I feel people should be able to buy books with real life money. Myrland is a simulation. Why cant a person sitting behind a desk, simulate walking over to a GM and handing them a hundred of gold from the players perspective. I can RP this plenty to not feel immersed-broken |||They are gods. Gods of wisdom and keepers of knowledge||| For all intents, the creators of games are gods from an RP perspective, in my mind
In awesome games like this, GMs have a long tradition of participating not just moderating. They could make it a temple where copies of EVERY book lie. Hell, make it an instanced dungeon with ZERO xp or benifit. Portals magiks alreadies exists.
In awesome games like this, GMs have a long tradition of participating not just moderating. They could make it a temple where copies of EVERY book lie. Hell, make it an instanced dungeon with ZERO xp or benifit. Portals magiks alreadies exists.