Revert the recent stam changes


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2021
Whatever was changed, intentionally please revert cause stam penalties is an absolute terrible direction to go in. Game is already ridiculously zerg friendly, stam penalties only make the game more zerg friendly.

If this is a bug, I guess it wont be getting fixed anytime soon.

Could it be that something broke feint (skill) so it doesnt work at all? Increased stam drain on blocking? Stam regen penalty (non armor related)? Not sure, maybe its a combination of several.


Active member
Mar 24, 2021
Whatever was changed, intentionally please revert cause stam penalties is an absolute terrible direction to go in. Game is already ridiculously zerg friendly, stam penalties only make the game more zerg friendly.

If this is a bug, I guess it wont be getting fixed anytime soon.

Could it be that something broke feint (skill) so it doesnt work at all? Increased stam drain on blocking? Stam regen penalty (non armor related)? Not sure, maybe its a combination of several.
Since when have you noticed a difference?


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Not true, So what your saying is a guy in heavy armor, fat as fuck, should be able to run as fast as a dex archer? Hell nah dude.
I think it is a fair trade off to be slow but max hp, or fast with no hp.
If you're calling the stat modifiers for weight classes a penalty then I guess that's a decent penalty. I consider it more just a class customization Fat mage, lean veela etc, overweight thur kal.

Otherwise the armor penalty that you pointed out is actually a great example of how penalties ruin things. Once upon a time in MO you saw heavy armor everywhere. Now you see bone tissue and emalj weapons, a very great microcosm on how to ruin content thank you for bringing it up.


Active member
Apr 5, 2021
If you're calling the stat modifiers for weight classes a penalty then I guess that's a decent penalty. I consider it more just a class customization Fat mage, lean veela etc, overweight thur kal.

Otherwise the armor penalty that you pointed out is actually a great example of how penalties ruin things. Once upon a time in MO you saw heavy armor everywhere. Now you see bone tissue and emalj weapons, a very great microcosm on how to ruin content thank you for bringing it up.
Once upon a time there was no penalty for wearing 32weight armor set while riding a mount with 0 in armor training or heavy armor training.

Penalties or rewards, both create diversity in builds and play styles thats a pretty good thing.

For Sure

Active member
Jun 25, 2021
Once upon a time there was no penalty for wearing 32weight armor set while riding a mount with 0 in armor training or heavy armor training.

Penalties or rewards, both create diversity in builds and play styles thats a pretty good thing.
A game in which 30 people played for 14 years


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
If its a bug they wont see this post. We have been making post about the Alvarian archer clades being broken for over 3 patches not I think. On stream Henrik finally was told about it by chat and hes said he would look into it.

@cerqo you need to get on stream to ask him about it I guess. Nothing will come of bug post here. Or you can ping some devs. I think someone already asked seb about it and he said he didnt do it.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Maybe they messed it up when they adjusted the MA stam drain. That could be a thing MAs got a huge stamina penalty to the point we cant kill fat mages on horses before our stam bar depletes. One of the MM counters is no more.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Once upon a time there was no penalty for wearing 32weight armor set while riding a mount with 0 in armor training or heavy armor training.

Penalties or rewards, both create diversity in builds and play styles thats a pretty good thing.
Obviously I’m being a bit hyperbolic. I’m not stating that there are 0 situations where a penalty is useful. Just that generally speaking combat penalties specifically are bad. Funny because you guys are using stat related penalties and trying to compare that to combat and input penalties lmao.


Active member
Apr 5, 2021
Bump, still no word from SV.
I know it's a long shot but are there any videos depicting this change? I don't feel much change but that might be because veelas actually got buffed since I last played.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
They probably hide stamina changes and nerfs now since everyting they do people call them out for it.

Less stam = higher TTK = more zerg friendly.