state of the 4 clades


Active member
Aug 13, 2020
the state of the clades is a mess, and 2 of them are showing their dominance over the others, the Alvarin and Oghmir.

Alvarin are very versatile like humans, but have far superior clade gifts and are the kings/queens of small scale and can dive mages in group fights. im playing a sheevra after playing human throughout the beta and the difference in what you can do is massive, its practically bullying to tindremic humans which have no stamina or hp.

Oghmir have far too normalized speed for their massive stats, and also have some gifts that make or break larger scale battles. the defense active can pull off clutch moments if you are in need of healing from mages, or also potion/pipe.

Thursar seem to be in a weird spot, not really sure what to do for them at all, never tried one during beta but ive heard about thurkhurs running 426 speed to help hit alvarin more during fights.

Humans are just absolute cheeks, "versatile" but you can pull off similar builds on alvarin chars which have far more survivability. TIndremenes and Sarducaans arguably are the best 2 subraces with their high attribute pools for playing hybrid/paladin builds or other things like ma/pets (extremely funny btw). Sidoians ive not seen much use for them and Kallard/Khurite are better off being Thursars. their gifts are a mixed bag, and some of them are entirely useless atm like temperature and pilfering. rep gifts also are beans.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
A lot of it has to do w/ gifts. I supported clade gifts, but I didn't really feel they would have 'actives.' Not that actives are the only thing wrong with clade gifts, but it does make a big difference when you are the fastest class and get a faster buff or the tankiest class and get a tanky buff. I think people are sleeping on thurs. I mean, the parry thing is kind of a big deal (if parry were more normalized their massive dmg would stand out more), but in a siege level fight, I feel like they would be really useful. Their dmg is just off the charts. Def easy to see the vision for all of the clades, but yea, balance isn't right. It could be fixed by tuning gifts! That was gonna be my next 'suggestion a day,' but bleh at wasting time on that.

Also human should be fine if/when they find a way to make MC better. MA/MM human would still be pretty strong, you get regen, you get ecu +, you get mounted +. They really do need to go over the clades get rid of all of the stupid + attribute point clades (not +max, just reg +), get rid of the double clades, and balance things more around unique abilities (like naiad/jump w/ wep, fall dmg) and changes that can be measured in skill tree/attributes (like refining/crafting/butchery gifts would give + to lores or appliances or crafting opposed to being like raw +10% or whatever. )I feel like almost all of the raw +, the elf + speed, the elf + resting pulse, the elf + bow, the dwarf + pot, + armor +, +reg carry ETC all of those are leading to imbalance and they should just stay within the regular attribute curve, cuz like you said most clades are in a 'fast enough' state except alv because of the speed gift is fast. Everything else is not really that different on ground.


Active member
Nov 26, 2020
thats why they calling oghmirs noobie build.........! and veela master race.!


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
thats why they calling oghmirs noobie build.........! and veela master race.!

yea I can't imagine dying on my veela unless I chose to fight. lol. I def go in and die a lot, but when it comes to races ( didn't even realize this was a pun) :p I remem we were going after this guy in beta and my friend broke off ( but I was like o this guy is goin down) and I ended up fighting the guy but didn't have enough dps to kill him before town and I was like WHERE DID U GO? He's like oh I thought he was long gone, and it's like nah man I told you I was gonna catch him. haha Lean + speed actives (finally got them recently, deepsigh.) Goodnite irene. It's cool how it even affects JUMP. But the dmg you take and the dmg you dish out is pretty low compared to someone w/ a 20~ bonus and 110~ con. It's not BALANCED, but that's the one downside. So wear good pierce armor and get your run on!

Deleted member 44

I agree. I think Alverin races are a little too agile given how combat works, but it's nothing to major for how squishy they are. The Oghmir clades are absolutely cracked broken. I rarely play my Ogh, but every time I do I question why I'm not playing it more frequently. It is hands down the best fighter in the game with the Thursar coming in at a close second. Every single one of the Oghmirs effect clades are OP. I can regularly 1vX with the Ogh and not even feel pressured at all. It's retarded.
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