The Age of Discovery.
I think this honours those early pioneers who painstakingly discovered, through trial and error, recipes and formulas on how to craft all the different items we take for granted today. I think they deserve much more recognition than they currently receive, and they should not be forgotten.
It was also the first time all of us have set foot on Nave, and we all discovered things in our own way. Finding secret, forgotten locations, a crafting formula that gave us an edge over our adversaries. Or finding out that as a naked thief you could run faster, jump higher, and take far less falling damage than a fully-armoured foot soldier armed with a massive two-handed sword that you just stole from and is pursuing you on the tops of buildings in Tindrem would.
MO2 will still in some ways be a time of discovering new things too, but those of us who were already in MO1 will know at least a fair amount of what to expect but in a much greater scale and certain things may be different in the future timeline.
Hence, The Age of Discovery seems fitting for the time period that will soon be over in MO1.