Too Many Cheaters


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
Cheating seems to have become commonplace on this game, and i'm so tired of it.

People using some kind of stamina exploit, so they never run out of stam, people openly admitting to using speedhacks... Like, guys, you need to crack down on these people, or figure out some kind of software that can detect this nonsense.. There are people openly cheating on your game.

Thursars running faster than veelas.. Mages running with infinite stam.. Literal speed hackers... One of these people actually laughed at me for not using hacks, suggesting i was somehow bad at the game for not hacking like they were.. Like really guys???


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
But do you have video proof?

Thats the only response i seem to get from GMs these days, for just about anything in game. As if its my job to record every moment of gameplay in order to prove that people are cheating or that the game has bugs.

Its completely ridiculous.

Also, for every person that admits they are cheating there are 10 that dont admit it. Problem is that with rings/trinkets, masteries, and now orbs its getting almost impossible to even tell if a person is cheating. Was he speed hacking? Or does he just have full dex masteries and insane +dex rings? No way to inspect the player, so no way to know unless he tells you. Which in itself is a huge problem.

And even IF you do manage to record the act and prove that someone is cheating, and rhe GM feels like doing something about it, and they actually get banned….they just go and play on their other accounts anyways.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I agree w/ Hayasa tho, inthat dude would record everything. I mean, if you're just doing stuff whatever, but if you're actually out in the world engaging, it's not too bad. I am not saying it's OK that you need to catch them, but there should be video. The issue is that I dunno if people would believe it even with the video. I had some wild stuff on video haha.

I think the only solution is to remove trinks, masteries, and orbz so that they can balance the game and fix cheating!


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
His MO1 Video about getting jailed for "underwater breathing" and "swimmimg stamina hacking" was legendary.
Some noobs from Steam Release apparently complained about him to some GMs.
He cought the whole shit on video.


Active member
May 4, 2024
Cheating seems to have become commonplace on this game, and i'm so tired of it.

People using some kind of stamina exploit, so they never run out of stam, people openly admitting to using speedhacks... Like, guys, you need to crack down on these people, or figure out some kind of software that can detect this nonsense.. There are people openly cheating on your game.

Thursars running faster than veelas.. Mages running with infinite stam.. Literal speed hackers... One of these people actually laughed at me for not using hacks, suggesting i was somehow bad at the game for not hacking like they were.. Like really guys???
Has become? It always has been. 80% of the this game cheats somehow.

Basically everyone that I encounter is trying to use some advantage. Stretched res, reshade, exploits, combat macros, injectors, packet detection, pixel detection, bots. I've seen it all. MO2 is a cheaters paradise, just like MO1.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
This is sad to hear, but I am aware, and not surprised. The question is, are GM's actively monitoring the server? Because if we make a report we should not need to submit videos or screenshots to prove that a code was violated. I consider exploiting also cheating, so if we submit screenshots of illegally placed houses or other hacks, we've had GM's still do nothing.

I prefer quality over quantity, and if we have so many people cheating, GM's should ban all of these accounts indefinitely.
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Active member
Jul 19, 2022
Hard agree. Its obvious cheaters and the GMs seem to not have the tools or knowledge to do something against them. And no, i dont need video proof of a Thursar speed hacking when he hit me 4 times in the back while I popped both Alvarin clades at 137dex. Its impossible for a Thursar to close the gap on a 137dex build, in fact its impossible for anything other than a lean veela with +8 raw dex masteries and full raw dex from mastery. GMs should know that in my opinion. Same goes for Stamina. Some people will chase you with a charged hit for literal minutes. that also is de facto impossible and any GM could see that by simply equipping a random weapon, holding the left mouse button, shift and W , but apparently that is too complicated.
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
If we ignore the fact that the game was cooked since alpha.

Game is officially cooked now.
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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
At launch my guild and I went to the Mino dungeon a few days after it was released. There was literally naked Oghmir flying around past us killing the boss in one hit. He didn't kill us at first, we just sat near the boss entrance and waited as I sent in a ticket. I was told that a GM couldn't come to look because either they didn't have enough time, or they had higher priorities and for me to just video it and send it to a GM on Discord.

The hackers were so fast it was a miracle I was even able to hover over the name and catch the tag. Ofc it was a random mess of letters (Dkdeidfje) and he was probably banned...but he was ONE of hundreds.

The worst fuckin part, is I had a guild of majority new players and only 4-5 vets. I was trying hard to rebuild a guild and get people into the game and get good etc...but anyway we just sat there for 30 minutes waiting for the next respawn, only for the hacker to one tap all of us lmfao. It was the absolute most demoralizing thing as a guild leader with NEW PLAYERS that bought and subscribed this this niche shithole of a game to have happen. Everywhere you turn the game or the exploiters are just fucking you.

Needless to say, after basically being told the GM's can't do anything about the flying Oghmir in real-time along with all the other absolute stupid things/exploits that were going on at the time I quickly realized this is MO1 all over again and Henrik and SV didn't learn shit as we all know. I basically quit playing along with the other vets and the guild just kinda fell apart. Alot of work preparing in beta, combat training, speadsheets, recruiting, etc all for Star Vault to be the ones to destroy the guild. JUST LIKE they did with my guild in MO1 with refusing to fix the water-mixing potion exploit and 1-shot mounted maul meta for 6+ months.

Star Vault is their own worst enemy. The cheaters are just the cherry on top. Shit game. Shit company.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
At launch my guild and I went to the Mino dungeon a few days after it was released. There was literally naked Oghmir flying around past us killing the boss in one hit. He didn't kill us at first, we just sat near the boss entrance and waited as I sent in a ticket. I was told that a GM couldn't come to look because either they didn't have enough time, or they had higher priorities and for me to just video it and send it to a GM on Discord.

The hackers were so fast it was a miracle I was even able to hover over the name and catch the tag. Ofc it was a random mess of letters (Dkdeidfje) and he was probably banned...but he was ONE of hundreds.

The worst fuckin part, is I had a guild of majority new players and only 4-5 vets. I was trying hard to rebuild a guild and get people into the game and get good etc...but anyway we just sat there for 30 minutes waiting for the next respawn, only for the hacker to one tap all of us lmfao. It was the absolute most demoralizing thing as a guild leader with NEW PLAYERS that bought and subscribed this this niche shithole of a game to have happen. Everywhere you turn the game or the exploiters are just fucking you.

Needless to say, after basically being told the GM's can't do anything about the flying Oghmir in real-time along with all the other absolute stupid things/exploits that were going on at the time I quickly realized this is MO1 all over again and Henrik and SV didn't learn shit as we all know. I basically quit playing along with the other vets and the guild just kinda fell apart. Alot of work preparing in beta, combat training, speadsheets, recruiting, etc all for Star Vault to be the ones to destroy the guild. JUST LIKE they did with my guild in MO1 with refusing to fix the water-mixing potion exploit and 1-shot mounted maul meta for 6+ months.

Star Vault is their own worst enemy. The cheaters are just the cherry on top. Shit game. Shit company.

lol, was talking to someone on Reddit and they were like "If you wanna change the game, you should talk to the devs." It's like yooo?? @Henrik doesn't even work anymore ;) @LGM Discord is the closest you get. HI.


SV needs to get some nuts. They need to 'trust the vision.' They are so fucking afraid to lose the 'cheaters' and sweatlords that sub 10+ accts that they won't change the game. They wouldn't discount the game. They wouldn't offer free time. And now it's TOO LATE. They need to change the game BEFORE offering a free weekend. They painted themselves into a corner.

There is NO WAY anyone can convince me they are not running interference for cheaters. No one is that incompetent and lazy. WHY? Trust your game. I think this is worse than MO1 because the items that can be gained have way more value. I can't imagine a high cash value item in MO1 other than like a keep or the sword of tears. Now they have many, books... trinks.

MO is like 50% mining bitcoins on your cpu and 50% juicing RMTers to skim off the top. PROVE ME WRONG.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I have a fully decked out village with an attractor and a refinery oven. This is the only reason I’m subbing at this point. PvP is broken due to abused mechanics and server ping unbalance. Economy is broken due to RMTers and now the broker is jacked and more difficult than before.

Relic content is only for the biggest zerg, tabards turn into mud on your alts and they aren’t showing properly (every guild should be reimbursed 2k and 150k prominence) I think they are overpriced and broken.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
This has always been the case, ever since the first game. Though in the first game the cheaters were a lot more quiet and closeted. Guilds would flat out deny and cover it up, because they were directly benefiting from it(epeen, loot, RMT), cheating themselves or duping their tits off. Wasn't even surprised to see a lot of MO1 veterans get banned in MO2, always knew some of those banned were shady. Funny they just realized MO2 was a bigger turd than MO1 and just stopped giving a shit and cheated so openly.

At least MO2 cheaters get banned, even if it takes a while. In MO1 we had to rely on SV's inhouse anti-cheat, which could barely catch basic cheat engine lol Cheaters would be around for years on their accounts, unless there was something overly blatant, like Mr Huegar(HornyFurry) being caught on camera running around in full Tindremic messing, spamming a skadite weapon lol

Don't expect shit from SV,


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Speaking of games completely ruined by cheaters, I was watching this video on rage hackers in cs2. Interestingly none of the profiles have VAC bans which means they're not banned from cs2. But I did notice one of the profiles has 900 hours in mo2 hahahaaha