TC brought no valuable content


Sep 21, 2022
I was hyped as hell for TC. After hearing henny promise everything that we will be getting on TC release, I thought that bring a ton of new and older players back into the game enjoying all the new TC content. Being able to own territory, collect taxes, build player driven cities, own smaller / non-capital cities in Nave, sieging other guild's constructs, it all sounded awesome. But what we actually got is just a few more buildings and the ability to siege (aka grief) a guild or players construct. Sieging currently offers no benefit other than short term fun that runs out 3 hours into sieging a player house with 100 people, after you realize it's a waste of time and too expensive to do. You can't even realistically loot the sieged construct unless you camp it for hours after the siege finishes. Sieging right now is akin to killing random noobs to grief them, it serves no purpose. At this this point, I am not aware of any successful large scale siege that resulted in a gain.

Nothing that was promised to be delivered even works. Taxes don't work and cannot be collected as henny described. Territories overlap eachother where Guards from opposing guilds are kissing eachother and getting glitched out. You can build structures within an enemies territory and have enemy houses sitting right next to eachother. The TC circle grows with prom but has no interaction with other territories, it just simply grows as a jpeg which is absurd. The cost of sieging greatly outweighs the benefit and the cost to just rebuild a construct. You can't own non-capital cities, which to me was a major selling point for TC. No guild that I am aware of is using TC for RP (trading cities, running events, etc.).

The list goes on and on. Tc right now means absolutely nothing. It's just another griefing mechanic where players shit talk eachother and gain nothing from it. The worst part is that SV thinks that the TC release is working great and henny disregards any feedback. I am sure at this point, SV is going to focus on epic store and UE5 release to sell more copies, leaving TC to rot. Maybe we will get something better and more meaningful by the time Exodus comes out.


Mar 24, 2023
The game is fundamentally flawed. Until they fix those fundemental issues nothing is going to change. People will always hide in towns, and pvp will always be bored. Realistically the game is supported by a few RPers and rmters running bots. This was at one time the best game that I ever played, and I promoted it heavily sadly they destroyed most if not all of the dynamics that made the game special.


Sep 21, 2022
Dude, this isn’t a game company. It’s a couple dudes with access to a free engine. They got lucky for a number of years but they have absolutely no idea what they are doing. Move on
Yeah I sound like a whistle blower at this point. Just crazy that there is rarely direct feedback given to SV in the forums. This is still, after 2 years, my main game so I feel like I should be giving feedback.
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Active member
Apr 29, 2023
The biggest thing holding Mortal 2 back is that solo-play is not competitive in any-way and the game is almost unplayable as a solo-player unless you play very specific meta mounted builds and even then your access to end-game content will only include trolls that are uncontested. Until the community drops its bias and is willing to admit the importance of solo-play to the population the game will continue to suffer until its eventual death.

Lets take a look at the examples of how the other much more successful full-loot mmorpgs approach solo-play and balancing it.

Albion online: Avoidance mechanics- Solo players rarely have to take fights if they don't want to. Also corrupted dungeons ( areas with forced 1v1s) is among the most popular content in the game.

OSRS: Avoidance mechanics (teleports) and areas with forced 1v1s. Most end-game PVE is solo-friendly.

Eve: Avoidance mechanics(cloaks)(nullifiers)(Cynos), most end-game PVE is solo friendly. Areas with forced 1v1s.

Why do all these games have avoidance mechanics in common and how does it directly affect their population metrics? Because avoidance mechanics are the best anti-zerg mechanic you can implement. It is simply put the most balanced way to deal with unfair gameplay. It forces people to offer "good fights" or they get "no fights". Your only other option for balanced solo-play is to make people so strong that they start 1 shotting eachother which is why games like RUST/Tarkov have population. You either need to give the solo player a way to win the fight occasionally or avoid the fight usually(if they choose to do so).

Those are your only two options if you wish to have a populated full-loot MMO experience.

"Most" people will not play an unfair game environment, even if that game fun otherwise. Which is exactly where MO2 sits right now. They simply opt-out when they feel they can't be competitive. Obviously not every fight will be consensual, in EVE you are limited to very few ships if you wish to fully avoid fights, in OSRS you will eventually get caught with a teleblock and be forced to fight, and in Albion you will eventually get caught and dismounted. But the important part is that in all of those games...for the most part...the PVP is consensual, even if it doesn't feel that way to the players playing the game.
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Active member
Apr 26, 2022
Well, TC brought about 100 extra people to the game, which, considering it should've been the biggest update the community has had to wait for, is a little bit offputting.
But when you think about it, it makes sense. All it is is a gold and time sink.
Gold sink for people creating a village, for the only purpose of weak guards that people can 1vs3, and vendors that you have to risk your life and money to do runs to town to replenish (At which point you might as well do runs to town to buy items without losing money, as you lose at least 5% on every transaction to your town's vendors).
Gold sink for the people attacking a village, as its extremely expensive to raid any thing, and upon a successful raid, only the Owner of the building can loot it for a long time, which invalidates the whole point of Raiding.

When you said that raiding is purely griefing, I agree, totally. The only point of it is to remove somebody from an area.

Let's not even talk about the fact that you need 50k prominence for a Barracks (That does not even have a single guard until upgraded to tier 2).
Imagine yourself fighting bandits for 2 weeks just to build it, you finally afford it, and you realize you need another 25k or somethingg for tier 2, which the game does not specify

The fact that you need thousands of gold to create a vendor building that requires you to pay even more money to use, is mind boggling too. There's no surprise people dont like the update


Active member
Jun 1, 2022
well apparently sieging doesnt even work because we have guilds building assets across the map from their base and we cant even blow it up at 10k HP because they dropped a claim stone before it was built. How are we supposed to go across the map to take down a tower to destroy a new asset 3 hours away?


Sep 21, 2022
well apparently sieging doesnt even work because we have guilds building assets across the map from their base and we cant even blow it up at 10k HP because they dropped a claim stone before it was built. How are we supposed to go across the map to take down a tower to destroy a new asset 3 hours away?
Yes, this is also an issue. I have 0 faith the issues will be fleshed out within a reasonable time. Henny streams will continue to consist of elementalist, pet armour, RP clothing updates. TC will be left just like the 10 other unfinished game mechanics that I don't feel like listing out. It's just sad.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
As per usual, SV over compensates to try and fix their own broken mechanic. In order to prevent ninja sieges they made sieging ridiculously tedious and expensive, so nobody does it. All they had to do was remove boulder holding on offline characters.

Being able to use a claim stone on a building outside your territory is absolute moronic by the way. I cannot understand who came up with that.

And destroyed buildings should drop at least partial loot. Its insane that you have to spend 2k gold and spend hours sieging a level 2 house to get absolutely nothing out of it, when they have 3 days to get their loot out and can just rebuild it for a few hundred gold right after.
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Jul 29, 2022
Didnt read the whole thing but TC has brought a lot of content for my guild and alliance. We are constantly (like almost everyday) rallying at keeps and carrying out sieges/defenses. Literally rolling out of castle with 90 soldiers... lots of epic battles just this past weekend and lots if farming gathering to do. Politics is heavy and shifting. New alliances/enemies being made. Player made story/drama. Alliance discords with like 75 ppl in it. It has been a blast so idk what your prob is.


Jul 29, 2022
Also our sieges are purposeful and well planned. Multiple guilds pitching in for mangs, materials, prom, gold, manpower. If TC sucked then id say so but damn the patch rolled out smooth AF and when i listen to a 70 person discord where everyone is engaged in some way and laughing and having fun then that means something is being done right. But if your just some slimy bush ganker not getting involved and making contacts/building trust then you may never get to see this side of the game. Also if your one of those ppl who plays an mmo solo then you will not be included also. The content is there but you need to lead yourself to water.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
Didnt read the whole thing but TC has brought a lot of content for my guild and alliance. We are constantly (like almost everyday) rallying at keeps and carrying out sieges/defenses. Literally rolling out of castle with 90 soldiers... lots of epic battles just this past weekend and lots if farming gathering to do. Politics is heavy and shifting. New alliances/enemies being made. Player made story/drama. Alliance discords with like 75 ppl in it. It has been a blast so idk what your prob is.
Epic battles... with 20 fps xD
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Active member
Apr 20, 2022
Dude, this isn’t a game company. It’s a couple dudes with access to a free engine. They got lucky for a number of years but they have absolutely no idea what they are doing. Move on
Why are you still here then


Mar 24, 2023
The guy talking about avoidance mechanics. When you could fight in towns there was no need for anything like that. If a guild zerged you down you could sit in the shadows and assassinate their members.

Fundamentally that is the real problem with the game, and adding avoidance mechanics would just turn to 2-8 hour wait times into infinite wait times. The problem isn't to many fights it is the time sinks to get small scale, and then the time sinks to recover rep. Waiting around 8 hours for 1-2 fights isn't fun for anyone.
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New member
Jan 22, 2022
Bro there is no way Star Vault ever had the vision or developed the vision for a 3 day wait time to loot the buildings you siege. That is not the original vision. The devs ended up giving into players from World of Warcraft that want to farm everything and never lose any of it; an imbalanced and imperfect game design inherently.

If they don't change it to instant loot or at least a few hours to be able to loot, then they should just throw away their vision of Mortal Online 2 and let some big company buy the game and ruin it all with big corp shit game visions that appeal to the casual Farmville player.
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New member
Jan 22, 2022
Can't the devs use their creativity to come up with something to lower the amount of ninja sieges? What about a mercenary NPC in town that guild leaders can talk to, whom will send a notification to a mercenary guild if victim guild is under siege. But the victim guild would have to pay the mercenary hiring NPC gold whom will then pay the mercenary guild.

The game already naturally requires you to have alliances preferably in your offline times that could help you if under siege, but let's face it, not everyone wants to organize things like that and also not everyone can be on 24/7 to defend from a siege by KotO who are mostly in European time-zones.

An in-game NPC mercenary middle-man for guilds would be so goated, and I literally came up with that just on the spot, there are lots of other ideas that can prevent ninja sieging. Star Vaults impulsively chaotic decision of making this a PvE, no-griefing allowed, Minecraft server=type game isn't good enough especially if it is only because of blueberries who complain about reasonable issues like not wanting to be offlined because they are so used to playing shit games made by big corps.