The thing I never understand is people play MO, they play most of the 'builds', or try, they have vast experience, but they lack the same amount of sense that the devs do, just in a different way.
Mounted combat/archery is AMAZING. It's an MMO with mounts, now with differing speeds cuz of armor. The cheese people did cuz they couldn't get clean hits off w/ combat or w/e was wack. MC/MA has NOT been in a good place, either, I agree with that, but the idea of mounted combat, never seen it done as well in a pvp mmo (altho, I haven't played so many.) Games without mounted combat are wack, imagine riding beside someone and bumping into them on your horse like GET OFF... GET OFF AND FIGHT ME. lol. The game would change into something where two horses would like run into the person they want to gank and somehow block them like ^ and then have foot fighters come in and finish. Nooo.
If your main problem w/ magi is spike dmg, would it be so bad if they made it so that each person has a cool down of resist as long as the normal cool down is, per mage, so they could still output dmg, they could still spike w/ diff spells, but they couldn't just load up and massive spike. TRUE DAMAGE is extremely hard to balance. I think the best suggestion was have a hard look at combat spells for magi. I do think the game would be interesting with magi becoming healers (give them more points tho, maybe at least get rid of mental ____, the one that makes spells more potent) and debuffers/corruptors. Then let them take a wep if they wish to do some dmg/farm pve solo.
You are wiling out tho if you think that the game would be awesome if they removed everything but foot fighters ahaha.
Tzone said he uses a shield on his back, which doesn't give armor wt, which gives equip hits. So basically, in the same way as melee spin macro, dudes are playing in the most cheesy way possible (cuz full loot, I guess, or ego?) It would be better to fix the cheese. A shield on your back protecting you might be one of the most realistic things SV has done, and it's PROBABLY NOT EVEN SOMETHING THEY INTENDED.
I would say look @ that, look at parries, look at elf speed. High dex will still be worth, plus elf gifts. Just get rid of the two % boosts and the speed should level out LIKE THAT. That and jumping w/ wep out is suspect, but otoh... kinda cool. Not sure how I feel about that balance wise.
Check this out, I am going to break it down for yall. WHEN YOU ADD THINGS IN THE GAME THAT YOU COULD NOT DO BEFORE (like jumping with your wep out), IT CAN GRAVELY AFFECT BALANCE. In some ways, adding +10 dmg to something does not compare to adding in something completely different. Same w/ true damage. There are way more spells than there used to be. FS FULM TL LIT(I think?) EQ... uhh was there a fireball? Perhaps magi have too many dmg spells as well. I mean if you look at the spells I listed, that's a lot of dmg spells. There is no elemental resist. Like doods who have resist to very hot temps or whatever do not get an extra buff v flame dmg haha. Now, they added in like 3 or 4 more spells that do dmg. Magi are cool, to me, I dislike POTS. Once we get into the real game, dudes are gonna realize how wack pots are again.
My sugg: 2 many mage dmg spells, fix, cooldown per person (in relation to the spell's cool down) on spell hit (to prevent raw spiking because more magi = spike regardless, no matter what you tune the dmg as), really need a mounted casting and xtra fizzle while riding w/o. All the rest gotta take 100 control and 100 spec.
Mc is really cool, tho, mane. This lancing stuff is luls. MC problems are well documented. I would really say that part of the game can stay as it is while the rest is fixed... cept maybe a little more lance dmg. hehhhhhh. Just joking.
Dudes use your imagination, knowing what you know about the game, to play out more complex scenarios. Do most people not have that ability? My brain is fukt. Back when I was really into MO1 I'd be laying in bed and combat scenarios would start playing in my head, and I'm not even a dude who ONLY pvps like you guys.