Like worn shortsword pet killing in town worked. But you could also do a better job using a cheap animal mat weapon, which was needed if they weren't afk. Me and my friend could kill a horse at the tind bank and then I'd tab into my alt and loot us before anyone else like 75% of the time. I also did a ton of random quests with the worn shortsword. Ghosting to the middle of nowhere and killing mobs with the worn short to get lores for taming. Etc. Having 0 weapon at all and not being able to craft in the wild just adds as many issues as removing's the worn short fixes.
lol in 1 I went afk and dude kept ressing and going in on my horse until he finally got it w/ wss. They def need more crafting stuff. I mean they made those camps, why can't they put little unguarded camps w/ a table or two + storage.