Regional Servers

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Active member
May 29, 2020

Legends say 5G signals travel FASTER than the speed of light. How else would signals propagate 350 miles into space, another 7000 miles circumferencially around the world, then another 350 miles back down to earth and still be faster than a landline connection?

No need for 5g, it has a crazy amount of power and can harm things if miss used. The range for 4g LTE is plenty fast. We wouldn't be fighting everyone's signal to connect where we want to. Going up to space and traveling through it has nearly no interference. In turn folks like Aus connecting to London servers reduces the amount of potential interference. So instead of driving from California to New York, your flying from Cali to New York.

Pure LAN is the fastest by far, but that still depends on your provider and what you have for speeds. They could cap you and the speeds could be nearly the same. I use Mobile Hotspot and get nearly 30mb/s dls with 4g LTE. Everything runs just fine, it's all latency after that. Which I feel it is mostly effected by range and interferences along the way.

Slammington Unchained

Active member
May 28, 2020
No need for 5g, it has a crazy amount of power and can harm things if miss used. The range for 4g LTE is plenty fast. We wouldn't be fighting everyone's signal to connect where we want to. Going up to space and traveling through it has nearly no interference. In turn folks like Aus connecting to London servers reduces the amount of potential interference. So instead of driving from California to New York, your flying from Cali to New York.

Pure LAN is the fastest by far, but that still depends on your provider and what you have for speeds. They could cap you and the speeds could be nearly the same. I use Mobile Hotspot and get nearly 30mb/s dls with 4g LTE. Everything runs just fine, it's all latency after that. Which I feel it is mostly effected by range and interferences along the way.
I hope you know space isn't empty, there's plasma and if there is a solar event, lots of charged particles can be trapped in our ionosphere and introduce more losses. Also wireless transmission is more prone to packet losses, which in MO, can be a very very good thing. Or it can be absolute dogshit. Depends how bad it is and how you use it.

Elon's Starlink constellation uses a lot of buzzwords and looks great on paper to the layman, but if you knew any science you'd understand Elon's pulling a Henrik here.


New member
Nov 30, 2020
really annoying fighting people from other countries. Either, they parry too fast, hit from out of range, or any other number of issues. I'm not the best player, but when I throw a block up, cause I can see the swing coming, only to already be hit... there is an issue.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2020
really annoying fighting people from other countries. Either, they parry too fast, hit from out of range, or any other number of issues. I'm not the best player, but when I throw a block up, cause I can see the swing coming, only to already be hit... there is an issue.
braking the game just to have a better ping no ty. if they slow down the riposte stab from fast weapons you wouldnt have a problem. also the netcode is still not perfect and there is a major bug this patch with desynch.


Jul 13, 2020
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