- Most questions in help chat seem to be around how to leave Haven and which city is best. We need this in the tutorial. Put the white line back into the sky?
- AI needs to be the focus from here on out. The most critical feedback people have about the game is the AI or the lack of suitable AI mechanics (proper threat, bunched AI, warping when too close etc). If there's any focus given over the next 6 weeks before launch, make it AI. If you have decent enough PvE to get people invested in the game, they'll stay for the PvP.
- Tone guard damage down a tad. New players will want to "try" their luck in towns and it shouldn't be absolutely impossible to live more than 2 seconds after committing a crime. If we have TPing lictors doing 160 damage a swing in the high sec areas of towns (banks, markets etc) then the surrounding areas should be a mixture of normal and elite guards with overbearing damage but not on par with lictors.
- I know it's a sandbox game, but there absolutely needs to be some direction for players to take once they leave Haven. Break the mould ever so slightly and ease players into the game further:
- We need a Bounty/Noticeboard/Town Crier system directing players to get out into the world to take on camps, wildlife, gather resources, craft items or travel to another city for some purpose (deliver a letter?). All things to just get people going. Hell, go look at something like RDR2's side content and take some inspiration from there. Tie reputation to this kind of system. That way you've got a semi complete gameplay loop for launch with regards to PvP/PvE intersection.
- This should be fairly easy to implement on paper. The game already has all the required triggers, trophies, heads, points of interest, resources.
- Add more pickables, chests, things to find to the world. People love exploring in games, so make this a core pillar of the game world sooner, rather than later.
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