Should the game go persistence without tc/housing?

Should the game go persistence without tc/housing?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 22.9%
  • no (wait for it to be done and tested)

    Votes: 74 77.1%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
I'm quite happy to keep myself busy building up my resources and wealth, and go on my own adventures without tc or housing until they release it.

But having said that, I think the game will look better to the mainstream crowd when they come in and see that there are player houses and keeps.
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New member
Mar 21, 2021
I think we also have to look at this from StarVault's point of view, it is after all a business. They have huge bills to pay and need the subscriptions to cover for these.

They will need to make very painful and hard decisions between content/polish and release. Something will always have to be sacrificed.
Though call for the leadership...


Active member
Feb 24, 2021
Let's be honest now everything is f**ked and bugged as hell, anyone thinking keeps and housing is going to be any different is not thinking straight, that shit needs testing as it is unstuck button is op and I guess raiding houses and keeps is going to be easy, nevermind that I can already see structures floating mid air or getting destroyed with one hit by something stupid, and WE NEED TO TEST IT not SV this community will try to abuse the fuck out of this system and thats the best way to find those problems.
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New member
Apr 7, 2021
Does it matter if houses are available at persistence? From what I understand the requirement to farm them is pretty substantial, so noone will have the mats for a couple months after launch anyway. People forget we are x100 gains right now.
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Active member
Apr 5, 2021
If housing drives players out of towns I think it should be implemented later in small doses, travelling to and from towns keeps the game feeling alive, if you walk into fabernum and there is no one there because they are at their house semi afk extracting the game feels less populated


New member
Mar 24, 2021
The game better be pretty close to finished, as much as an MMO can be anyway, before going to persistence. Housing being a major system I would hope it would be be tested and working before moving the game passed beta. I can't see myself subbing to test a game. I donated the $39 to be in beta but If this goes into persistence without some much further polish I'll probably see myself not playing right away and seeing how it is further into persistence.


New member
Apr 9, 2021
Let's be honest now everything is f**ked and bugged as hell, anyone thinking keeps and housing is going to be any different is not thinking straight, that shit needs testing as it is unstuck button is op and I guess raiding houses and keeps is going to be easy, nevermind that I can already see structures floating mid air or getting destroyed with one hit by something stupid, and WE NEED TO TEST IT not SV this community will try to abuse the fuck out of this system and thats the best way to find those problems.
I think it's a good idea to have a long period of "persistent" "beta" with periodic updates for new features. The current system seems pretty decent, where people can get free keys via promotions or just buy one outright (like I did). SV can balance this and work it so that they are generating income even during the "beta" phase, and all the free playtesting by players works in their favor too.


Active member
Dec 2, 2020
Lets see if housing comes before a working siege system. If that happens it will be a huge advantage to those players.


New member
Mar 22, 2021
It needs to be in. People will get bored pretty quick fighting over mob spawn. People forget how fast the skilling is even without the x100 it feels like x100.
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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2020
Need auction houses before all that. With no auction houses there is no in-game economy, no reason to craft except to supply yourself/guildies and similarly no reason to gather, cook or do alchemy. Basically the entire crafting system is completely toothless without an effective way to sell your stuff.


New member
Mar 18, 2021
Going persistent before Housing would be a big mistake. The big guilds need to have something to distract from otherwise lacking content and territory-control and housing is perfect for that.


May 29, 2020
The other problem is that guilds that are able to stockpile the most resources at persistent launch are now going to be able to insta claim keeps when they are eventually added instead of it being a race from day 1 of persistance to protect farm spots etc.

this so much.

Instead of interesting conflics that last for weeks, we will have zerg guilds build keeps, walls, banks and 10 houses over night.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
Need auction houses before all that. With no auction houses there is no in-game economy, no reason to craft except to supply yourself/guildies and similarly no reason to gather, cook or do alchemy. Basically the entire crafting system is completely toothless without an effective way to sell your stuff.

Agreed! Also being able to easily buy will be as important as being able to easily sell.

Some may argue that you can sell in person by spamming and such. Which could work to some extent for basic equipment. But there are to many random things someone could need to buy or want to sell for this to lead to a strong economy.

Wesley Snipes

May 28, 2020
The fact they're okay with basically launching without core game play mechanics like housing and keeps should be a big red flag. Unless they expect everyone to pay a box price and a sub fee to beta test key critical features in persistence.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
Henrik's logic when asked about it is that players will not be able to build houses right at release anyway.

Which does have some merit. Though there have already been a few things posted here that counter that thinking.

Unfortunately, they do not seem to visit the forums very often at this point. So most discussions and feedback here are not currently being heard.


New member
Apr 14, 2021

Its just too important of a system for it not to be in at persistence. Huge goal for guilds to have and fighting over them literally is the end game, it also moves the playerbase around which gives noobs more room in npc cities.

Exactly this. If we don't have housing all players will be centralized in the towns which is going to kill the new player base.


Mar 22, 2021
I will put up my thoughts here on this;
Devils Advocacy; Whether released with or without housing the major guilds with veterans, zerg-like population, and the will to build Keeps will have an advantage whether there are houses for them to stockpile to or not. So if the keeps are released at persistence or after Release won't truly matter to the larger guilds.

My personal Opinion: The game is currently a bit lacking and housing not necessarily keeps, but housing is the simple fix for a lot of the current game issues. travelling around the map just to use a certain grinder/crusher etc is extremely time-consuming as well as the chances of running into pvp is cranked up because people are fighting over cities and the small resource amounts that are there. This wouldn't necessarily be an issue Although there is literally no player market possible at this time. (This should be priority 1 Establish a player based economy and infrastructure.) Priority #2 should be to give people something to do in terms of goals. This can be done with housing and keeps it very easily and would effectively change the way everyone is looking at the game. Right now the game is literally in a city grind for better gear and die trying to protect it or steal it from the next town over. (simplified description) I may generalize here but most of the crowd from the free stress test have stopped playing. This is simply because the game right now is 90% pvp. Even the Blue's and A-rpk groups are having nothing better to do than go pick a fight and slaughter people at the next town over.

Simply put the game in its current state lacks any focus other than killing your neighbour and making better gear. This needs to be fixed before Persistence. People are not drawn to hardcore games or sandbox games because you can simply do anything. They are drawn to them because amidst the struggle you accomplish building your first house and that accomplishment has an emotional trigger that makes you proud. You did it!! Now you can function relatively Easier without being hounded by the wars and the griefing and the player killing. You can mine in more obscure areas. You can live closer to the Sator dungeon and be a master of gathering Sator Scales or whatnot. Without housing, it's like releasing the game in a state that can be related to going into a fistfight with no arms. Everyone runs around as armless morons bouncing off each other till they get bored (Fairly Quickly) and move on to something else.

The Keeps would add more to this However they are not necessary at Persistence. Housing at a base minimal scale Is. No, I am not saying this is the only aspect of the game but it is a Critical part to it for both pvpérs, guilds and the pveérs who would rather focus on economy and trade. What is a sandbox without the ability to make something yours?

On a side note if they are going to withhold housing for a long time. The banks need to be expanded they are Way too small in their current state.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2020
Going persistent before Housing would be a big mistake. The big guilds need to have something to distract from otherwise lacking content and territory-control and housing is perfect for that.

We need claritity in definitons.

Keeps = Distinct crumbled keeps in the world (16 afaik) which can be claimed and rebuilt by guilds, fought over, captured, which also allow for controlling territory.

Housing = Personal housing, individuals being able to build personal houses in any location, customize houses, decorate, even custom build layouts. Henrik has been clear that personal housing is both waaaaaay more work than keeps simply due to need for huge amounts of assets and thus lower priority.

If we are talking about things for "guilds to do", it makes sense for them to prioritize keeps, which are I believe very high priority along with auction house as next big items.