When are your fixing the terror bird mounted abuse?


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
You just need to play smart. I have seen dozens just outplay me and my terrorbird. The tamer either has a weak terrorbird or a weak horse. Can't have both.
As long as you go third speed on mount no pet can reach you. Just shoot the Terrorbird. Or his horse. Whatever is weaker. In both cases he is fucked now. Very easy.
if you are not on a mount and he catches you off guard, you have worse cards. Yet not unwinnable. If he uses his Terrorbird, use it as a shield between yourself and him.
Just Swing at the Bird. No need for block. Needs to die as soon as possible. You can kill it fast with steel weapons.
If you are a mage though. You are fucked.

Ah, and another thing. If you do not have the Zoology for Terrorbirds then you can't compare.
It would be like whining about mages being OP while you are playing a Charakter with no psyche at all.
BS you must be terrible at the game then. All you have to do is mercy the horse which you can as a mounted they cant get away and they dont have the time to

One button skillless game style and you say its counterable if the tamer is incompetent and the victim massively out plays the incompetence.

Mages are op btw I play one. You have to put 100 in to psyche to make it matter and then you just gimped your character for anyother fight outside of magic. At least mages require some aiming, movement, and awareness compared to a no skill pet user.
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Feb 26, 2022
BS you must be terrible at the game then. All you have to do is mercy the horse which you can as a mounted they cant get away and they dont have the time to

One button skillless game style and you say its counterable if the tamer is incompetent and the victim massively out plays the incompetence.

Mages are op btw I play one. You have to put 100 in to psyche to make it matter and then you just gimped your character for anyother fight outside of magic. At least mages require some aiming, movement, and awareness compared to a no skill pet user.
You are having a horse. With say, like lvl 80 to 125. That's over 200 life. You are wearing heavy armor our of reptile Carapace at least. 200 Health. He will do like 40 DMG a shot. Equals minimum of five shots. Number increases a lot when wearing way better armor or stronger horse.
What exactly did you do in that time? You just wait for your horse to get killed? Just sleep?

So you are mage? Any pet class will always counter you. Cause pets don't play on armor but on high health. And that's a lot of HP to take down as a mage.

Maybe you have a really bad build to fight this exact build. You might have to acccept to lose against this combo everytime. Get Terrorbird Lore, and shot it from horseback with bow. Five shots will do wonders, while he needs five shots to kill your horse.

Neither on or the other side always wins a matchup.
Suprise effect is very important in this game. If you see the tamer before he sees you you can just nuke his Terrorbird with a few sword hits.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
This is high MO end game content! Only gonna get worse from here.

White bears in Ogh armor, abominations and Death Knights is gonna take this to a whole new level, not to mention breeding sadly...

The SV way :LOL: We learned tho...
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