Need a server wipe. Like so many people were being exploited against for months without SV being able to or just ignoring the exploits. So if SV launches a broken game and leaves it broken for a year with massive exploits that got people keeps.
Then whos fault is it that people leveled the playing field with exploiters? Its good that they finally fixed bags and ect... but you caught a bunch of victims of exploiters that felt like after months of being exploited against with SV not solving the issues that they needed to level the playing field.
SV defiantly overreached in this scorched earth tactics but they at the end of the day hate their players as players over time realize how bad of a game dev company and publisher SV is.
End of the day it was Star Vaults fault that their game did not work properly. Some punishment is warranted but damn its pretty insane that you just shoot your self in the foot this way. If SV did right by the players in the first place then people wouldn't have forced to level the playing field.
You simply have to change your expectations. You can rage and lol and everything when SV blows shit up. In the end tho, this is what we get. That SUCKS in some ways, but I'd rather have good input on CONTENT and play the game. The people who need something are to get their characters back. Exploits will come and go "Welcome to MO." Still a bunch of duped shit isn't gonna scrape your ego off the ground.
Killox got gried out, Aralis got griefed out, RPK 'took breaks from time to time.' Dudes can talk all the shit they wanna but being there, you see what happens. It's not a fair 1:1 combat game. The combat is alilll trash, but it's doable. You can still get it in, and if people come thru with a lot of duped shit and stomp you out, you just say gg lol. Was probably the best part of their day.
That being said, sign me up for server wipe. I can't say it tho cuz you are the guys who put in way more work than me. But my day 1 stance after the server was crashing was plz stop and wipe, as you know. They didn't, they said they won't. It's MO. YEAHH.