Why is fishing primary?
We need more stuff, like fishing, which anyone can do without gimping something else. It adds "busy work" that you can do just for the sake of it.
Akin to deciding to level woodcutting or smth in runescape.
It gives you stuff you can level, and spend time doing after max levelling it.
This is especially pronounced since they are sticking with one char, need more stuff to do on that char.
Especially usefull that its something everyone can do. You and your mates wanna do some stuff together? Go fishing (or some other secondary skill). Right now you can go fish with your buddies, but leave Timmy behind because he doesnt want to remove axe-head crafting etc.
We need more stuff, like fishing, which anyone can do without gimping something else. It adds "busy work" that you can do just for the sake of it.
Akin to deciding to level woodcutting or smth in runescape.
It gives you stuff you can level, and spend time doing after max levelling it.
This is especially pronounced since they are sticking with one char, need more stuff to do on that char.
Especially usefull that its something everyone can do. You and your mates wanna do some stuff together? Go fishing (or some other secondary skill). Right now you can go fish with your buddies, but leave Timmy behind because he doesnt want to remove axe-head crafting etc.