Why are priests not getting pissed? (Anti-priest camping)


Active member
Apr 6, 2021
Why do priests go through all the trouble of spam rezzing players while a red player is standing in front of them murdering said rezzed players? Shouldn't they be getting really pissed off? These players are disrupting their work and making them work over-time just because their ballsack needs to be tickled from camping naked players.

So I suggest this:
Give priests some offensive magic to blast criminals that are attacking nearby players that have recently been rezzed. They will not attack reds or crims on sight, but they will defend recently rezzed players from attackers. -Any- rezzed player. This means even reds. This should reduce the ease that players have at preventing someone from spawning in an area.

Killing these spawned players has never been about fun, it's area control or malicious in nature. I personally don't think it should be allowed without some sort of repercussion or mechanic to help newly rezzed players to get away.

I don't expect too much support for this idea but whatever, we all have opinions.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Unfortunately it's an important aspect of area control. I actually think the opposite. I think each time you res at the same priest it should create and increase a cool down before you can res again until eventually it just locks you out for an hour or two. This rewards players for winning the fight over a town and pushing their enemies out. Which how it should be in a territorial control game. Conversely, I would balance this with A LOT more banks.


That's an image from Darkfall Unholy Wars showing all the neutral banks that were usable (No picture from the original but I remember it being about the same). I'd say less than a third of those were attached to guarded towns. So if a town was completely overrun and you were getting camped out of using it there were always places you could go to resupply still. Where right now there are four unguarded banks spread unevenly across the map and very long distances from each other. And that's the real issue.

If you're a red and you're losing the fight for the town you want to live in it's MUCH harder to back off somewhere else and do something else until you things cool down or you can regroup and make a counter push. People keep respawning at the same priest to die over and over and over because sometimes their next best option is to just log out.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I miss when NPCs could kick your ass. Definitely something that is a ???? moment for SV. It was just added flavor. Maybe they didn't need to be as strong as they were, but the fact that they are just basically infinite HP dudes who stand there... like you can put a pet on a priest and it does nothing, that's a step down from npcs that would blast you with spells even in town if you hit them on accident.

If you wanna get not camped just keep ressing lol, don't run or move other than pressing R, maybe strike up a conversation in local, people will stop eventually. It takes more effort to kill someone than it does to press R. You can go afk, make some tea, come back, res again, let them kill you, yawn, etc.

Camping in MO is based on the assumption that you are going to res somewhere else. If you don't, they will stop. Some faster than others, but they will stop, or someone else will come and kill them. Then you can be like haha shouldn't have been camping me so long while the guy camps both of you. I'm very pro-camp. It can be a social experience. Some guy who was installing cable at my house was talking about how much he had just eaten and how tired he was, and he popped the completely surprising question, "Ever had flan?"

Start off with stuff like that! Engage people, make them use more energy. This is OUR territory... oh, who is we? Oh I've heard about you guys aren't you at war with (x), how's that going? lol. I dunno. Like I said... I dunno why people take offense at camping. It's really just people wasting their time on you. I am honored that someone would waste so much time on lil old me.

Stay long enough and you might end up making a friend ( for real looool, life is funny. If you do the unexpected, you get unexpected results.)


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
In Jungle camp people revive after they die and join the fight again and ninja-loot. Punishing the players still infight for killing them again seems to be odd.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Priest camping is territory control. Its the only way to control the territory right now. Just go to a different priest or get real good at escaping.

In fights you need to have priest control to keep the naked of the enemy from coming back and looting or worn shorty fighting you. If people cant keep priest on lock down then they would have no way to win a fight because any person will just respawn and rejoin the fights.