Hey I was fair, just, and courteous even after you straight up lied about it to further your argument. Now you are sperging out after getting caught lying. At this point its not you just misrepresenting something its purposeful and malicious.
People get mad when I just disagree with them while showing why I think Im right all the time. Most of you people are just mad because you cant stand debate in the first place.
MM is strong, No one on the test team plays mage, and the PvPers prob dont play are are just ignored. SV needs some PvPers as testers but they refuse from certain guilds while the guilds they let in leak a lot of stuff already and use that knowledge to exploit.
Foot mages were fine, the shield added gameplay to the mage besides only kiting. MM was very strong before reflect, became completly broken after it removed the corrupt counter to mm as they can mr their horses while healing them. MR allowing healing just broke mounted PvP so hard. Then they buffed a already alpha build even more.
And thank you for proving my point. That is not debating that is berating.