Top 1vx Footie clade/Race?


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Dungeon or open world?
In dungeons I think Thursar. Superior damage and high passive regeneration + lifesteal.

Outsite of dungeons mounted fatmages are a realy pain in the ass for Thursars. So probably Veela there. Decent psy and good speed to reset fights. But with the lower damage bonus and lower life of a Veela you need eighter A) superior gear or B) superior skill compared to your attackers.

But usually I get mounted zerked in the open world and my survival chances are pretty low regardless of the character... Horses that seem to be able to climb any slope are an issue...


New member
Jan 12, 2022
Dungeon or open world?
In dungeons I think Thursar. Superior damage and high passive regeneration + lifesteal.

Outsite of dungeons mounted fatmages are a realy pain in the ass for Thursars. So probably Veela there. Decent psy and good speed to reset fights. But with the lower damage bonus and lower life of a Veela you need eighter A) superior gear or B) superior skill compared to your attackers.

But usually, I get mounted zerked in the open world and my survival chances are pretty low regardless of the character... Horses that seem to be able to climb any slope are an issue...
I was just thinking in general overall. Thanks for the answer thats kind of what I was thinking. Part of me was thinking a hard-hitting like Kallard or thursar to finish opponents quickly. 1vx in other games I played really took burst and skill to finish quick so you wouldnt get overwhelmed.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
The issue is that as soon as you get a somewhat skilled enemy on low life they will start parrying all your hits and you will have a hard time getting any damage through...

And then, if they got a mage that heals them... Game over for you. :D


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
This game combat is so trash, the idea that they wanted to make it more skill based so you can 1vx was just sooo misguided. It would be diff if you could just run around and smash everyone down when they were 10 feet overextended (that's the kind of 1vx that happens in most games, kite then when someone gets out of position, punish them.) I played most on veela... lean veela, and I can say that while I suck at MO combat as it is, I don't think I ever got a melee kill w/ a lean veela haha. All my kills were on Khurite, and that's not because khurite is good but because I could actually somewhat trick people into trading then finish them. I got kills in team scrums, FFA sorts with veela all day cuz it's easy to pick out the people who would think they could run to the back line and be like nope veela. That's farman, but 1vx survivable yeah veela, but if you actually wanna fight, I wouldn't. You can be nearly impossible to kill if you play right, but all of that ends up affecting your ability to output dmg cuz it kills your stam. Prol would be thursar. I'd duel styg thurs and I dunno if it's possible... I am a pretty optimistic / competitive dude, but watching their health tick back up is just like ahh... nah.

Styg is like the 1vx clade. People say dbl pots and I can see how that's prol cool, too, but being able to just keep fighting is big if you know how to play. If you're 1vxing people who have meh gear and no mage, you should be able to just trash them with a Thur, unless they run away. If you are even 2v1 and they have a mage, winning is nearly impossible, and that was before shuffle cast / skinny mages.

Veela is good in 1vx if you aren't trying for kills; if you're just trying to survive and snipe mounts or trick people into chasing you around. Veela is really good at getting people to see red and then leading them to their death. I can't even imagine playing veela w/ good armor on. Haha. I kept the hops and was using like hornscale spint so I could jump on rocks, etc. Taking just under 50 on hard hits, and that's like 1/3 of my life bar, but it's still almost impossible to die.

That's another thing I learned from Hayasa (haha said no one ever :eek: ) and it's kind of nerfed in MO2 cuz if parry, heal, etc... you want a lite wep if you are gonna be running around like that so that you can keep pushing. If you get like a 2+ wt wep, you can stam out. If your wep is like 1.6, your dmg is obv less, but you can run forever. It's just... you're not gonna kill. Get horses tho... w/ 2 weight wep (at least as lean) you are gonna lose your whole speed advantage because of the stam cost, and you prol couldn't kill anyone that way, either, cuz chasing + stam.

TLDR, since the game is all face up, the Thur is prol best. You would think a crafty alv would be best, and they can output way more dmg without taking dmg, but to actually commit and get a kill can be tough, esp if you have to run thru a line of people protecting someone bandaiding. Where as Thur can just be there parrying one guy and hitting another...