Search And Arrest Warrants


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Currently red guilds can raid towns fairly easily but towns can not raid red guilds for the most part, due to indestructible strongholds and fighting on their home turf.

- You may become a deputy of a certain town with a certain cooldown 24-48
- Password system removed, only guilds and allies can use stronghold
- Guild/Alliance with significant murders reported to the local priest can be issued warrants by town magistrate
- Guild with outstanding warrant has door and all chests unlocked for deputies of the town

Unsolvable Loopholes:
-People living out of individual houses
- Tc banks?

I'm very interested in hearing your lack of ideas as nobody responds to this thread.

Thank you.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Same as before, I feel like you have identified a worthwhile flaw, but I dunno what the actual solution is. The idea is to make it simple. This going to be a pseudo-hijack, but check it out:

(havin' a coffee and waking up haha)

Other dudes who are anti-Red seem to believe that keeping them out of towns and thus away from the 'sheep' is the end game. However, all of the good content is likely in open pvp areas. The open pvp thing was one of the best changes in MO, imo! That and due to the building and how hard it is to siege, the end game is actually that, and thus the rules DO NOT APPLY to those people at end game. A guild is not red or blue, it's just a guild with reds and some blues. People use their town characters to do other things.

I think the idea of being able to raid strongholds is cool, but I don't know how to make it work. You don't even need a warrant, just bring back the battering ram if it isn't in there, and then give out a couple of them that can only be used on a certain guild haha. Then if the guild was respected and seen as generally helpful in the area, people wouldn't do it. But if they were a cancer guild, they would have to get on and deal with the fall out. And if those dudes got in the SH and everyone was logged out, then they should be able to do something.

But, the dynamic of towns person vs TC player is one of the keys to the game. They forgot about that. All of the rules assume that people are townspeople, so they punish townspeople for playing like TC players. It's a ridiculous system.
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