It's pretty dumb they're a ticking time bomb. If you give them any space 4 spells kill you. Deadman had this idea of reducing everything by x amount.
Reducing the cast time, damage and mana use for each spell. Rewarding high tier mages like gotja and bird. Introduce more element of skill into it instead of 4 spell death. In theory you still die in the same amount of time, but it makes it a tad more skillful. Example 50% less mana, 50% less cast time and 50% less damage. Looking for serious feedback only and discussions.
Just make the game less zerg friendly please. Also, delete combat on mounts it's booty.
Reducing the cast time, damage and mana use for each spell. Rewarding high tier mages like gotja and bird. Introduce more element of skill into it instead of 4 spell death. In theory you still die in the same amount of time, but it makes it a tad more skillful. Example 50% less mana, 50% less cast time and 50% less damage. Looking for serious feedback only and discussions.
Just make the game less zerg friendly please. Also, delete combat on mounts it's booty.