I think catalysts are not working yet, when they are properly added you will likely have to redo your research.
This is consistent with my current findings. I highlight a catalyst extraction in green if it yields more resources than the same extraction without the catalyst, yellow if it's the same, and red of it's lower. This is for each individual resource under that catalyst extraction.
So far I have an entire sheet of red and yellow with not a spot of green anywhere in my catalyst sections. Like I was expecting I might need to adjust numbers to get optimal output once I find something that works but I have yet to find a catalyst that increases the output for any resource, by any extraction process, by so much as 1.
But my guild leader asked Farmer Joe if catalysts are in and he said yes. So maybe they just entirely changed every catalyst to keep us on our toes. Or maybe it's that my lore wasn't maxed for those resources before I tried. Unsure. For now I've put catalyst testing pretty far down my priorities list because it's yielded no fruit.
I think I'll run another rest or two tonight though just to see what happens.
The only thing that would cause me to have to do any significant portion of my research though is if they tweaked base no-catalyst extraction rates. Or stats of crafted items. As that's where I have compiled the most data so far. Like I'd say I know the exact output you'll get if you feed 1000 of any rock or rock derived resource into the majority of extraction stations. I can tell you the exact numbers of what you'll get back if you throw 1k saburra in a kiln. It's a bit redundant with MO1 data if you're looking for generalities and not exact numbers. But not precisely the same.