The Four Major Spheres of Influence in Nave


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
In the wake of the Second Conflux, or the Cataclysm, that brought untold devastation to the world and its inhabitants, the peoples of Nave re-emerged from the ashes once again to a realm much larger and more beautiful than anyone could have ever imagined.

As time passed, the horrors and tragedies of the Cataclysm are being gradually consigned to the pages of history. Those who survived have begun to rebuild civilisation and restore a semblance of normal life. In recent times, the great guilds that once dominated politics, economics, territorial control, and warfare have returned.

This is one attempt to illustrate how the coming world order might look like, and how it might play out on the world stage. It is composed of four distinct yet intertwined Major Spheres of Influence, each one composed of two opposing Minor Spheres:

  • Old Order
  • New Order
  • Market Creation
  • Market Disruption
  • Sanctioned
  • Unsanctioned
  • Upper Echelon
  • Lower Echelon


The Sphere of Dominion reflects the will and ambitions of the old powers that existed before the Second Conflux, represented by the Old Order, and the new fledgling powers represented by the New Order.

As the Old Order returns to re-establish their supremacy and reclaim former territories lost due to the Cataclysm, they may face opposition from the New Order that seek to challenge and displace them as the lords and rulers of the new world.


The Sphere of Mercantile is concerned with all matters of the business world. Be it the humble craftsmen selling his wares on the market broker, or the savvy entrepreneur carving out his empire of wealth through lucrative deals. Whatever the nature of the transaction, this Major Sphere is further broken down into two Minor Spheres of Market Creation and Market Disruption.

The former, Market Creation, is reflective of how new markets are opened to the laws of supply and demand, and the formation of a stable and continuous flow of goods and services with prices to match. The latter, Market Disruption, is in direct opposition to the former, as shown in market competition, saturation, undercutting, and the like.


The Sphere of Strife encompasses all forms of armed conflict and violence in the world of Nave. Within it are two Minor Spheres, Sanctioned and Unsanctioned.

Sanctioned represents what would be commonly accepted conventional forms of warfare, such as mutually agreed and formally declared battles and wars waged between two or more parties. Whether on the open battlefield where professional soldiers on all sides fight and die for glory and honour. Or quick, bloody ambushes in town where members of a sworn enemy guild are mercilessly cut down by assassins from an opposing guild, an act permitted under mutually agreed rules of engagement.

Unsanctioned, on the other hand, accounts for all manner of unlawful acts of violence and aggression against the innocent. Be it the lone traveller with no known enemies who meets his end on the road in the wilderness at the hands of opportunistic bandits. Or the newcomer to Nave who turns on a nearby stranger for intentionally or unintentionally taking the loot left behind by the walking dead killed by the newcomer in the graveyard.


The final Major Sphere, Shadow, is different to all others in that, unlike them, it is entirely unseen by all except those acting behind the scenes or under the cover of darkness, whose purposes are secretive and clandestine. It is defined by its Minor Spheres of Upper Echelon and Lower Echelon.

The Upper Echelon reflects the machinations of high-level administrative powers plotting and scheming to change or manipulate the world to better suit their grand design. Be it to weaken an enemy guild by sowing distrust or dissension from within, or to destabilise an entire region through misinformation or disinformation.

The Lower Echelon, in contrast, highlights the unseen forces at work on the ground, the cunning and stealthy going about their way to achieve their mission. Beware of the inconspicuous commoner by the side of the street who may be quietly feeding information on who is leaving town to his group of heavily armed bandits waiting in the woods nearby. It could also refer to the elusive but reliable transporter acting on behalf of his client to quietly and efficiently move high value goods in the dead of night from one town to another without anyone ever noticing him.
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