Being priest camped should be a teaching moment. It's part of all phases of the game and a new player needs to learn how to deal with it.
Hiding crucial parts of the game till someone is hooked will only lead to longterm frustration.
Stop it and get your head out of the clouds.
We saw the reviews of 2015. And its simply shit. We saw it in the past it didn't worked so we have to change that in the future or the same shit will happen again.
Enough said.
And even if we go down your hypotheroy argument.
Than whats wrong in having more players actually have a chance to learn and play the game for a few weeks.? Even if most of them will quit.
Atleast they had a chance. And they had the Opportunitiy. So even the dumfuck of players will than come to the conclusion ok its not for me. But that stuff maybe suits some other people more, its not bad but its okay.
And now if you prevent priest camping of noobs.
Than we would have less whiney steam btichez that spread everywhere on the internet that Star Vault is a Company of amateurs and that Mortal Online is one of the Worst Games in MMO history.
If you can prevent such terrible review than you should do that. Because that also drives people away. if someone tells me about game XYZ and I see shit reviews on steam and i see shit reviews on youtube and i read people complaining about an incompetend game dev team. YOu can gues what im not playing. and what most people will never even look at it again. And were most people set it on ignore list and gone forever. 1 potential player less for ever.
Thats why fukcing noob slaughtering must be prevented at all cost.
Or we will end up in an low population, boring empty liveless game with no meaning or reason to do anything and than we will all end up playing tarkov. Or some other shit.
becuase thats the only fucking option left.
And all that just because some retards decided greefed people out of the game is more fun than actually playing the game.