Where's the "full" in this full-loot-pvp-game?


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Mate I work in software development and have made many games myself in the past I can tell you a goddamn loot bag is not hard to implement. First of all it's already dropped by pigs. Zombies. When you die. So no it's not a technical challenge it's already in game. As for server drain sure if you never ever removed the lootbag then yea but leaving it for ten minutes? No. The real reason is probably they can't prevent people from using it to dupe and trade criminal items. Please stop with this ridiculous it's too much for the network bs you have no idea what you're talking about
I have worked on and off in video game industry since 2008. As a QA analyst my job is to break things, replicate issues, test networking etc etc Outside of this, I have over 15 years of experience utilizing Unreal Engine, from personal projects to full fledged indie projects. Notable companies I have been employed with, or under third party agreements.

Creative Assembly, 2008 - 2014
Empire TW, Napoleon TW, Shogun II TW and Rome II

Offworld Industries, 2018 - Current day

Redstone Interactive, 2020 - Current day
Beyond The Wire

When working on a project, you have your planned core systems to build the foundation of your game. Each planned system has perf cost allocated, some systems are server side heavy, others more client heavy, some you can balance between the two - All is dependent on the system and if you can offload onto client or server dependent on the headroom you have, and of course the what exactly it is, itself. You figure out how big your perf pie is, and you allocate X system/feature a piece, then adapt it over time as the systems are implemented, and optimizations are done.

Somethings like dropping loot everywhere in the game world, is a low on the priority ladder thing. When you have main systems being implemented and other core features having perf cost set aside for future implementation - Things like items dropping all over the game world, can get very expensive, very quickly. Especially when your game is already very ambitious, with very heavy systems involved, little server side optimizations etc . And then you have 1000s of clients to communicate to the server and back with all this info happening across multiple server nodes. You typically want all the core and major systems in place and optimizations done, before adding the lower priority shit, so you build a stable foundation - So you know exactly how much headroom you have to fit other things in. You don't do this, you end up like one of the 1000s of shit games on Steam that are DOA, due to major stability issues. And as we all know, MO2 has major node/server instability.

There is a reason there's aggressive 'garbage collection' in games with being able to drop loot on the ground. Rust gets by, by making the bags merge into one, if same mat, and items despawn time is based on tier. They can get away with it, because it takes 2min for people to get back to their shit, though it has it's issues, as aformentioned. A large raid happens, tones of bodies on the ground and people mass despawning items = server shits the bed, which then in = client issues start occuring. Something like how rust does things, would not work in MO2 due to the scale of the game and how long it takes to travel. And with how unstable MO2's server infrastructure is, mass despawning items would implode the server into the next dimension.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
They don't need to be physical though. You don't need to attach any physics to them. They can be just 3D models spawned on the ground with simple interaction system.
If anything I'd assume being able to spam 50 campfires with actual model collisions right outside or sometimes inside towns is much more gruelling task.
If number of items is a problem, just use barcode's node suggestion.
The data still has to be stored and communicated between server and clients. The more loot on the ground the more information has to be communicated. Lets say one node has a huge battle in it, there's loot bags everywhere, people are looting and dying on repeat. Then there's people farming mobs, skinning, ditching the shit items on the ground. Then you have someone in their house despawning all their low dura or shit items and for some reason, you have some idiot spam dropping bone tissue in stacks of 1 all over the town.

This is a recipe to overload the node, not only due to the loot everywhere, but due to the amount of things requiring server involvement. MO2 already has major database issues, it can barely keep track of individual house furniture and items in chests. Maybe a couple years down the line if SV get their shit together and have optimized their systems, we can have nice things.

Deleted member 44

Think about players creating hundreds of loot bags in a small place, e.g. in the Tindrem bank.
Last Oasis solved this. The bags will combine. Non issue if the devs had a brain.