what is the max range on short bows?


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
Strength matters when it comes to using the bow, yes. If you're below the strength requirement, your stamina will be gone near instantly, so you won't really be able to fire it consistently.

The max range of the bow depends on the materials of the bow. Usually a higher range means a higher strength requirement.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
short bows made of the best material (dense crepite) require a minimum of 82 strength. Below that and pulling the bow will deplete your stamina very quickly. You also wont do full damage.

As far as how far does it shoot? Its pretty far, if you arc it high enough, but i don’t have actual measures. I know you can hit further than you can see the arrow fall. The problem with the short bow is that the arrow drops pretty quick after release, so to shoot far you have to arc it almost to the sky. It gets almost impossible to aim like that at a distant target. Its more of a luck shot at that range.

Long bows have a much more linear trajectory as the arrows doesnt drop nearly as much. This makes long distance “sniping” far easier with long bows. They also do more damage, but also require higher strength.
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