The Wanderer Collective

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2021
My Mind
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We are a collective of individuals seeking something both united and free.
We hold honor & integrity above all else - this will be carried by our words and our weapons.
We serve what we call the Balance - none are above it.

Solo Players, Small Groups, Role Players, Trades Persons, Adventurers.

You are welcome with us.


Casual, Social, PvX?
We focus on being social & do not have play time requirements or elite attitudes.
We enjoy participating in all of the games content, not just one or two styles.
We roam all of the world doing any number of things.

Light RP?
We serve what we call the Balance, which represents a game world that focuses on immersion.
Your IGN must be grammatically correct and suited for an RPG, extending to anything else you name.
We have some quirky rules, like not killing Young Creatures (unless they refuse to stop attacking).
Nothing so intense as being in character all the time, though if that's your bit - go for it.

How do we handle PvP?
We generally favor the political route (talking, deals, etc).
We will defend ourselves without mercy, however.
The innocent and new players will never be touched, unless they directly contest an objective.
Anyone who interrupts or threatens the Balance may be targeted at will.


General Rules:
Your IGN must make sense and be grammatically correct, suited for an RPG.
This extends to anything named that is associated with your character.

You must play clean and not utilize anything that could be considered an exploit.

You must be generally kind to others. If you are rude or hostile, it needs to be justified or part of an RP.

Keep an open mind to the way others, especially guild members, play the game.

Trade Rules:
Do not scam or otherwise mess with trades.

When competing on the Broker, do not just undercut everyone you see.
Deduce a price for your goods that you think is fair, put them up - and wait.
They should sell if you are within a good margin, eventually.
Undercutting to be petty or because you are impatient is not a good look.

PvP Rules:
Do not gank or kill anyone innocent or new.
The only exception to this is if they contest your objective directly and refuse to leave peacefully.

If you kill someone who has simply annoyed you, be prepared.
You will be held accountable if it was unjust, and deal with the consequences alone.

When targeting someone who is threatening the Balance or is a Bounty, try to be honorable.
If reports are made against you for being scummy and proof is given to me, you will be reprimanded.
If it is severe or repeated, you will be kicked.

Do not become a murderer (5+ murder counts) because it enables others to take us to war.
Burn them off ASAP if you reach 5. This may change in the future (as all rules may).

Quirky RP Rules:
Do not kill "Young" animals, unless they are hostile and refuse to leave you alone.
Yes, even if you only need a little bit of carcass.

Do not over-kill spawns of wildlife. Take what you need. Let the world be alive.

Do not run around naked in towns or around player hubs (if you can help it). Put on some pants!


What is the Balance, anyway?

The Balance is an abstraction.
It is meant to embody immersive gameplay.

Immersive in this context means we want this fantasy game to actually feel like a fantasy game.
Names should be names that fit the setting, more or less.
Doing things for the sake of simply doing them, instead of always for profit or gain.
Avoiding being overtly META, focusing on socialbility and fun instead of flat efficiency.

It also stands for an accessible gaming experience. We do not want people to quit.
We do not want people to be upset or angry. We want the game to be a game.
Killing folk will be for a reason, not just to hurt them. So on and so forth.

Examples of threats to the Balance:
Non-immersive names. Players, guilds, pets or buildings.
Abuse of chat or VOIP - being overtly toxic, inflammatory, or obnoxious.
Ganks on the innocent or disadvantaged, trade scamming, and other dishonorable displays.
Infrastructure that impedes natural travel or is otherwise unpleasant to look at.

Playing with Others:
You may group with other guilds or parties, so long as you do not engage in rule breaking activity.
You may not however, use other guild tags.
Being with Wanderer means it remains your core guild.

If you are with a group that breaks one or more rules, you are encouraged to speak out against it.
If you play around this grey area too much, you will be reprimanded or kicked entirely.


Discord is mandatory to join.
You do not need to use voice unless joining a guild mission.
You will be expected to check for notifications and interact in chat.

You must be mature, 18+
Crass humor, bigotry & ill tempers have no place with us.
We welcome those who want to better themselves.

This is an RP friendly guild.
As a group, we maintain the general air of honor-bound adventurers.

There are no RP requirements other than to respect those who do.


Anyone with any background is welcome.
This guild is best suited for players who follow their own path, but enjoy the option of having allies.

Join the Discord today & get a conversation started!
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Learn more by contacting myself (Nef) directly.


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