Patch Notes 1.3.17 Discussion


Well-known member
May 29, 2020

Patch is now live!
New clade gifts, plenty of fixes and a few but important combat adjustments! You can find the details about the clade gifts separated from the main patch notes further down.

  • Added so that counter dmg reduction now is printed in the combat log.
  • Added more info about overflowed skills.

  • Optimization: Some components in characters are now only created when needed.
  • Melee charge power curve changed. You now need to charge slightly longer before attacks do proper damage (spam attacks are weaker).
  • UI charge circle animation is now properly synchronized with melee, magic and ranged actions.
  • Melee charge speed increased.
  • Player now has to wait for a missed melee swing to fully recover before being able to do the next melee action (the recovery animation should now match the miss penalty duration).
  • Two handed weapon miss penalty increased.
  • Adjustments to existing tattoos.
  • Updated Cougar idle animation.
  • Updated Cougar face rig to not look weird when blinking.
  • Sator animation polish.
  • Updated Bear animations.
  • Brown bear mesh and fur updated.
  • Creatures now have randomized idles when not in combat.
  • Foliage optimization in one biome.
  • Sator dungeon polish.
  • AI that notice you but can’t see you will now investigate your last position
  • AI now scan for additional targets while in combat
  • Tweaked AI aggro calculations a bit
  • Fixed an issue where guards would attack other AI before any other target

  • Some fixes to creature physics assets (ragdoll/hitboxes).
  • Fixed missing effects for Troll.
  • Fixed a bunch of issues/bugs in the skill tree.
  • Split stack window should now auto-close when moving away.
  • Fixed invisible item bug after dragging an equipped item into a container slot.
  • Fixed issue causing right-clicks on items in action bars to not do anything.
  • Fixed issue with right clicking items into the mount bag which was almost full.
  • Fixed issue with guild member entries not getting generated.
  • You can now only move items if the container they belong to is visible/open.
  • You can now only equip items if they belong to a container that is visible/open.
  • Fix for weapons becoming invisible when resting.
  • Fur-related feature re-enabled after crash fix (fur plugin update).
  • Crash fix for fur when character is removed (fur plugin update).
  • Fix broken skin weights (deformations) on Female Kallard armor.
  • Fixed issue with clicking UI elements which caused you to stop moving.
  • Fixed floating priest outside Meduli.
  • Fixed priest stuck in a rock near Morin Khur.
  • Fixed NavMesh issues on big trees around Khurite villages.
  • Fixed a bunch of reported floating trees and rocks.
  • Fixed a couple of big landscape gaps.

New clade gifts
  • Added alvarin clade gift 'Thaumaturge' now gives you a 50% chance to not consume any reagents upon casting a spell successfully.
  • Added oghmir clade gift 'Metalsmith' which decreases metal material usage by 6% when crafting
  • Added human clade gift 'Charismatic' which gives 5% better prices when buying & selling from NPC's
  • Added alvarin clade gift 'Stalker' reduces aggro range by 10%
  • Added alvarin cladegift 'Plant shaper II' which gives 10% higher yield when operating the herbologium and press workbenches

Changes to clade gifts
  • All clade warcries now have a 10min cooldown.
  • Adjusted human 'Mental power' clade gift cooldown to 4min.
  • Adjusted alvarin warcry buff, it now lasts 12sec.
  • Adjusted alvarin clade gift 'Runner's high' it now lasts 20sec, increases stamina regen by 15% & increases movement speed by 3% with a 3min cooldown.
  • Adjusted alvarin clade gifts 'Runner' & Sprinter' to +1.25% max speed each & they now give +5 max stamina.
  • Adjusted alvarin clade gift 'True Sight' weakspot chance to +5.
  • Adjusted alvarin clade gift 'Mind Shield' increased duration to 16sec & lowered cooldown to 6min.
  • Adjusted oghmir clade gift 'Inhale' by 20sec(now 40sec), increased health reserve cost by 10% (now drains 132 per sec).
  • Adjusted oghmir cladegift 'rock solid', lowered cooldown to 3min & increased duration to 16s.
  • Adjusted thursar clade gift 'Styganthrope' to increase by 3.33 health regen per 10sec and reduce healing received by 35%.
  • Adjusted thursar clade gift 'Life Steal' life steal amount to 25% per hit for 25 sec, reduced cooldown to 3min.
  • Adjusted thursar clade gift 'Muscular' to 3 str.
  • Adjusted thursar clade gift 'Stocky' to 3 con.
  • Adjusted thursar clade gift 'Thick Skin' now also gives +1 con.
  • Adjusted thursar clade gift 'Large lungs' now also gives +1 con.
  • Adjusted alvarin clade gift 'Resting pulse' to 3 additional stamina per sec
  • Adjusted alvarin clade gift 'Alvarin Sight' it now lasts 30 sec, sense characters from 40m(gets canceled by movement, & reveals players' own lootbags), 3 min CD
  • Adjusted thursar clade gift 'Battle cry' now gives +20 raw str for 15sec, 8 min cd

Fixes for clade gifts
  • Fixed issue with oghmir extraction cladegift where they got bonus yield for using any workbench.
  • Fixed issue causing alvarin clade gift 'Mind Shield' to decrease magic damage dealt, instead of decreasing magic damage taken as intended.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
  • AI that notice you but can’t see you will now investigate your last position
  • AI now scan for additional targets while in combat
Mortal Online 2 is probably the first MMORPG that I know of that has these AI characteristics normally found only in single-player games.
Yeah if it works it will be very big.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2020
  • AI that notice you but can’t see you will now investigate your last position
  • AI now scan for additional targets while in combat
Mortal Online 2 is probably the first MMORPG that I know of that has these AI characteristics normally found only in single-player games.
while ai noticing you but not seeing you is possibly unique among mmos (or at least, its the most nuanced initial aggro mechanism i've heard of), the ai scanning for new targets while in combat definitely is not new.



Well-known member
May 29, 2020
the ai scanning for new targets while in combat definitely is not new.

The way I saw that AI feature was that it would act intelligently like a human player, possibly switching targets unpredictably mid-battle to go after another more suitable target.

If it was just being able to change target in a predictable manner then no it would not be new at all. Practically every mmorpg has this.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
The way I saw that AI feature was that it would act intelligently like a human player, possibly switching targets unpredictably mid-battle to go after another more suitable target.

If it was just being able to change target in a predictable manner then no it would not be new at all. Practically every mmorpg has this.
In MO1 we got the healer aggro, which is some kind of unpredictable "intelligent" mechanic.
But it's not really a new mechanics. I know far older games with such a mechanic.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
People say they got rid of spam attacks but I never saw spam attacks in the first place. Same people would say that the game was a parry fest, but that spear was unreadable. Doesn't make sense.
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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2021
People say they got rid of spam attacks but I never saw spam attacks in the first place. Same people would say that the game was a parry fest, but that spear was unreadable. Doesn't make sense.

The devs didn't change the curve because of "spam attacks" or anything else we've recently complained about. Henrik in his previous streams noted multiple times that the majority of feedback they got from the stress test was that combat felt slow and clunky and the intent therefore behind their changes to combat, has been to speed and tighten it up. Though people playing the game now might be content with the old combat/speed, we're not the target audience for this change. As far as we can see, they attempted this as a starting point at the beginning of the last patch but clearly it had work still to do. The result was as follows:
  • The breakpoint damage system wasn't clear or intuitive, so they removed that and made the charge reticule linear.
  • As a result, spam click gameplay was now somewhat viable - this was likely unintentional on their part
  • They've addressed this by instead making the curve exponential and is represented visually by
    • Having the reticule increase slow to begin with, then ramp up. This is actually fairly smart given this gives you a visual feedback both in charge speed and damage curve.
  • Their intent is clearly to still encourage the full charge gameplay, because the "full charge" window is how the ping normalization system they've developed enables players on all pings to be able to see and parry an attack. The new charge curve as it is now, helps enable this.
  • It should be said, I don't feel like any of the changes to combat this patch have been made to address people's concerns with parrys. Perhaps this is a future topic they will address, e.g. maybe by implementing a kick etc.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
The devs didn't change the curve because of "spam attacks" or anything else we've recently complained about. Henrik in his previous streams noted multiple times that the majority of feedback they got from the stress test was that combat felt slow and clunky and the intent therefore behind their changes to combat, has been to speed and tighten it up. Though people playing the game now might be content with the old combat/speed, we're not the target audience for this change. As far as we can see, they attempted this as a starting point at the beginning of the last patch but clearly it had work still to do. The result was as follows:
  • The breakpoint damage system wasn't clear or intuitive, so they removed that and made the charge reticule linear.
  • As a result, spam click gameplay was now somewhat viable - this was likely unintentional on their part
  • They've addressed this by instead making the curve exponential and is represented visually by
    • Having the reticule increase slow to begin with, then ramp up. This is actually fairly smart given this gives you a visual feedback both in charge speed and damage curve.
  • Their intent is clearly to still encourage the full charge gameplay, because the "full charge" window is how the ping normalization system they've developed enables players on all pings to be able to see and parry an attack. The new charge curve as it is now, helps enable this.
  • It should be said, I don't feel like any of the changes to combat this patch have been made to address people's concerns with parrys. Perhaps this is a future topic they will address, e.g. maybe by implementing a kick etc.
The issue Im talking about and most people are saying they did to stop "spam attacks" is "Melee charge power curve changed. You now need to charge slightly longer before attacks do proper damage (spam attacks are weaker)" Most of what you have mentioned doesnt really apply to nerfing quickly timed attacks which could be used to get some damage though people who could parry but not too well.

This is specifically what I was talking about as a why did they even do this. Spam attacks didnt even exist and people could still parry them. If spam attacks were a issue then what about attacks after a parry, you cant block those whats the difference outside one is full damage with a damage reduction bonus unlike "spam attacks"

I feel like nerfing people doing quick attacks narrows down the combat options.
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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2021
The issue Im talking about and most people are saying they did to stop "spam attacks" is "Melee charge power curve changed. You now need to charge slightly longer before attacks do proper damage (spam attacks are weaker)" Most of what you have mentioned doesnt really apply to nerfing quickly timed attacks which could be used to get some damage though people who could parry but not too well.

This is specifically what I was talking about as a why did they even do this. Spam attacks didnt even exist and people could still parry them. If spam attacks were a issue then what about attacks after a parry, you cant block those whats the difference outside one is full damage with a damage reduction bonus unlike "spam attacks"

I feel like nerfing people doing quick attacks narrows down the combat options.

We need to take into consideration the "one world server" and "balance across pings" in this argument because EU and maybe the east coast of NA was fine parrying spam swing but we all know the disadvantage to parrying the higher your ping is. The fact spamming being viable simply exasperates this.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I forgot to post. xD

What do you guys think about the oghmir change of 6% less material usage for steel/tungsteel, (Cronite/Oghmium unclear if it also works there)

Heres my Opinion:
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
We need to take into consideration the "one world server" and "balance across pings" in this argument because EU and maybe the east coast of NA was fine parrying spam swing but we all know the disadvantage to parrying the higher your ping is. The fact spamming being viable simply exasperates this.
I play with AUS/EU/NA there was no ping issue or parry spam issue and none of them complained about parries or quick attacks.
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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
  • Their intent is clearly to still encourage the full charge gameplay, because the "full charge" window is how the ping normalization system they've developed enables players on all pings to be able to see and parry an attack. The new charge curve as it is now, helps enable this.
Wrong. The ping normalization has nothing to do with the charge but with the actual release delay of the swing, which has not been touched. If high ping players were able to parry counter returns before then they should be able to parry "spam attacks" as well.

Full charge gameplay is dumb, now we are back to needing to bait parrys to actually damage someone, the only other option is using footwork to make them miss with the added penalty which is a good change but prediction is still not that reliable.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
the only other option is using footwork to make them miss with the added penalty which is a good change but prediction is still not that reliable.
Is it though, it felt incredibly clunky and trashy, but I've barely played with it.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2021
  • Melee charge power curve changed. You now need to charge slightly longer before attacks do proper damage (spam attacks are weaker).

Insta swinging or "spamming" does 0 dmg now, if you do your counter too fast aswell you do 0 dmg too. Bug? Obviously, but super annoying. Hotfix fast pls.
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Well-known member
May 30, 2020
  • Melee charge power curve changed. You now need to charge slightly longer before attacks do proper damage (spam attacks are weaker).

Insta swinging or "spamming" does 0 dmg now, if you do your counter too fast aswell you do 0 dmg too. Bug? Obviously, but super annoying. Hotfix fast pls.
Unfortunately it has been in game for a year +, so I guess they can't fix it or don't care.


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2021
Wrong. The ping normalization has nothing to do with the charge but with the actual release delay of the swing, which has not been touched. If high ping players were able to parry counter returns before then they should be able to parry "spam attacks" as well.

Full charge gameplay is dumb, now we are back to needing to bait parrys to actually damage someone, the only other option is using footwork to make them miss with the added penalty which is a good change but prediction is still not that reliable.

Ok, I'm happy to stand corrected but I was under the impression that the "slowing" down of combat in the first place (up until this patch) was to help enable playability across pings, and therefore is a component of their ping normalisation?

I play with AUS/EU/NA there was no ping issue or parry spam issue and none of them complained about parries or quick attacks.

Is this assumption based on the people you're frequently playing with, keeping in mind these players may be at a higher level of skill that is outside the scope of the standard player base, for which SV could be trying to strike a balance for?
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