The Summary of Everything I've Said on MOFO2:


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
First let's brag! 50 clade exp for parcels (also clade in general in MO1) I suggested that! :D When I was chasing down someone to kill (w/ crim ticked off somehow!) and he passed over a node line and his desert horses all warped to the node line, I SUGGESTED THAT TOO. :O!! Doesn't mean mine was the suggestion they listened to, but I am pretty sure I said it first! OK, ahem.

I am now going to put into words why Mortal Online 2 is so infuriating to me on so many levels, when I'm not in lala land and just like wheee let's fiiight peooople.

______ < important separation, beyond this line will be SERIOUS THOUGHTS.

When I heard of Mortal 2 and played the free stress week, I had an idea of what they were going to do. This was not stated by anyone (as far as I know,) but it just seemed logical. *I felt that MO2 was going to start from nothing with a smoother world, less glitches, and build from there.* It was going to be like Mortal pre extra magic schools, pre TC, pre Trinkets. They were going to 'fix the game.'

I mean, they did fix the game in a lot of ways. It was like they flattened out a nice area for building. I saw it, and it was good (good enough.) I expected them to come down a lot harder on exploits, I expected them to build things 'the right way.' Lucky for us, in MO, I don't think they had the tech to add all of the things they added later, back when the game was truly unique. Sure, I saw the road map, but I admit I am nubby enough to not know "jewelry" would mean drop trinkets and not crafting. haha.

Legit like 1000%, they could have gotten rid of the fucking etherworld. They could have made res based on corpse and had corpse stay there for x amount of time. Sure, you could not do ghost travel, but they could have a menu of priests haha. Spiritism, buhbye, sorry buds. Why? I can't think of any reason that there is an etherworld and spiri is a retroactive 'reason for etherworld.' Imagine how much LAG that it has to impose on the world.

Blee, digression. Not gonna go into specific things as much. I just thought they had their chance to rebuild, and it was such a FAIL (no other way to put it) to dump all the shit they dumped in this v v alpha/beta game. Like I said, they front loaded it with end game content from MO1. That's just illogical. I feel like there are about 300-400 steam chart people that are perpetually 'on the bench' and they come back to farm new content then leave again. For some reason, SV believes that engaging these people is worthwhile.

We talk about WIPE, and people are not gonna accept this, but the game would be much healthier if they, instead of wiped, deleted all of the dogshit content they added: necro, spirit, trinkets and turned it into gold for the players who had investment. Then, do project polish, do project CREATE CONTENT, THEN add TC, add siege, and THEN add the last three things, altho I really think 'delete teh fucking etherworld' is a legit feedback.

The real problem is the game is just so off track. Even w/ all of the exploits, all of the extra gold, wack rep system, the game is careening into themepark land with PKing haha.

If you're not gonna do a proper sequel of MO, what are you doing? You have the ability to do a lot of things to make the game less maddening now. Nothing was wrong with MO1. People quit MO1 because it was glitchy, laggy, ugly... at least the people I tried to get to play. Sure, some people took getting killed pretty hard, but I still think you SHOULD be upset if you get killed. That's part of the game play loop. Obviously, if you start breaking windows in your house and uninstall then leave a negative steam review... that's a bit strange, but the more you invest, the more your loss should hurt. There is no reason why there should be any 'guard rails' against that. If the economy will work itself out, so, too, will pvp.

That's my POV! None of this shit is gonna happen, and like I said, quitting is probably the smartest option, but I have this tiny glimmer of hope.

MARK MY WORDS. 8/6/22. AS IT IS, THIS GAME WILL NEVER GROW INTO A FUNCTIONAL MMO WITHOUT SOME STEPS BACKWARD. Eventually, everything will even out, sure, but it will still be dogshit, just like post TC MO was.

Love ya, and I wish I could get things thru people's heads, but when you give people shiny things, it's hard to take them away. THE LAST THING YOU WANT IN A SANDBOX IS SHINY THINGS DRIVING GAMEPLAY.