The Veteran System is too Unfair


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
You've put in the game a system that is too important not to have. An advantage that is too significant to ignore.

That creates a huge issue of unfairness in your game. You've given the players who've been playing longer a significant advantage over newer players. Beyond that, you've created a situation where people need to pursue clade.

I hate having to repeat myself, but people simply don't seem to get this very simple fact :


It is BUILT into us as humans. They've done experiments on monkeys that shows, even they are tuned into this sense.. It is innate to our nature.

You want beginners to tolerate your game, whilst you've put these essentials behind a MASSIVE grind. A grind that the longtime players didn't even have to think about, because getting clade never really mattered until the veteran system. They didn't have to stress about getting there. Now they're going to be in this harsh world AND have a huge disadvantage. Wow, how kind of you.. "Newb friendly" LOL yea right.

Clades should be something you get passively via playing the game (like it was before), not something you actively pursue or even think about. The game's strength doesn't come from pursuing levels. It never did. Now that you've made it essential, i feel like i'm forced to play a certain way, in a very PVE oriented way, just to get on an even playing field. That is just annoying, because now it feels like i don't actually start playing until i've gone through this huge grind. I don't want to have to think about levelling at all really.. It is just a wall to get me to the PVP. Why are you making your PVP playerbase grind PVE??? You know, your core audience?

What about the people who just want to PVP??? Why are you forcing so much PVE on them?

Let alone if you're a red player.. .Like, do you even understand how unfair this system is on reds? You are accosted constantly, and you have a murder system that means you can literally be locked out of going blue for an endlessly upward amount of time.

"Well, you shouldn't have murdered people!" NO, you idiots. You're not supposed to treat your red players badly just because they chose to be a villain in a videogame.. This is a videogame, not real life. You don't punish an ESSENTIAL element of your game. Do you not understand the game NEEDS criminals? They need to be treated just as fairly as blues.

It is unfair on new players. It is unfair on people who want to focus on PVP. It is unfair on red players.

It is just annoying. You want to fix this? Tone down the insane grind to get to the veteran system; or nerf how much of an advantage it provides.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
SV realized that since they made sieging such an unprofitable, boring and tedious chore, nobody wants to do. there is very little else to do as end game. after you’ve built yourself a little village and tried the dungeons a few times, you realize that pvp is completely useless and mostly just ganking or mindless zerg fest.

So they had to implement some sort of progression. Hence the veteran system. I dont like either. Rings were bad enough with their broken stats, not we can also add the veteran stats to that.

The original idea for veteran rewards was some token of appreciation for the old MO1 players that basically lost all their years of work when SV decided to scrap MO1 and make MO2. It could have been any sort of cosmetic item, or in game recognition, or even some free high end mats. Now its Darkfall all over again. Takes months and months of pve grinding just not to be gimped against vets. Not to even mention the vast amount of practice, knowledge and gear that vets already have over you.

Just more shit nobody wanted.
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Active member
Feb 25, 2022
Well the mastery system isnt that huge of a difference TBH its similar to trinkets for instance 10 points in mastery will net you 10 max health , but one trinket can have those stats. if you were smart you would wear PVE trinkets and farm for PvP trinkets all while continue to level your mastery at the same time... of course there is an advatage to players who have put 1000s of hours into the game against those that put in max 10 hours a week , not only skill wise but gear wise. you hafto earn your power in this game its not just givin to you and thats the way it should be. if it was any different there would be no sense of progression for people in the game. i dont want a noob to log on and be just as strong as me after ive played thousands of hours that would be horse poop.

though if you roll thursar out the gate and are fully statted out you can still win 1v1 out the gate with a noob sword so..


New member
Sep 27, 2024
I don't agree with you, people SHOULD be rewareded for investing their time on the game. there is no problem with investing points into your character however you like.
If you want to be strong, invest time in the game, learns skill points and level up.
This is very normal.