The Journal of Nezris Noldorin (Excerpt 1)


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Jan 22, 2022
"It was within The Enchanted Forest where I found peace. As the birds sang, and the majestic creatures frolicked in the radiant lush of this isolated and remote wild - an enchanted forest of depth and wonder beyond my understanding - my eyes were closed. For hours I sit on this rock, meditating. The sun reinvading through my eyelids with all its might upon the shifting of shade that breathed through all times of day until nightfall; the light surprised me when it formed visuals. Closed-eyed-visuals in broad daylight, I questioned skeptically. They say the sun is a deity careless of the beings that roam its realm, but in the ever so right moments, it may speak to you. I thought about this as the visuals grew from pointless and meaningless to things I could understand. Ego's of greed and pride ran deep within me, as suspected by my mentor. I confirmed this as I saw them swirl about and I felt their impurities, which I was helplessly attached to. If only I could be taught to battle this chaos that dwells within me that Saozin said I could never. If only there was a light in the dark to guide me, and not the opposite."
- Nezris Noldorin
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