Which build is best for archer/mage


Active member
May 28, 2020
Naples, Italy
107 + Weaponhilt = max damage bows

The weaponhilts lowered the Str requirements for at least 10-15 Str

That means you could shoot a 121 Str requirement Bow, but it would cost some Cash ! This would be a bit more expencive, but good vs Mounted Combat. You could damage your Opponents mount with your bow and the Player with Magic, if he is low life, but you can´t dismount him with earthquake.

what's weaponhilt?

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
item´s you could be found in the Sator and Custist Dungen in Mo1and could be added on your weapon. They reduced the STR requirement of a Weapon. i think they could be added to every weapon. I am not sure if they will be limited to Swords in MO2, but it kinda would make sense. SV should add such an Item for Swords and for Bows this time, becuase it not made much sense, that they could have been added to every weapon.

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
item´s you could be found in the Sator and Custist Dungen in Mo1and could be added on your weapon. They reduced the STR requirement of a Weapon. i think they could be added to every weapon. I am not sure if they will be limited to Swords in MO2, but it kinda would make sense. SV should add such an Item for Swords and for Bows this time, becuase it not made much sense, that they could have been added to every weapon.

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That is just the pommel. Hilt usually refers to both pommel, grip and guard together. But your point still kinda make sense anyway.


New member
Mar 30, 2021
If I was going footmage/archer I would probably go pure Sheevra. Reason being is their attribute cap is completely maxed out PLUS they essentially get 20 free points of strength as it matters to their build. It's going to let you spread your attribute points the furthest in a build that has no stats that are true dump stats. Literally every single attribute (except size if you count that) is relevant to that build so you want to maximize your attribute eco as far as you can.

A Sheevra has 8 higher attribute pool but also can take 4 more points out if size making it a 12 higher attribute cap race for the cost of 4 less strength cap, and 4 less dex cap.

So in total you have 20 more points to spend on mage attributes vs a veela. If it was a pure archer, so what? But for a mage/archer. I think that's a decent trade-off.
How much would that 4 extra Str affect the damage of your archery in practice?
Also, is it crazy to go 10 Psy? Will that that get you destroyed in PVP? Feels like going 10 Psy and dumping it all in Int for magic/crafting is kind of the ideal, unless Int doesn't effect the strength of your heals of support spells? I dont know how it works, is it purely just for damage spells?

Alvarin get two bow strength requirement clade gifts with +10 str each, so with 82 strength plus 5 from being stout an Alvarin can use bows with 107 strength requirement. Of cause there is a noticeable difference to real archers with bows of 115 or 117 or even 120 strength requirement. But this is pretty good when not playing pure PvP and much better than in MO1.
What clade would you say makes the best archer? Is there really a big difference between the damage of a 107 draw weight bow and one with 115-120 draw weight? I have not played the game much yet so genuinely asking.
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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
How much would that 4 extra Str affect the damage of your archery in practice?
Also, is it crazy to go 10 Psy? Will that that get you destroyed in PVP? Feels like going 10 Psy and dumping it all in Int for magic/crafting is kind of the ideal, unless Int doesn't effect the strength of your heals of support spells? I dont know how it works, is it purely just for damage spells?

What clade would you say makes the best archer? Is there really a big difference between the damage of a 107 draw weight bow and one with 115-120 draw weight? I have not played the game much yet so genuinely asking.
Strength almost translate into 1 more damage on longbows. Very generalized, but almost.


New member
Mar 30, 2021
Strength almost translate into 1 more damage on longbows. Very generalized, but almost.
So you're saying each point of Str translates to one point of damage, or the difference between 107 and 115 is one more damage?


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
Every point of strength. its not true to 100%. But its a good rule of thumb. For longbows anyway.


New member
Mar 30, 2021
Every point of strength. its not true to 100%. But its a good rule of thumb. For longbows anyway.
Alright, fair enough. And that's for draw strength, not the actual str of the character? So the Alvarin ability to draw 20 str higher still applies?


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
yup, those two clade gifts are very strong in what you gain for them.