Rain - FPS


New member
Jun 8, 2020
Game without rain runs at 144 FPS as seen in video below with 20 people on screen.

Game with rain and nobody on screen - 51 FPS and GPU 15 degrees hotter.



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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
The rain ruins the experience. My frames are already poor and I dont really see any fps decrease with frames during the game but other people in my guild always complain when it rains because the FPS decreases to half of normal.

High and stable FPS is important in this game. Sub 60 really hurts the experience and your in game ability to play your best.

120-144fps makes the game feel immersive and like you are apart of the world. 60 frames is like a slideshow in 2021.

Outside of this rain is extremely annoying volume wise to where you cant hear your other programs on the computer and have to turn down game volume to prevent hearing loss. Also the frequency of all this rain is abnormal as it can rain 3-5 times in one sitting even in desert environments.

Backyard Employee

Active member
Oct 30, 2021
We need a disable shadows option, and this rain (plus the fur) shit needs to be fixed.

This stupid idea that the game needs to look ""good"" in everyones screen shots or videos is dumb. I have to put everything on low for an optimal experience in PvP.
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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
But guys think how much this helps RPers get immersed in the Mortal Online experience and how many cool videos/screenshots we will get.

If you want pvp with high fps go play mordhau!
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Backyard Employee

Active member
Oct 30, 2021
But guys think how much this helps RPers get immersed in the Mortal Online experience and how many cool videos/screenshots we will get.

If you want pvp with high fps go play mordhau!

When they removed .ini editing out of fear of **WARNING** hackers, cheaters, and exploiters**WARNING** even though in MO1 it was people deleting files not editing the .ini, it made the game worse.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
The last thing I feel is immersed by the rain. The poor performance of this game is unimmersing as you see the frames change which is possible even at 60 fps. A lot of things like FoV limitations, high volume of rain both in sound and the amount of times it occurs, along with other annoying things like ghost noises.

So far the only fix is to turn ingame sound down low and then turn your machines volume to max so that way you dont have to shout to talk to other people or hear your music or what ever video you are watching.


Active member
Dec 2, 2020
We should get a better skybox and weather effects before they try to tune rain. This last patch I must say I'm glad it usually doesn't rain, such an FPS hog. I remember in MO1 when I saw a grouping of dark clouds on the horizon slowly rolling in- that shit was immersive. Our moons look good, but otherwise the skybox needs some work. For example, when you turn textures down, the stars/sky looks like absolute turd, even though it isn't a big FPS hog even in high-texture form. It should be a separate slider in options so my sky can look nice.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
When they removed .ini editing out of fear of **WARNING** hackers, cheaters, and exploiters**WARNING** even though in MO1 it was people deleting files not editing the .ini, it made the game worse.
You cant edit .ini files its against the rules!


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
You cant edit .ini files its against the rules!
People wouldn't have to use .ini edits if the devs had proper settings. If I could I would edit the .ini. After editing the .ini I wouldn't be able to go back to vanilla settings, might as well ban me for fixing the game if I got caught somehow.

Weirdest things like no way to increase FoV past 103, Now way to remove or lessen shadows cost even more, Missing sound sliders on manythings like VoIP or rain or ghost world, and foliage being too resource intensive.

A lot of these foliage packs they have in game have very low poly versions that you sometimes see while loading into a game before it replaces them. The game looks so much better and smoother for those few seconds the game is loading in.

They should allow people to edit .inis PS2 dev team loves it when players use the .ini to fix the game like changing crosshair colors, turning off shadows, custom FoVs, and more precise sensitivity changes. It means less work for the dev team when it comes to putting quality of life features in the game.

If they took away .ini they really should at least work on fixing the performance of the game because thats the only reason people mess with .ini


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
I think they should never allow shadows to be completely turned off, but im definitely for a worse looking but much less taxing alternative existing. If you start allowing things to be removed. Like Shadows, rain and grass/vegetation. Then its going to be mandatory for being able to spot people to turn all of these off. It'll basically be like playing ground forces in war thunder, where the people that want to be good play on Ultra low and have most of the vegetation and shadows removed in the process. Same effect in MO2 really, if I try to hide in a dark spot, it should be dark for others, too. Or if im hiding in a bush or trying to use some tall grass to make myself harder to spot, that same patch of grass should not be something you can just turn off with a LOD or quality setting. There should be settings so that you can run these looking worse but still having the same sight blocking that you would expect when running higher settings but at less requirement of your system. But they should NEVER compromise the way war thunder does to a tiny fraction of their playerbase which then just gets exploited by everyone and becomes the norm. What is the point of having a good looking game if everyone is forced to play it at ultra low, shadowless settings without any fluff?

And of course they need to fix the rain draining your fps, there is most likely some sort of render bug in play.
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Guys you know it’s possible to say the rain is causing performance issues without going full rage mode right?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
I think they should never allow shadows to be completely turned off, but im definitely for a worse looking but much less taxing alternative existing. If you start allowing things to be removed. Like Shadows, rain and grass/vegetation. Then its going to be mandatory for being able to spot people to turn all of these off. It'll basically be like playing ground forces in war thunder, where the people that want to be good play on Ultra low and have most of the vegetation and shadows removed in the process. Same effect in MO2 really, if I try to hide in a dark spot, it should be dark for others, too. Or if im hiding in a bush or trying to use some tall grass to make myself harder to spot, that same patch of grass should not be something you can just turn off with a LOD or quality setting. There should be settings so that you can run these looking worse but still having the same sight blocking that you would expect when running higher settings but at less requirement of your system. But they should NEVER compromise the way war thunder does to a tiny fraction of their playerbase which then just gets exploited by everyone and becomes the norm. What is the point of having a good looking game if everyone is forced to play it at ultra low, shadowless settings without any fluff?

And of course they need to fix the rain draining your fps, there is most likely some sort of render bug in play.

If people want to cheat they easily can and will. No point punishing honest players for the 0.1% chance that someone doesn't see you hiding in a shadow. Players already zoom up their gamma and brightness to be able to see in the dark for beginners
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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
If people want to cheat they easily can and will. No point punishing honest players for the 0.1% chance that someone doesn't see you hiding in a shadow. Players already zoom up their gamma and brightness to be able to see in the dark for beginners
Its not cheating if its a dev oversight with a setting that's in the game.


New member
Dec 18, 2021
Its not cheating if its a dev oversight with a setting that's in the game.
I believe this is what we call an exploit? People can get banned for some exploits as well. Ofc I doubt SV will ban people for turning their gamma up 🤣


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
I believe this is what we call an exploit? People can get banned for some exploits as well. Ofc I doubt SV will ban people for turning their gamma up 🤣
If setting the settings lower using the ingame settings given by the developer is an exploit. Then someone is in the wrong field of work.

If they ban someone for literally going into game settings doing something like Graphics preset > LOW
then its about time to close up shop.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
I believe this is what we call an exploit? People can get banned for some exploits as well. Ofc I doubt SV will ban people for turning their gamma up 🤣
Its called fixing a game. You would get almost no advantage outside of better frames from removing shadows or making foliage lower quality. But people get upset that a player is playing on potato graphics to squeeze out frames while they are playing ultra.

The devs should just swallow it and put in settings to increase the performance. Even 5 fps is a huge deal.