Suggestions for Spiritism


Jan 27, 2022
The main idea behind these changes is to make Spiritism more accessible, while also giving a clear sense of how Spiritists progress further in the knowledge of Spiritism, and the Etherworld.

Transcendental Awareness
Reduce skill range to 1-30​
LORE: The Spiritist needs to be able to see into the Etherworld, and study it, long before they can interact with it.

Transcendental Seance
Increase skill range to 25-35​
LORE: The Spiritist soon learns how to summon spirits.

Expel Spirit
Increase duration to 160 seconds​
Increase skill range to 35-50​
LORE: After learning how to see into the Etherworld, and summon spirits, they begin to understand how to banish them.

Ether Momentum
Increase duration to 160 seconds​
Increase skill range to 50-60​
LORE: The Spiritist is now experienced enough to influence the Etherworld.

Ether Barrier
Increase duration to 160 seconds​
Increase skill range to 55-65​
LORE: Extending knowledge of the Etherworld grants the Spiritist the ability to protect from the dangers within.

Kau Regeneration
Increase duration to 90 seconds​
Increase skill range to 60-70​
LORE: As the Spiritist learns more about the Etherwold, they learn how to regenerate Kau faster.

Dispel Portal
Decrease skill range to 65-75​
LORE: The Spiritist begins learning about the bridges between the two worlds and how to disrupt them.

Decrease skill range to 65-85​
LORE: With new knowledge, Spiritists can now attempt to bring the dead back to life.

Mental Projection
Increase skill range to 70-90​
LORE: Spiritists are beginning to learn how to use Kau energy in new ways.

Mental Healing
Increase skill range to 80-90​
LORE: With expert knowledge of how the two worlds interact, the Spiritist can now create Kau energy.

Etherworld Portal
Increase skill range to 90-100​
LORE: As the Spiritist masters the two worlds they learn how to create the bridge between both of them.
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