Stream summary feedback


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
The Mounted Mage cast time penalty has been reduced from 2.0x to 1.5x.

Footies will get rekt by mounted mages and tribrids in the open. I think mounted mages needed some buffs in how they perform in dungeons, not this.

The concentration bonus to ignore interrupts has increased by 10%, from 60% to 70% at 100 Concentration.

It should be 100%. Why do we need the RNG at all?

With these changes, magic users are still perfectly able to use specialized lighter or smaller shields in combination with light armor while still maintaining above 90% mana regeneration.

Which means you'll have to sacrifice like 1.5 kg of armor to wear shittiest shields. It's a direct nerf to footie mages.

This also means that Humans with the “Cleric” clade gift are able to wear much larger and more protective shields than the other clades without their mana regeneration being as affected.

It's like when you reduced mana regen baseline to 2kg and made it look like you're "buffing" humans. All foot mages being nerfed doesn't mean humans are getting a buff. Can you just straight BUFF humans instead of playing these silly games?

Likewise, players who wish to use the largest, heaviest tower shields may also need to sacrifice how heavy their armor is in order to accommodate such a shield.

Yes. If they aren't oghmirs. Who will now have the ability to wear heaviest armors AND tower shields. Veelas and oghmirs are two S tier clades. Now veelas are getting a slight nerf but oghmirs are getting a massive buff, making them kings of the hill. Can't wait to see full steel oghmirs with tower shields.

Who the hell makes balancing decisions for this game? And when are you reverting reflect changes? There's no mention of it in the summary. You really think it's ok? Why do i see NOTHING in the summary that would compensate mages for losing their shields? Adding 10% to concentration is an insult when you're taking away their main defensive tool.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Changes are really really stupid. You have to be completely clue less to think that they are a good idea.

Ruining foot mage gameplay with the unneeded shield buff but making mounted mage even more OP. Everyone is already rerolling mounted fat mage.
Im faster then a foot mage, do far more burst damage, more mana, almost unkillable, and now Im close to the same

People asking for concentration buffs are just bad players that dont want to get punished for bad positioning and want the game to be like WOW, where you stand still and cast with out penalty. You shouldn't even need concentration, I literally didn't read it until last week and was fine because you are not supposed to be letting people hit you in the first place. Its as RNG hand me out for bad players who made a mistake.

SV does the 1 step forward 2 steps back to ruin the game more. No common sense
Where is the fucking magic reflect revert that everyone wants. Cancer balancing changes that just make the game unfun and less balanced for no reason.

I know some of my friends are not looking forward to next patch and have been talking about taking breaks over how fucking broken mounted mages are going to be.
New changes have been very ignorant and out of touch. That what happens when the only people in your official discord are noobs and non PvPers. You dont have a actual representation of your community for real feedback.
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Active member
Feb 2, 2022
I know some of my friends are not looking forward to next patch and have been talking about taking breaks over how fucking broken mounted mages are going to be.
New changes have been very ignorant and out of touch. That what happens when the only people in your official discord are noobs and non PvPers. You dont have a actual representation of your community for real feedback.
But...but....they look at the data when balancing, the heatmap proves it!


Active member
Feb 2, 2022
I just dont understand how they are so out of touch.
It's the same as balancing weapons between eachother. They claim there's a "healthy" variety being used but all i see on the markets are just a few types over and over.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
It's the same as balancing weapons between eachother. They claim there's a "healthy" variety being used but all i see on the markets are just a few types over and over.
humans worse race but most played bs. yeah. The game is full of bad player making bad choices.


Active member
Jan 24, 2022
These changes are Terrible for the game as it is.

Here is the problem I have with the buff to concentration. Concentration is effective against AI, against players it is nearly 15-20% effective. Bumping the number of the total cap does not mean they will change this ratio for mages against players. The shields are directly impacting two main playstyles. One handed weapons (Spears mostly) and Mages. Concentration will need to be set at 70% effective at 100, this is not negotiable and if I have to spend 5 hours testing how Concertation does not work as it is stated against players again than I'm going to lose my mind.

One handed weapons are already a joke, I can tell you who uses shields unironically, and they are all veela with spears. I've seen tons of new players use shields than drop them the moment they get a taste for a greatsword or something better. Claymores being more than 70% of the footy playerbase is not a great sign to shields being used by them. The other % are Hybrids who get dunked on and the rare Footarcher who didn't go mounted archery, proud of you btw. Shields offer so little protection, for so many negatives.

Perhaps if they are adding in the ability to equipment block with NPCs so people can try trading with sators or unparryable enemies and stealthily taking away the penalty for blocking speed + Melee attackspeed to the shield, these changes are terrible.

The playstyle that used to be for mages is now stripped from them. If you wanted mages & veela to stop using shields you could have made it incur a Stamina regen debuff, strength requirement and mana regen penalty of a set amount, say 4% for every kilo. Adding it to armor weight is just an extra little 'Fuck you' to the people who used shields, mage or not.

I rebuilt my entire build since I was a 25 dex 90+ strength mage and shield bashed people and zoned for the fat mages. You directly impacted MY playstyle as a mage that is already unfun. The only joy I got from being a mage, was being able to shield bash people and send them flying as a short strength mage. I came for necromancy temp pets but they are so damn expensive to keep up, I hate burning through 30+blood every five minutes.

I now play a Hybrid Bonk Healer that I guess was the intended way of being a healer since all we see are impacts to MAGES nerfing them further.

1. Concentration should be 100% this does not mean we out dps a footy instead we at least make them walk away at half health and will need to rethink their life choices on diving us, Psy Divers or rogues would be a direct playstyle to counter us. A footy with Incisim weapons can out DPS us and only a Fat mage who sacrifices everything can begin to out dps until a Steel user shows up, but once you get above that there is no option for a mage to bounce back. Then again, they can just invest in 40 points of Psy and take 25% less damage from mages. So 115 strength out deeps a 130 int fat mage with a teeth weapon. Alright.

2. Cleric does jack all, I take 1 more auto-attack to kill with 170+hp with 44defense in most of my defenses with 60% mana regen. I am a PURE mage. I am investing in 300+ primary points to stay alive in melee. (Blocking 100, Armor Training 68, Defensive Stance 100, Endurance 50) Let me tell you that those 300 points to survive ONE more attack is not worth it. I even started to debate nuking my Con for all the good it does me. I'm not even going to add in Combat Stance & Sprinting as you seem to think its needed but if you want to know I'm investing 500+ POINTS into things that are not magic. Tell me WHOMSTIVE among footfighters needs to invest in something they do not need as a footfighter? I've had to cannibalize Mounted magery to even fit in Necromancy. The only reason I do not nuke these defensives down is I do not like wearing those Hobo Robes you call garments. I would have been better off not being a human or mage. This is why the majority of players that quit are mages.

3. Towershields are dead on arrival outside of PVE bossfights with Mino-King or heavy hitting trolls of some degree. The only reason to use them is to start blocking hits that your mages cannot heal you through or a Dagger Ogmir in the heaviest armor there is. Towershields would need to give you Ogmium levels of defense at the carapace/Platescales level to even be considered worth it. You are helping smaller guilds that do not know how to make steel, but at the same time nuking it as a playstyle outside of these niche moments.

If anyone is reading this, please. Just give me a sign that mages are getting something.

.5 off of casting on a mount and a buff to concentration that may not do anything is not an even trade for what you have done to mages.

Edit; To add to my tangent We would need to see longswords for 1 handed weapons something with a bit more reach that is not a spear in order to make it viable. We have Shortswords but no Longeswords.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
... compensate mages for losing their shields? Adding 10% to concentration is an insult when you're taking away their main defensive tool.
Where does it say that they're taking away the ability for a mage to use a shield?

They specifically mention how it's still possible to use a shield as a mage, we just need to use lighter ones that aren't as heavy and protective.

Honestly it made no sense at all that the meta way to play a mage was to be running around with a giant heavy shield on your back, it was just silly.

We also never had back shields in MO1 and got by just fine.

I don't disagree that the state of magic in the game isn't the best, but for the shield issue specifically, it's clearly a case of being allowed to have something we shouldn't have for too long, and complaining when it's corrected.

Having messed around with making shields quite a bit myself, and provided they haven't rebalanced the actual weights of shields, we should still be able to make nearly 40-50 pierce resist shields without losing too much mana regen. Like they said it's still going to be possible, but we just don't get them for free any more which makes sense.


Active member
Jan 24, 2022
Where does it say that they're taking away the ability for a mage to use a shield?

They specifically mention how it's still possible to use a shield as a mage, we just need to use lighter ones that aren't as heavy and protective.

Honestly it made no sense at all that the meta way to play a mage was to be running around with a giant heavy shield on your back, it was just silly.

We also never had back shields in MO1 and got by just fine.

I don't disagree that the state of magic in the game isn't the best, but for the shield issue specifically, it's clearly a case of being allowed to have something we shouldn't have for too long, and complaining when it's corrected.

Having messed around with making shields quite a bit myself, and provided they haven't rebalanced the actual weights of shields, we should still be able to make nearly 40-50 pierce resist shields without losing too much mana regen. Like they said it's still going to be possible, but we just don't get them for free any more which makes sense.
In MO1 most Ecumenical spells were projectiles that required skill to throw at people, if you saw someone coming you could throw it at them with a bit of a lead and make them have to rethink life. This also was coupled with how much more impactful magic was due to the many schools being in the game, most of them worked a bit differant from how they are now.

I'm not sure about you, but here the spells feel like they have less range, and we have less armor pieces to fuddle about with. I cannot opt to have specific parts of my body armored to the teeth while others are paper. Boots/Grieves/Shoulders/Arms/Hands/Torso/Head. Also I might be high but the armor values are heavily in need of a rework as armor is not what it was in MO1, it certainly feels like armor is made out of paper until you get to steel.

While in MO1 the jankieness of the game and its pace was much slower, also mechanics for Heavy Armor were in place, they are not now. Mages had more time to think about what they are doing in comparison to what is happening now.

This is coming from someone who loathes mages needing shields or needing to have a melee weapon to survive. I cannot block and cast at the same time. however, concentration needs to be maxed out or reworked as having your spell interrupted leads to death & that is assuming the person you are hitting does not have 40+ psy or reflect in which case they might as well be wearing steel for mages.

If we want to see the death of shields to mages, it needs to come with a cost to mages, not the entire community. Currently the only way to survive against footies is a shield on a mage. Unless you are a dex Veela/Sheevra and can run at 420+ in which case you just outrun the problem. All other mages do not have an escape plan or option to get out. Foot fighters are incentivized to have speed as it is 'King' in any situation. To even be comparable to them we would either need to play Alvarins, or Kurite humans. Who mind you cannot get to 90+ Intelligence. So in most cases the answer is to be a Meta Slave, stop playing Human & Ogmir and become elf.

1. Concentration needs to be 100% OR your spell lags for a moment before the casting time returns to normal.

2. Shields need to not incur Armor Weight pen, instead Stamina & Mana Regen as well as a Strength requirements

3. We need Mentalisms's Blink, Elementalism's Air blast & Staffs Block and Casting with a weapon out.

These three things are what is needed for mages to successfully move away from Shields, without making shields even worse for everyone else. Two of these things can be done relatively easily. One is dependent on 3 schools of magic that are not in the game.
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Active member
Feb 2, 2022
humans worse race but most played bs. yeah. The game is full of bad player making bad choices.
I actually fell into the human trap aswell when starting out since i had no clue what was fun in the game. Now i'm trying to make a death knight build work. I know i should've just rerolled to alvarin/ogh/sheevra in reality.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Where does it say that they're taking away the ability for a mage to use a shield?
They aren't. Mages will just have to wear paper if they want to use half decent shields. I too don't like the shield meta, but taking them away without giving something equally meaningful in return is as much of a stupidity as reflect changes were.


Active member
Feb 2, 2022
If you're talking abotu that zombiemancer build, don't. Zombies are too... i dunno how to say it in english... awkward? to be useful
Nah, my idea was more like blinding and debuffing while mana lasts and then enter the melee.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
In MO1 most Ecumenical spells were projectiles that required skill to throw at people, if you saw someone coming you could throw it at them with a bit of a lead and make them have to rethink life. This also was coupled with how much more impactful magic was due to the many schools being in the game, most of them worked a bit differant from how they are now.

I'm not sure about you, but here the spells feel like they have less range, and we have less armor pieces to fuddle about with. I cannot opt to have specific parts of my body armored to the teeth while others are paper. Boots/Grieves/Shoulders/Arms/Hands/Torso/Head. Also I might be high but the armor values are heavily in need of a rework as armor is not what it was in MO1, it certainly feels like armor is made out of paper until you get to steel.

While in MO1 the jankieness of the game and its pace was much slower, also mechanics for Heavy Armor were in place, they are not now. Mages had more time to think about what they are doing in comparison to what is happening now.

This is coming from someone who loathes mages needing shields or needing to have a melee weapon to survive. I cannot block and cast at the same time. however, concentration needs to be maxed out or reworked as having your spell interrupted leads to death & that is assuming the person you are hitting does not have 40+ psy or reflect in which case they might as well be wearing steel for mages.

If we want to see the death of shields to mages, it needs to come with a cost to mages, not the entire community. Currently the only way to survive against footies is a shield on a mage. Unless you are a dex Veela/Sheevra and can run at 420+ in which case you just outrun the problem. All other mages do not have an escape plan or option to get out. Foot fighters are incentivized to have speed as it is 'King' in any situation. To even be comparable to them we would either need to play Alvarins, or Kurite humans. Who mind you cannot get to 90+ Intelligence. So in most cases the answer is to be a Meta Slave, stop playing Human & Ogmir and become elf.

1. Concentration needs to be 100% OR your spell lags for a moment before the casting time returns to normal.

2. Shields need to not incur Armor Weight pen, instead Stamina & Mana Regen as well as a Strength requirements

3. We need Mentalisms's Blink, Elementalism's Air blast & Staffs Block and Casting with a weapon out.

These three things are what is needed for mages to successfully move away from Shields, without making shields even worse for everyone else. Two of these things can be done relatively easily. One is dependent on 3 schools of magic that are not in the game.

No in MO1 ecumincal spells were not projectiles. They just had projectile animations. They were hitscan just like they are now. My PVP character in MO1 was a fat mage mounted on a molva so I couldnt be dismounted.

In MO1 you could NOT have anything equipped in your weapon slots as a Mage... No dagger, no shield, no torch, no sword, NOTHING.

In MO1 mounted mages had a 1.5x cast time not this 2x casting time like they do now.

In MO1 magic didnt do double damage to mobs, it did 1:1 damage to mobs, and some mobs had natural magic resists. So you couldnt just mage bang down a spider queen.

In MO1 we didnt have 1200 points for crafting.... you had 1100 points TOTAL. So good luck crafting and fighting or being a mage and anything else.

So please dont tell me how things were in MO1 when vast majority of my PVP time was as a mounted fat mage. My PVE farming toon was a MA or a MC hybrid for majority of my time in MO1.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
No in MO1 ecumincal spells were not projectiles. They just had projectile animations. They were hitscan just like they are now. My PVP character in MO1 was a fat mage mounted on a molva so I couldnt be dismounted.

In MO1 you could NOT have anything equipped in your weapon slots as a Mage... No dagger, no shield, no torch, no sword, NOTHING.

In MO1 mounted mages had a 1.5x cast time not this 2x casting time like they do now.

In MO1 magic didnt do double damage to mobs, it did 1:1 damage to mobs, and some mobs had natural magic resists. So you couldnt just mage bang down a spider queen.

In MO1 we didnt have 1200 points for crafting.... you had 1100 points TOTAL. So good luck crafting and fighting or being a mage and anything else.

So please dont tell me how things were in MO1 when vast majority of my PVP time was as a mounted fat mage. My PVE farming toon was a MA or a MC hybrid for majority of my time in MO1.
Mounted mages have 2x cast time. Free Horses still plays MO1 and lives by the mounted fat mage. He says its 2x not 1.5x You have been proven wrong over and over again about this.

Mages are much better off now then mo1 out side of the horrible spell lighting effects and other special effects.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
Mounted mages have 2x cast time. Free Horses still plays MO1 and lives by the mounted fat mage. He says its 2x not 1.5x You have been proven wrong over and over again about this.

Mages are much better off now then mo1 out side of the horrible spell lighting effects and other special effects.

I tested it myself and I still play MO1 also. He isnt the only idiot who fires up MO1 from time to time.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Foot mages were fine and fun. The main issues was tower shields on foot mages which SV dodged.

Mounted mage is so much stronger then foot mage in open world, but its less fun.
Faster then a footmage and every other class too, can straight line run while casting, can hit for 80s on players, Horse is unkillable, can lazerbeam for 70s 40 yards away for 30 mana though reflects, can lesser heal for 30s, can lesser heal horse for 50s, and do 100s to horses, and with con even if you do shoot the mounted mage they will just get off more heals then they already have before the patch.

Mounted mage is so strong but not really fun when you do 90 damage every 20 seconds. But still 90 damage is half a players health and then that player will get focused by other players, or you can hit him again after he pops one bandage and now he will be at like 30 health with no real way to counter you as a mounted mage.

Two mounted mages flamestriking the same target insta kills and it is happening in game already.

Foot mages were in a great spot before they didnt need the shield nerf. No one wears rugged garments to get a 90% mana regen. People who think they need 90% mana regen armor are the bad players who die before they run out of mana in the first place.

The devs are severely out of touch. I've already seen some foot mage mains quit and uninstall today after seeing the changes. I'm just going to switch to mounted mage and blow some kids brains out all over nave with it. I don't think SV will admit a mistake was made for months.

I tested it myself and I still play MO1 also. He isnt the only idiot who fires up MO1 from time to time.
Well you are lying. Its still is 2x speed in mo1.

here is a video of mo1 mounted mage with 2x casting speed.

why do you lie?

I saw freehorse play mo1 the other month still 2x casting time. That video was from 2019m 4 years ago with 2x speed.