedied by goign through all these textures bby hand to change them to granite textures, in the progress ruining the visual art style of MK/Toxai? Wasting a lot of development time etc

Or are you going to admit it was a dumbb, spur of the moment idea and saburra will return in its glory to Mk/Toxai? :D
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Active member
Feb 17, 2021
The north has mainly gabor, tephra & granum.
The Meduli area should have mostly Saburra.
All river areas (Fabernum, Bakti, MohKi, Vadda, MK) should contain Calx.
Granum seems to be somewhat equally distributed across the map.

In my opinion regional resources are important. No town should get all.

I'm not against some rare spots, but there shouldn't be many nodes of "non-regional" ores.
I agree on that

Bbut there is no calx in MK/toxai bby the rivers
not a single stone

So i thought having granum/saburra would be as balanced (if not even more balanced) than having granum/calx :)
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Active member
Feb 17, 2021
Bakti/Vadda/MohKi don't even have a furnance. You can't even produce Pig Iron there. Just saying...
They are literal stick hut villages... Look veeery temporary and more like a small hunting party outpost. Nothing one could compare to the CAPITAL CITY of the khurite empire ^^


Active member
Feb 17, 2021
The only problem with this logic is breaking each town individually no Saburra in the East makes MK actually the worst town in the game from a refining standpoint point because everywhere else is closer to what would be the only supply of Saburra in the west. While every other town still has access to 2 resources they don’t have to travel across the entire map for the 3rd like MK would. Not even mentioning it’s supposed to be a capital city and we just found out it won’t even be able to be controlled by normal means at launch or soon after. MK needs Saburra because it also gives Mohki toxai and Bakti ONE more option to get Saburra for jadeite/steel.

Regional resources are fine and there is no calx in MK still have to travel for it down a one way death path that anyone can ambush easy as shit.

Saburra doesn’t need to be in only one town it’s not even a powerful resource just a basic one used to be combined with other things.

Don’t make Morin Khur shit.
Well, there is one town more shit than MK now... Toxai :D
Bbut that literally just the little port district of MK, so whatever ^^


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Seems the squeaky wheel got the grease, shows that if we want something changed all we have to do is spam @henric over and over again and eventually he will capitulate and change whatever we want.

Every section of the map should have something worthwhile in it, especially capital cities Like Tindrem and MK...capitals don't just form in an area for no fucking reason, they are always near places of great wealth or trade.
The new meta is crying to Henrik.

Its proved to be a winning strat


Active member
Feb 17, 2021
The new meta is crying to Henrik.

Its proved to be a winning strat

maybe we just need to do it whine a little as well

get him to add some tephra and gabore right next to MK or something...
and get him to remove all calx from bakthi/vadda/mohki :D