The world feels extremely empty.


Mar 31, 2021
The world feels extremely empty. There are simply not enough animal spawns on the whole. 2,500 animal spawns are not enough for the number of players on the map. In addition, when you do see animals it's just mass amounts of lame-ass pigs. We need like triple the number of animals on the map currently, and frankly more diversity. Old school EverQuest had more livelihood to it than this does currently.


Nov 30, 2020
Henrik is aware of this issue, but idk if he realizes how important it is to add stuff quickly. He indicated that they left space open for new future creatures. but they Can’t just wait for new mobs or pickables to be designed, they need to fill out the map with stuff ASAP and maybe replace with new assets later
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Sep 11, 2021
I agree, and SV is aware. However, I wouldn't want them adding any more spawns to the game until they get their server issues sorted, because their server is tapping out already. Adding more spawns would just make things worse.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Yeah if you just get out there and find things and know how to get back to them. There is plenty of things. Get out of the WOW mindset of things should be easily found.

Go out into nature and tell me how many wolves, deer or even birds you see in 5 minutes because thats what you are asking for. The attention span and people are expecting theme park resource and mob placement.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
yea bush pigs are loool, one thing that I did notice is they buffed the amount of horses in spawns, which I really disagree with. Holy shit, everyone has horses now. Horses are like 5g, horses should be a contested resource.

There's stuff you can pick and farm but it all feels samey. It doesn't have that MO1 like "I am here; I can get this" feeling as much. I'm cool with all the flowers you can pick, but I dunno if I count them as true pickables. Peppering the map with those is not enough. I want fields of ground pickables a lot of places. Similar to how they have bor/sea dew by Meduli. There should be LOTS of spots like that with various things. They could increase the pick rate of yellow cepa (like they did with bor I think), and really add density to them. Add covolos. I dunno if there are still covolos on the beach cuz I haven't been there.

It's cool that there is some aloe, too. I mean... around towns there CAN be stuff. But not every town. You used to be able to get palm fruit in the jungle ez. I dunno if you still can. Maybe I'm trippin', but I can go down to the horse spawn and get karuva and muse fruit, but there used to be a lot of palm fruit, too.

There's virtually no downside to adding a lot more pickables, most people aren't on foot anyway or won't stop to pick. Nerf bush pigs, fuckin ay lol. The biggest problem is just lack of diversity. It all feels samey. And they do need to tune down horses somehow, or it's just instances that are creating this horse influx. Either way, there are TOO MANY HORSES. Everyone should not have a horse. People got their horses just sitting around everywhere. If this were MO1... lol. It shits up the town, banks, etc. WAY MORE horses than ever before. Horse is the only ride-able mount in the game atm, incase you guys forgot lol. I know people were mad about not being able to get them, but they should be somewhat of a valuable resource.

Edit: yea fuckin sprinbok, wolves, bush pigs... zzz. And they are stacked, too. I dunno it doesn't feel like nature, it feels like BULLSHIT. And this is coming from a world adventurer playstyle person.

Edit: I'd prefer if there weren't 'spawns' as much as things in the wild. lol. That's themepark "gotta know where da spawns are tho."
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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
I just ran my ass for 25 mins from my red priest to outside town and never saw a single mob. World is way too empty. Needs WAY more mobs. I don't want darkfall and gloria victis where you run into mobs every 5 seconds and its annoying. But we need way more mobs.
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Active member
Sep 22, 2020
Tbh, though the variety is somewhat lacking atm, a good fix would be to lower the spawn count per spawn and then add more spawners sprinkled around.