Shields: Armor Weight changes + Rant about mages (again.)


Active member
Jan 24, 2022
This is perhaps one of if not the most painful changes we are going to get. Concentration is getting 'bumped' Henrik I do not know what that means, is it being put back at 50% like the tooltip says? is it going higher? do we finally get to cast while being struck so we can at least get a T-lash or two off before we die?

Know that I have been playing as a Strength mage (90+ Str, 25 Dex), I wear suboptimal armor with a weight class of 7.65kg and I have less than 30 armor value in most of my stats. (Ranger armor I'd have 40ish in slash with most being 32+ for less armor weight) My regen is roughly 80ish and my movement speed is 390 with a weapon out.

I do this all so that I can enjoy the look of my character, I am not a PVP hound. The only thing I had going for me, was that I was short, sort of looked like a footfighter and I could shield bash people to throw them away from myself or other mages. I have zero skill in maces, I have zero Aggressive stance since I am a pure mage, larping as a footfighter for the sake of Fashion.

Now if you make this change, I cannot wear a decent looking armor set with a shield to play my style, even if I swapped to the functional armor set I'd be over the limit. I am not about to play in Kurite, Rugged or Ranger armor since none of them look like a decent mage to me. If we had some god dang mage robes that did not make me look like a hobo or an archer/rogue than I'd not be a salty hoe on this subject.

I could have lived with Shields needing a Strength Requirement, perhaps making it so the shield incurred some movement speed loss on top of that.

Now even with how necromancy is a disappointment for most mages, or how the game actively screams for mages to not Hyper specialize. You know what a Footfighter gets for hyper specializing? They get Armor and weapons that make them able to take 20+ more hits over other footfighters. Archers get to be MA's pull stronger bows and be just as fast as anyone else and can out gun a mage, They get to draw their bow and move than set up to unleash the arrow, they get to out range a mage and fire faster than a mage.

What does a mage get? We get to be the supports, we get to be the heal bots and spam reflect and purify. We do not get to mage bang, we do not do bonus damage to footfighters in Steel+ we do not get to out range archers, we do not get to survive more hits than someone else. You know what you can do to counter a mage? Pump Psy, boom you have mage armor.

Then when you get ontop of a mage, "Just death hand lol" means jack all if I go oom in 4 casts, and die before I get 2-3 off. "Just pull out a shield and block." Not with this change you do not.

So yhea, I'm not in a good mood. I am not happy with the game, it is not that the game stopped being fun, it is just not been fun to be a mage.

800+ hours of gametime I guess I've had my fill of the game, I'm debating quitting, every day I see no reason for sticking around.

I understand that the changes may be good, Starvault may have an actual reason for the change, mages might get good. I may be overreacting. Yet every time I've held onto that copium I am disappointed.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
The most hillarious comment i've heard today after wiping another group was: "that mage was so bad... he was casting spells"
I think it sums up the entire mage gameplay nicely.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Yea I'd go as far as to say, sadlly, if you have 90 str and you don't have MA specced to at least 50 you are derping. That being said, I love doing wild shit, so I can't hate. It's such a waste tho... why run 90 str w/ no wep skill? How can you not afford the pts? Your LARP would be more fun if your char was able to do just about anything, which is what a MAMM is. Just need to plink w/ crepite bow. No real reason to upgrade over that IMO unless you are weak spotting. That's plenty enough to dismount anyone who messes with you.

then you can play mage when you are w/ buddies.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
Being a mage is so bad that if you decide to go as a mounted fat mage, you cant take on 3 bandits at once in a single mana bar. But as a MA or MC I can easily destroy all 3 bandits and not even break a sweat. Hell I can do it in less than 5 minutes as a MA or MC. But a MM takes a good 10minutes or more.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
So from the stream Henrik said only the new shields were going to have the penalty. So there is hope that the old shields will be mage viable.
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