List of main viable warrior and mage builds for new players.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2021
Aight guys, so i just updated this thread [06.09.2021]. The meta in the game changes somewhat often and since the last time I wrote this guide the builds DID differ a decent bit but not crazy much. If I find these builds getting outdated like crazy, then I will probably update it again. These are builds created by me, and with help from people who main the separate classes. There are different builds that can be viable but not SUPER META, that I haven't included.

These builds are made as a guideline for new player to not make trash character builds, if you have played this game for any decent length of time, you will be able to make any build yourself.

If you find any critical mistakes or dumb typos, just reply and let me know.

Pre notes to keep in mind:
All of these builds are supposed to be new player friendly "guidelines". If you have played this game for a bit, you can easily make your own build and understand how everything works. The nature of the game allows for TONS of different builds, and every build i list here are supposed to be as a "main viable" type of build, there are ofcourse different variations to these.
If you make a full veela warrior build, you might aswell include some magic into your build because you will have AT THE MINIMUM about 70 or so mana by leftover attribute points. So any veela warrior build might aswell be a "paladin" build by simply including magic.


Full Veela warior type 1:
Age 31, Overweight (150%), maxmimum size (184cm).

This build is the second fastest viable warrior build, right after a stout veela. You have VERY good HP (about 197) paired with decent damage, EXTREMELY good speed, paired with good survivability. Veelas have EXTREMELY good clade gifts, mostly aimed towards survival. You take less fall damage falling off cliffs, you can jump the same height in combat mode as out of and you regen more stamina while standing still. You also have 2 active clade gifts that increase your speed that can be stacked so you can SUPERSPEED away in a sticky situation. This is the kind of build you want to run if you want to play for survival and anti-zerg.
In general, veela warriors have less damage than other warrior builds, but they make it up with speed, combat jump height and speed. As i mentioned above, veela is the prime race you want to play if you are a small group looking to play survival and anti-zerg. Also the fact you can pick up magic and have leftover mana points after maxing all your other attributes makes it very easy for you to become a paladin/hybrid and crossheal your team if needed.

Full Veela warior type 2:
Age 31, Stout (130%), maxmimum size (184cm).

This is basically the same build as i mentioned above, except that it is faster, with the tradeoff of less HP (about 184). The tradeoff gives you more speed and SLIGHTLY more damage, so many people choose this build if they feel comfortable losing about 10~ health points. Everything else above applies.

Full Blainn warior type 1:
Age 23, Stout (130%), minimum size (156/157cm).

This i would call one of the two most viable melee builds. If i had to choose, i would either play a full veela warrior or a full blainn warrior. Blainns have TONS of hp (about 210), they are slow but they have clades that give them damage reduction. They also have clades that give them ACTIVE damage reduction. They do a lot of damage and they also have an active clade that is pretty good, the crackpipe. You basically have an active skill that can heal you for 50 HP (out of combat mode) while it lowers your HP reserves, this can be negated by just carrying health reserve regen food with you (pigmeat cooked in a cooking pot). Another one of the best upsides
with playing a full blainn warrior, is the fact they are so TINY (156cm). When your character is that small, its hard to hit and every animation hide you do is even harder for the enemy to read due to your small size. Its tanky, good damage and decent survival, the drawback with playing full blainn is their low movement speed. The low movement speed is KIND OF negated by the fact they have BY FAR the most stamina out of any race/build in the game (about 396).

Full khurite warrior type 1: (Not meta, humans in general are pretty shit)
Age 23, stout (130%), minimum size (167cm *with clades*).

This build is kind of a middle man build. It is very fast, second to the veelas and it has very good damage, about the same as oghmirs. The drawback is the fact that the human clades arent very good. You go minimum size because min size is extremely good for fights making your character harder to see and making your animation hiding better. Theres not much else to say about this build. I WILL say though that this is the THIRD build type i would make if i didnt make the two above ones. You can research the human clades for yourself but to give a quick rundown, most of the human clades give you benefits for magic, but a human hybrid build is not very good because you cant
really get out of range to use magic very well in realistic fights.

Thursar kallard type 1:
age 30 (2x thursar, 2x kallard), maximum size (~220cm *with clades*).

This is the highest damage build in the game. It is ALLRIGHT. The downside with this build is the fact it is pretty slow (the same speed as the blainn build), and its physical size. Its an easy target in groupfights, and depending on your clade choice, you might take increased magic damage. Its not a bad build, but i would not recommend it if you are a small scale group due to the fact its so slow and so easy to hit. If you are in a zerg guild or you are doing a 5v5, then this is a very good build.


A message that i would like to make before i get into the mage builds. Is the choice between MAX size and MIN size. If you go MAX size, you get more HP but less stamina and damage. If you go MIN size, you get more mana and damage but less HP. So this choice is inertly yours to make and i cant really decide what you think is best compared to HP to DMG and MANA.

Full Veela mage type 1:
(Age 31 - Max size - Overweight 150%).

This is a decent mage build, fairly low damage (overall) but high HP and very good speed. The choice of mage build is honestly very personal prefference, when it comes to speed/damage/health. This one is a high HP, medium damage and high speed.

Full sheevra mage type 1:
(Age 50 - Min size - Bulging 195%).

This is basically the best "all around" build for a mage. It has EXTREMELY good damage, very good mana, and it is decent speed (429). The only thing catching you on this build will be a veela warrior / hybrid / palading. You will be trucking people with damage and be healing for CRAZY ammounts. This is probably the main mage build at the moment per update of this post. If you are just starting and want the "cookie cutter" build, this is the one.

The fat mage (oghmir, sheevra etc.)
(Age 60 - Size doesnt matter - Obese 200%)

So this is the fatmage build, most people choose to go oghmir on this one for the extra INT bonuses, but this is basically the highest damage mage build out there. The downside to this is basically the EXTREMELY slow movement speed. If you get caught out with this by a warrior, you are a walking lootbag, unless ofcourse you are very good at blocking (which is extremely easy). But in groupfights this does EXTREMELY good high DMG heals and SUPER BIG damage offensive spells. This is probably not the build you want to go in a small scale group simply due to the fact its so easy to punish and the super slow movement speed (you usually need to kite on a small scale group).


@@Will add if theres interest for it@@
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
This is great stuff for new players. Some very good builds in here. I would like to add that in general pvp, unless you have a very supportive group behind you, speed is king. There is a lot of back and forth in group pvp and playing a slow character is very difficult because you will always be focused as people know you can’t get away. You become an easy target and have to rely on your team mates to protect you during a retreat.

I’m not trying to discourage anyone from trying damage or hp builds, just putting it out there that staying alive is more often than not much easier to do when you have max foot speed.


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
Hello, here i shall list some of the main viable builds for warriors and mages. If people want i can add hybrid builds aswell but what new players need to understand is that towards the end of mortal 1 and also in this game from what i can see, you are basically gimping your group by being a hybrid instead of a pure class like a warrior or mage. There was a time long ago when hybrids were very good and you could run full hybrid groups, but those times have been gone for years.

I am not going to list all the clade gifts to choose as it is fairly obvious which ones are the best when you look at them. I also suggest going to mortaldata and checking out the character creator there. You can look up all the actual speed values, max health, max stamina etc. for all the builds.

The idea behind weight modifiers is being at the absolute heaviest for the modifier you are going for. This is due to the fact that being stout at 111% weight, you will have less total HP than being stout at 130% weight, even though you will have the same weight modifier benefits (+5 str etc.).

Keep in mind that most of these builds can be customized to have more HP with the tradeoff of less speed and vice versa.


Veela warrior
(Age 23 - Max size - Overweight 150%) The fastest viable warrior build, you have lower STR than every other warrior build and do less damage but you will have the fastest speed and can get away from pretty much anyone (also chase down). You will do less damage but from what ive seen in the current beta, it isnt that huge. The new clade system also introduces some EXTREMELY good benefits to being a veela such as reduced fall damage, same jump height in combat mode as out of combat mode, an active skill to regen stamina to full, an active skill to increase your speed, a passive to regen stamina while standing still and some other decent ones. Playing a veela warrior you are basically automaticly a paladin aswell aslong as you just put the rest of your skillpoints into magic, this is because Veelas have low max STR so you have tons of points leftover and therefore a lot of mana. A thing to note when it comes to veela warriors. They are kind of in the same boat as hybrids when it comes to group fights seeing as you would be way more useful for your group by playing any of the other warrior builds with more damage. By playing a veela warrior you play for survival and it is a very selfish build to play in a group setting unless your whole group has made the concious decission to do so.

Full khurite warrior (Age 23 - Max size - Stout 130%) This is basically the second fastest warrior build and is pretty much the "basic" warrior build currently. It was previously thursar khurites but full khurites have taken that spot over. This build is a good middle ground. It is fast, has high DMG bonus and just overall good. The humans have some decent clade gifts like a "cleanse" that removes all negative effects like corrupt or fulmination (and gives a shield against it for a certain time), an active skill that reduces magic damage, a passive that reduces damage taken from guild mates aswell as damage given to guildmates (good for zerg guilds), and a passive that reduces the penalties of armor weight on mana regen (this one makes full khurites good for hybrid builds aswell).

The warrior builds listed above are the ones that are pretty much always going to be good unless they do any massive changes.

Full blainn crackpipe smoker (Age 23 or 30 - Max size - Stout 130%) The only reason you would play this build is for the crackpipe clade gift. The crackpipe heals you for 50 hp (i believe) in like 3 seconds, but slowly lowers your max HP untill you rest. This build could be pretty good due to how tanky you would be in heavy armor with the high HP of blainns ontop of the crackpipe healing you for tons (which can be used in combat mode), but realistically this build is way too slow for my liking. It is definitely a contender though. The age and weight is kind of up to you, you could follow the school of though that considering you are already slow as fuck, going age 30 and fatter wont really make a huge difference and you will be sitting at like 228 hp, but the other route is getting every single speed point possible therefore choosing Fit at 110% is also a possibility.

Giant thursar kallard warrior (Age 30 - 212 size (maxed out with clade gifts) - Stout 130%) Allright so this is the highest damage build possible in the game and you will not have enough attribute points to max out your STR, DEX and CON. I would suggest taking points out of CON to max your STR cause the only reason you would play this build is to hit like a truck. You will be slow, you will be GIGANTIC and you will be an easy target ontop of the fact you will be taking more magic damage (it is worth noting that this build actually makes you MASSIVE and being an easy target is not a joke, you will be close to twice as tall as most other warriors. The thursar clade gifts are kind of meh but there are ones that increase your DMG even further so you will actually be trucking people hard. Dont expect to ever kite or get away on this build, if your group starts losing the battle and needs to kite, chances are you will be the first one to get your brains blasted out and left behind.

Thursar khurite sidoian (Age 27 - Max size - Stout 130%) This build is basically like a better version of the thursar kallard build. You will be pretty massive, do TONS of damage and run slightly faster than the thur kall, this was one of the best warrior builds back in MO1. You wont be as fast as the full khurites but kiting will not be completely out of the question and your damage might just make up for the slow speed. Note that most of the negatives coming with the thur kal build will be present in this one aswell, such as taking more magic damage and in general being an easy target to focus.

I wont list any other thursar builds like thursar khurite khurite because i feel at that point going full khurite is simply better.


Allright so when it comes to mages, you basically have 3 different main mage builds. Veela mages, sheevra mages and fatmages. Testing can be done to see the viabillity of full human mages paired together with the clade gift that lowers the mana regen penalty on heavier armor, but i havnt done any testing regarding that and dont know much about that clade gift. Maybe it will turn out to be great and hybrids will make a comeback?

Veela mage (Age 23 - Max size - Overweight 150%) Theres not much to say about this build, its basically a veela warrior expect a mage. Veela mages together with sheevras have been the most popular mage race choices throughout MO1 due to the fact you are very vulnerable when casting magic and playing a faster race is a nescessity. Mages used to go with different weight modifier before, for higher speed but going stout for 2 extra speed and 15 less HP is not a good idea IMO. Any less than 180 - 185 HP on a build is pretty dogshit.

Sheevra half fat mage (Age 31 - Max size - Fat 170%) So this might actually be the best mage build currently seeing as you are nearing fatmage levels of INT but also run faster than pretty much any warrior build except Veela warriors. The way magic damage works is that for every 10 levels of int there are breakpoints, at lower levels there isnt much of a difference, but when you get to the 100 and above INT levels, you start seeing decent increase in damage. This build has 110 INT and runs very fast, something that wasnt possible before without the speed clade gifts that alvarins get.

The fat mage (Age 60 - Size doesnt matter - Obese 200%) Allright so this is the hardest hitting mage build in the game. On the floor you will be sprinting at walking speed and are basically a helpless potatoe with no arms or legs, but pair this mage with a wheelchair in the form of a mount and you have a very deadly build. So you will basically only be able to max your INT and one other secondary stat so as mentioned already, survivability literally consists of being on a mount and hoping you dont get hit. You can also cheese people in towns that have good terrain like Kranesh or Gaul Kor, with this build but as soon as someone gets up to you, you are dead, thats not to take away from the fact that if you have 3 or even only 2 fat mages together, you can probably blow someone up before they can even react.

I will edit this if i come across mistakes. Also if enough ppl want more details about these builds i can add those, like actual speed values, max health, max stamina, and how to invest your attribute points.
Nice guide, I notice that If you set Weight on 150% you go fat not overweight


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2021
The age is in there, when it comes to the 150% weight, you need to slide it to 149% and then slowly up to 150% and ull be overweight, just keep an eye on your max dex and make sure its correct.
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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
The age is in there, when it comes to the 150% weight, you need to slide it to 149% and then slowly up to 150% and ull be overweight, just keep an eye on your max dex and make sure its correct.
Its hard to see when you hit too much or too little weight as it does not update until you relog.


Mar 18, 2021
What's your opinion on 30 age full kurite 130% vs 23 age full kurite?

They have the same movement speed and only 1 more max spped and 30 age has more damage bonus right?


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2021
What's your opinion on 30 age full kurite 130% vs 23 age full kurite?

They have the same movement speed and only 1 more max spped and 30 age has more damage bonus right?

Its fine, you run 1 speed less.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Skeletal: -40 STR, -40 CON, -10 PSY (-18 to -19 Health)
Bony: -30 STR, +5 DEX, -30 CON, +10 INT, -5PSY (-13 to -18 Health)
Skinny: -20 STR, +10 DEX, -15 CON, +5 INT (-10 to -13 Health)
Underweight: -10 STR, +5 DEX. -5 CON, +5 PSY (-7 to -9 Health)
Lean : -5 STR, +5 DEX (-3 to -7 Health)
Fit : Default Weight, No Positive or Negative Effects (-3 to +3 Health)
Stout: +5 STR, -5 DEX (+4 to +11 Health)
Overweight: -10 DEX (+11 to +18 Health)
Fat: STR -5, DEX -15, CON -5, INT +5 PSY+5 (+18 to +25 Health)
Bulging: -15 STR, -20 DEX, -15 CON, +10 INT, +10 PSY (+26 to +34 Health)
Obese: -30 STR, -40 DEX, -30 CON, +20 INT, +20 PSY (+35 to +36 Health)


I'm really confused given these effects why you would go above stout on warrior or even overweight on a mage for that matter. Seems warriors should all stop at stout and if you're going heavy on a mage you should be talking a minimum of fat. You're talking up to 7 more health but with a loss of 5 STR and 5 DEX compared to stout and no other bonuses to offset that.

Also, why run any Alvarin as 23 with the age reduction clade bonus? 30-31 yo is just as fast with higher str/size/int/psy caps making them just universally better builds.
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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2021
Skeletal: -40 STR, -40 CON, -10 PSY (-18 to -19 Health)
Bony: -30 STR, +5 DEX, -30 CON, +10 INT, -5PSY (-13 to -18 Health)
Skinny: -20 STR, +10 DEX, -15 CON, +5 INT (-10 to -13 Health)
Underweight: -10 STR, +5 DEX. -5 CON, +5 PSY (-7 to -9 Health)
Lean : -5 STR, +5 DEX (-3 to -7 Health)
Fit : Default Weight, No Positive or Negative Effects (-3 to +3 Health)
Stout: +5 STR, -5 DEX (+4 to +11 Health)
Overweight: -10 DEX (+11 to +18 Health)
Fat: STR -5, DEX -15, CON -5, INT +5 PSY+5 (+18 to +25 Health)
Bulging: -15 STR, -20 DEX, -15 CON, +10 INT, +10 PSY (+26 to +34 Health)
Obese: -30 STR, -40 DEX, -30 CON, +20 INT, +20 PSY (+35 to +36 Health)


I'm really confused given these effects why you would go above stout on warrior or even overweight on a mage for that matter. Seems warriors should all stop at stout and if you're going heavy on a mage you should be talking a minimum of fat. You're talking up to 7 more health but with a loss of 5 STR and 5 DEX compared to stout and no other bonuses to offset that.

Also, why run any Alvarin as 23 with the age reduction clade bonus?

You get 16 HP for going overweight over stout, age 31 extra dex doesnt increase your speed.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Looks like the HP gain is a percentile thing. The numbers were taken at 10 con they actually are a bit under reflective of what most builds would run. However:



23 and 31 are the same speed if you max dex on both builds. Only net effect is better caps. And that clade is center three so even if you don't want it you'll probably need it to take some of the clades higher up in its tree such as one of your speed buffs.


Mar 27, 2021
Hello, here i shall list some of the main viable builds for warriors and mages. If people want i can add hybrid builds aswell but what new players need to understand is that towards the end of mortal 1 and also in this game from what i can see, you are basically gimping your group by being a hybrid instead of a pure class like a warrior or mage. There was a time long ago when hybrids were very good and you could run full hybrid groups, but those times have been gone for years.

I am not going to list all the clade gifts to choose as it is fairly obvious which ones are the best when you look at them. I also suggest going to mortaldata and checking out the character creator there. You can look up all the actual speed values, max health, max stamina etc. for all the builds.

The idea behind weight modifiers is being at the absolute heaviest for the modifier you are going for. This is due to the fact that being stout at 111% weight, you will have less total HP than being stout at 130% weight, even though you will have the same weight modifier benefits (+5 str etc.).

Keep in mind that most of these builds can be customized to have more HP with the tradeoff of less speed and vice versa.


Veela warrior
(Age 23 - Max size - Overweight 150%) The fastest viable warrior build, you have lower STR than every other warrior build and do less damage but you will have the fastest speed and can get away from pretty much anyone (also chase down). You will do less damage but from what ive seen in the current beta, it isnt that huge. The new clade system also introduces some EXTREMELY good benefits to being a veela such as reduced fall damage, same jump height in combat mode as out of combat mode, an active skill to regen stamina to full, an active skill to increase your speed, a passive to regen stamina while standing still and some other decent ones. Playing a veela warrior you are basically automaticly a paladin aswell aslong as you just put the rest of your skillpoints into magic, this is because Veelas have low max STR so you have tons of points leftover and therefore a lot of mana. A thing to note when it comes to veela warriors. They are kind of in the same boat as hybrids when it comes to group fights seeing as you would be way more useful for your group by playing any of the other warrior builds with more damage. By playing a veela warrior you play for survival and it is a very selfish build to play in a group setting unless your whole group has made the concious decission to do so.

Full khurite warrior (Age 23 - Max size - Stout 130%) This is basically the second fastest warrior build and is pretty much the "basic" warrior build currently. It was previously thursar khurites but full khurites have taken that spot over. This build is a good middle ground. It is fast, has high DMG bonus and just overall good. The humans have some decent clade gifts like a "cleanse" that removes all negative effects like corrupt or fulmination (and gives a shield against it for a certain time), an active skill that reduces magic damage, a passive that reduces damage taken from guild mates aswell as damage given to guildmates (good for zerg guilds), and a passive that reduces the penalties of armor weight on mana regen (this one makes full khurites good for hybrid builds aswell).

The warrior builds listed above are the ones that are pretty much always going to be good unless they do any massive changes.

Full blainn crackpipe smoker (Age 23 or 30 - Max size - Stout 130%) The only reason you would play this build is for the crackpipe clade gift. The crackpipe heals you for 50 hp (i believe) in like 3 seconds, but slowly lowers your max HP untill you rest. This build could be pretty good due to how tanky you would be in heavy armor with the high HP of blainns ontop of the crackpipe healing you for tons (which can be used in combat mode), but realistically this build is way too slow for my liking. It is definitely a contender though. The age and weight is kind of up to you, you could follow the school of though that considering you are already slow as fuck, going age 30 and fatter wont really make a huge difference and you will be sitting at like 228 hp, but the other route is getting every single speed point possible therefore choosing Fit at 110% is also a possibility.

Giant thursar kallard warrior (Age 30 - 212 size (maxed out with clade gifts) - Stout 130%) Allright so this is the highest damage build possible in the game and you will not have enough attribute points to max out your STR, DEX and CON. I would suggest taking points out of CON to max your STR cause the only reason you would play this build is to hit like a truck. You will be slow, you will be GIGANTIC and you will be an easy target ontop of the fact you will be taking more magic damage (it is worth noting that this build actually makes you MASSIVE and being an easy target is not a joke, you will be close to twice as tall as most other warriors. The thursar clade gifts are kind of meh but there are ones that increase your DMG even further so you will actually be trucking people hard. Dont expect to ever kite or get away on this build, if your group starts losing the battle and needs to kite, chances are you will be the first one to get your brains blasted out and left behind.

Thursar khurite sidoian (Age 27 - Max size - Stout 130%) This build is basically like a better version of the thursar kallard build. You will be pretty massive, do TONS of damage and run slightly faster than the thur kall, this was one of the best warrior builds back in MO1. You wont be as fast as the full khurites but kiting will not be completely out of the question and your damage might just make up for the slow speed. Note that most of the negatives coming with the thur kal build will be present in this one aswell, such as taking more magic damage and in general being an easy target to focus.

I wont list any other thursar builds like thursar khurite khurite because i feel at that point going full khurite is simply better.


Allright so when it comes to mages, you basically have 3 different main mage builds. Veela mages, sheevra mages and fatmages. Testing can be done to see the viabillity of full human mages paired together with the clade gift that lowers the mana regen penalty on heavier armor, but i havnt done any testing regarding that and dont know much about that clade gift. Maybe it will turn out to be great and hybrids will make a comeback?

Veela mage (Age 23 - Max size - Overweight 150%) Theres not much to say about this build, its basically a veela warrior expect a mage. Veela mages together with sheevras have been the most popular mage race choices throughout MO1 due to the fact you are very vulnerable when casting magic and playing a faster race is a nescessity. Mages used to go with different weight modifier before, for higher speed but going stout for 2 extra speed and 15 less HP is not a good idea IMO. Any less than 180 - 185 HP on a build is pretty dogshit.

Sheevra half fat mage (Age 31 - Max size - Fat 170%) So this might actually be the best mage build currently seeing as you are nearing fatmage levels of INT but also run faster than pretty much any warrior build except Veela warriors. The way magic damage works is that for every 10 levels of int there are breakpoints, at lower levels there isnt much of a difference, but when you get to the 100 and above INT levels, you start seeing decent increase in damage. This build has 110 INT and runs very fast, something that wasnt possible before without the speed clade gifts that alvarins get.

The fat mage (Age 60 - Size doesnt matter - Obese 200%) Allright so this is the hardest hitting mage build in the game. On the floor you will be sprinting at walking speed and are basically a helpless potatoe with no arms or legs, but pair this mage with a wheelchair in the form of a mount and you have a very deadly build. So you will basically only be able to max your INT and one other secondary stat so as mentioned already, survivability literally consists of being on a mount and hoping you dont get hit. You can also cheese people in towns that have good terrain like Kranesh or Gaul Kor, with this build but as soon as someone gets up to you, you are dead, thats not to take away from the fact that if you have 3 or even only 2 fat mages together, you can probably blow someone up before they can even react.

I will edit this if i come across mistakes. Also if enough ppl want more details about these builds i can add those, like actual speed values, max health, max stamina, and how to invest your attribute points.

This is awesome I'm glad to see that Veela Veela speed warriors are a viable now. I have a hard time playing slow characters especially with how huge the world is now. Question for you... How would you set up a speed warrior Veela Veela if you don't want to use magic or do you think it's automatically a wise choice to only use magic? What do you think about Veela Veela warriors that also use Bows considering their extra points in bows?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
This is awesome I'm glad to see that Veela Veela speed warriors are a viable now. I have a hard time playing slow characters especially with how huge the world is now. Question for you... How would you set up a speed warrior Veela Veela if you don't want to use magic or do you think it's automatically a wise choice to only use magic? What do you think about Veela Veela warriors that also use Bows considering their extra points in bows?

Veela are not only viable without magic. Depending on how they recurve int (The current curve where it gives no additional spell damage 50-100 isn't working as intended) Sheevra will likely become the meta for alvarin mages. Veela are stronger and more dexterous though meaning they will remain the meta for melee and archers.

Nearly every build in the game is viable between Veela and Sheevra if you want to play a faster/lighter version of it.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2021
This is awesome I'm glad to see that Veela Veela speed warriors are a viable now. I have a hard time playing slow characters especially with how huge the world is now. Question for you... How would you set up a speed warrior Veela Veela if you don't want to use magic or do you think it's automatically a wise choice to only use magic? What do you think about Veela Veela warriors that also use Bows considering their extra points in bows?

Veela warriors have been viable for a pretty long time even in MO1 its just the tradeoff for more DMG compared to speed. Sadly not wanting to play a slow character isnt really a choice so far in MO2 as every character no matter if ur playing the fastest veela build is gonna be pretty slow. You will be faster than pretty much everyone but it will be no where near the differences in speed that existed in MO1, if you get a full khurite warrior that starts stickying you, you will need to break his sticky by running around and etc before your speed actually comes into play.

You do not need to get magic on a veela warrior. Just put all your points into psyche and you will be pretty resistant to mages, ontop of the clade gift that gives you magic reduction (active).

It seems that bows on veelas are actually going to be pretty viable. You have 2 clade gifts that allow you to use bows that are 10 STR higher than yours EACH. That means you will be able to use 105 STR bows which are more than strong enough to do good damage, ill likely play a veela warrior without magic myself atleast for a decent portion of the time as leveling magic is a pain.

The 2 clade gifts that let veelas use 105 STR bows open up tons of opportunity. You can finally be a viable mounted archer on a veela aswell. You definitely dont NEED to have magic (paladin) on a veela warrior but as i said in the first post, you will have so much mana, which could be spent on purrifies and corrupts, helps a lot for survival but archery is very good too.


Mar 27, 2021
Veela warriors have been viable for a pretty long time even in MO1 its just the tradeoff for more DMG compared to speed. Sadly not wanting to play a slow character isnt really a choice so far in MO2 as every character no matter if ur playing the fastest veela build is gonna be pretty slow. You will be faster than pretty much everyone but it will be no where near the differences in speed that existed in MO1, if you get a full khurite warrior that starts stickying you, you will need to break his sticky by running around and etc before your speed actually comes into play.

You do not need to get magic on a veela warrior. Just put all your points into psyche and you will be pretty resistant to mages, ontop of the clade gift that gives you magic reduction (active).

It seems that bows on veelas are actually going to be pretty viable. You have 2 clade gifts that allow you to use bows that are 10 STR higher than yours EACH. That means you will be able to use 105 STR bows which are more than strong enough to do good damage, ill likely play a veela warrior without magic myself atleast for a decent portion of the time as leveling magic is a pain.

The 2 clade gifts that let veelas use 105 STR bows open up tons of opportunity. You can finally be a viable mounted archer on a veela aswell. You definitely dont NEED to have magic (paladin) on a veela warrior but as i said in the first post, you will have so much mana, which could be spent on purrifies and corrupts, helps a lot for survival but archery is very good too.

This is awesome and exciting personally. I always loved dex based characters (yes even in Dark Souls don't judge me lol) but seriously... I do understand that every character is slow right now anyways but knowing that I can play my favorite race and be viable makes me happy. What makes me happier is also knowing that I can possibly MA as well with a veela. !!!!


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
Veela warriors have been viable for a pretty long time even in MO1 its just the tradeoff for more DMG compared to speed. Sadly not wanting to play a slow character isnt really a choice so far in MO2 as every character no matter if ur playing the fastest veela build is gonna be pretty slow. You will be faster than pretty much everyone but it will be no where near the differences in speed that existed in MO1, if you get a full khurite warrior that starts stickying you, you will need to break his sticky by running around and etc before your speed actually comes into play.

You do not need to get magic on a veela warrior. Just put all your points into psyche and you will be pretty resistant to mages, ontop of the clade gift that gives you magic reduction (active).

It seems that bows on veelas are actually going to be pretty viable. You have 2 clade gifts that allow you to use bows that are 10 STR higher than yours EACH. That means you will be able to use 105 STR bows which are more than strong enough to do good damage, ill likely play a veela warrior without magic myself atleast for a decent portion of the time as leveling magic is a pain.

The 2 clade gifts that let veelas use 105 STR bows open up tons of opportunity. You can finally be a viable mounted archer on a veela aswell. You definitely dont NEED to have magic (paladin) on a veela warrior but as i said in the first post, you will have so much mana, which could be spent on purrifies and corrupts, helps a lot for survival but archery is very good too.
Add stout and you can use 110 str bows on veelas. So sure, they are definitely not the MAXIMUM damage you can achieve with a bow, but the extra dex towards weakspot, weakspot clade and with a 110 str bow its for sure at least enough to give the maximum strength builds a run for their money. End game, being able to weakspot more consistently even a little bit is much more important than what will be just a few points of damage after armor mitigation that a higher strength bow will give.

Adding magic to a veela is actually hella cheap points wise, if you are only looking to use non damage or heal spells, even better.

For an absolute bare bones, all you need is 50 points and a clade point and you'll be able to cast spell reflect, corrupts, purify, mindblast:

50 ecumenical and you can cast all the support spells and heals(albeit crappy without in and mental offense)
1 clade point for free vitalism skill points
50 Mental training, now you cast the spells at ~30% less cost and can get concentration to help with pesky corruption interrupts.
50 mental offense, then you can do heals, which will also depend on if you have a bit of int.
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